Night 1: Decisions

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- Dave Ishida's Perspective -

     "Well, we're still alive." I say. "That's something to be thankful for."

     "Yeah." Alli says softly. "I'm not feeling this north side of the map though."

     "Why?" I ask.

     "The Game makers always make traps throughout the arena." She says. "You know this, right?"

     "Obviously." I say.

     "My mother was a victor in the 38th Games. She met with the game maker, Seneca Crane." She says. "We had dinner together, and he told us some of the most common trap."

     "Ok." I say, leading her on.

     "He said making the water toxic was the most common trap in the games." She says. "Why do you think the sponsors can send water decontamination tablets?"

     "That makes sense." I say. "So we don't go to the north because of the lakes."

     "Yes. My guess is they're radioactive." She says.

     "Ok." I say. "Then where do we go?"

     okcacia and SwordMasterSeanGamin where do you choose to go on the map? East or South? Converse with each-other and make a decision. There's a map attached to this chapter.

- Roxella Archer's Perspective -

"F&ck off, 11." Sidney says. I'm getting out of here with your life or not."

"Then I'll just have to take them." I say.

"Come get it." She says with a smirk.

I then lunge out, diving into the water to dodge a swipe and then launching out. I take a swing and knock her off balance in the water. I then go in for a hard shot, and cut her side. Her shirt starts to stain with blood.

She then swings long while holding her side with her other hand. I easily dodge it, and swing high. It connects with her neck, and blood starts dripping down into the river. Her eyes are wide open in horror as she falls backwards into the water.

Holy sh!t.

I grab her bag, and head out of the river.

     I just killed someone.

- Ella Whitney's Perspective -

     "So then, you've been working with swords for a long time now?" I ask.

     "Yeah, a really long time." He says. "I star-"

     Then he gets tackled from the side. It's Travis, the District 3 Male. His sword is knocked out of his grasp, and he falls to the ground completely surprised.

I'm about to help, but then a crossbow whizzes through the air into Travis' leg. He drops his knife and falls off of Luke. Then I see who shot it.

The Careers. Liliac is reloading her crossbow, Bane and Vance walk to the front, and Aiden stands at the side.

They haven't seen me. Somehow the cover of dark is hiding my presence.

"Well, Well Well. If it isn't the fastest guy and the knight." Bane says. "Sucks to be you!"

     Kute_Kittenwrites DO YOU CHOOSE TO HELP FIGHT OR RUN?

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