Training Week, Part 2

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- Liliac Ridear's Perspective -

     "Sure." Vance says. Good. We have another ally that will be useful.

     "Good." Bane says. "Come with us. We'll see how useful you'll be to the squad."

     "Ok." He replies. And with that, we leave for the other side of the room.

- Dave Ishida's Perspective -

     I'm doing a test on the virtual screens over health when I sense someone walking up behind me. I slowly turn around, but it's not who I expected.

     "Alli?" I ask in disbelief. I remember her from a long time ago; a victory tour. I can't believe we're in the same games.

     What are the odds?

     "Hey, Dave." Alli says quietly. Her voice is really raspy. It wasn't like that when I saw her last about 9 years ago.

     "How the hell are we in the same Hunger Games?" I ask in disbelief.

     "Sh!t chance." She says. "That ain't gonna be the only amount of it either. These whole games are sh!t chance."

     "I cannot argue that." I say. "Why are you not with the other Careers?"

     "I don't want to be with them." She says. "I don't see the point in training your whole life for a better, yet still horrible chance."

     "I agree." I say. "I never saw it either."


"Wanna ally?" She asks.

"Sure." I say.

- Ella Whitney's Perspective -

     I'm laying in bed in my bedroom. Probably the last time I'll see a bed. I can tell I'm crying.

How will I survive this?

     As if I'm que, I hear a knock at my door. It's Luke.

     "Come in." I say, sniffling afterwards.

     The door slowly cracks open, and Luke's head peers through the door. He then walks in and sit in a chair to my left.

     "I got a question for you." He says.

     "Alright." I say quietly. "What is it?"

     "You wanna ally?" He asks.
     "Why?" I ask.

     "We can help each other, especially against that super strong Career team." He says.

     If I say yes, I'll have a partner but I'll risk being betrayed. It'll most likely go the other way, but still. If I don't, I'm less protected but more mobile.

Kute_Kittenwrites Do you choose to ally with Luke Muelles? (Designed by JAloldevilcupcake )

- Seraphina's Perspective -

     "Rieka, this is where I need you." I say. I'm sitting on my bed kneeling while praying to Rieka. She will be there for me, I know she will help me through this.

     "Sera, I'll be there for you. This is your time."

     "Bless me with your power. I'll do anything." I whisper.

     "I will. You know how to harness it. You know the thoughts of the prime worshipper."

     "Yes, my goddess." I whisper.

- Ophelia Moon's Perspective -

     I can't fall asleep. How do they expect you to on your last day before you're thrown into a death pit? It's insane. All of this is insane.

     D&mnit, Vance got with the careers but I'm solo. What chance do I have? I'm crying, aren't I? Yes, I am crying.

Aurora must know I'm here. I hope she doesn't see me kill. And Bryce, my boyfriend... he died by the capitol and I can't let them kill me too.

No, I'm going to survive this sh!t. Tomorrow I'll show them. I'll kill so Aurora doesn't see me die. I can't let that happen.

- Elá's Perspective -

I wake up and it looks like morning outside. Then I hear a knock at the door. A capitol officer walks in and puts an outfit on my dresser.

"This is your uniform for the Games. Put it on." He says

F$ck. It's the day. He leaves the room and I get up, knowing they'll dress me if I don't do it myself.

The top is pretty light and comfortable, but the bottom is very tight. I never understood why the uniforms were like this. After a minute or two, it's on.

I walk out and Atlas and I walk to an elevator escorted by officers. We go down in an awkward stare with the District 3s.

After some walking they insert the trackers into our arms. That hurts a LOT. But after a while the plane launches. It land shortly after and we enter a tunnel system. I end up in a small room with a chamber on the other side.

"Go in." The officer says.

I do as instructed and the door closes behind me. It begins rising and I see the man leaving. Sunlight floods my view as the chamber rises to the arena.

"Welcome to the Hunger Games!" An announcer says. "Don't jump off those podiums yet, or you'll be blown up."

I check my surroundings. It's a large plain but about 500 feet away is a forest. I can see mountains one direction, and a tall building to its left.


Oh sh!t.


I see Albert and Atlas on their podiums. We all exchange a nod.



It's time.


To win.


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