Night 4: Eruption

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- Kesuke Miyagi's Perspective -

     I see the night time death list in the sky. It happens every night, and it's fed by the stupid ones who get funneled straight to the city. Dumb&sses. I ran to the mountains, and have been surviving off of game ever since.

     I saw Orealis on the list last night. Why? Why did she have to be funneled and die? I thought she would be the one to get out of this alive.

     The ground begins to shake from under my feet. Sh!t, it's gotta be an earthquake. But it's stronger than an earthquake, and it gets worse by the second. This can't be an earthquake. This is work of the game makers.

     I get to my feet and start descending the mountain. The rumbling is incredibly intense, almost knocking me off of my feet. Maybe they're trying to trigger a landslide?

     Then I hear an incredibly loud sound- so loud it makes my ears ring. I can't even hear myself breathing or the rocks under my feet. The ringing is gone, but I still can't hear anything. No. No, no...

     Am I deaf?

     I scream, I know I did, but I hear nothing. Everything is completely silent. F&ck.

     I feel a huge vibration under my feet. I look back and up, and I see the mountain peak. Or should I say volcano. Lava is spewing out of the cone and black material is rising in the air. It's definitely a volcano.

     I then see a landslide coming right for me. I look back, but I'm on a cliff. I can't jump it. I'll die. But running won't get me there fast enough.

     Will it?

     I run to the left and it's not long before I feel an intense heat on my shoulder. It's a piece of charcoal, and it burned my skin. Then I see the rocks to the left, and I'm crushed by them.

- Vance Matson's Perspective -

     Screw it. I'm bound to find a pharmacy, right? There has to be one in this city. Somewhere. I'll find it.

     I grab my shield and strap it to my back. I carry my weapon in one hand, and my wound in the other. I leave the building, and I start to walk down the road. It's mostly empty, except for a few old, rusted cars on the sides. I can see an old speed limit sign; it says 50. That's one fast city.

      It's gotta be in Kilometers. No doubt.

     I then see an old CVS logo out of the corner of my eye on a white background. I found something. Thank god. I break into a run for it.

     The door swings open with ease, and I'm greeted with a cold, dark room. Eventually, I navigate my way to the back of the building, and hop the counter to the meds.

     I spot a first aid kit. Jackpot. I open it up, and fi-


     Sh!t. That's the doorbell. Someone else is here. I grab the kit and push open a back door, running past a drive Thru and into a house behind it. After about 4 minutes or so I see the people walk out of that door.

     It's a boy and a girl. Dave Ishida, and Allison Ams. Dave has a fabric wrapped around his leg, and it's stained red. Looks like someone got cut.

     Then there's an incredibly loud sound. It's like a gunshot going off 15 feet away from your face. But it's not a gun. In the distance, a mountain is erupting.

     A volcano.

     As if this wasn't bad enough already.

     Ash spews into the air, and both lava and rocks pour down what little of the mountain I can see. The ash is rising still. This is worrying. Hopefully the city isn't covered. Then I see it stop, and a blue field lights up. It's the arena force field- it's keeping this inside.

- Ella Whitney's Perspective -

     Holy Sh!t.

     A volcano? Are you kidding me? Was the flooding rains not enough or something?


     I'm safe in the tower, though. Right? Probably not. I remember that battle. The huge one between the Careers and 4 & 5. That was crazy. But this is even crazier.


     Kesuke Miyagi (sizzlin')

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