Day 5: Choice

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- Albert Arlington's Perspective-

I wake up, but I'm still tired. I'm in a small room. Yes, an apartment. Somewhere safe. I get up and I search all of the cabinets.

I find some old clothing, and some water. I look at myself in a mirror. I'm beaten up. I've got numerous cuts on my body, and I'm caked with dirt and blood. I don't even know if it's mine or not.

I look outside, and I'm shocked. A great black mass is being shielded by the arena force field to the north. It looks like ash. Maybe it was a game maker trap. Whatever. I grab one of the old shirts and wrap it around my calf, where I've been cut pretty bad.

Me and Vance fought for a while, and we left when we were both too hurt to fight any longer. Nicholas was on Elá, but I don't know if she is dead or not. I missed last night's death list.

     There are so little people left, though. If I do find Elá... how can we still team up? We'll have to turn on each other anyway. Maybe it's best we don't find each other.

     I clean some of the wounds with water and tie bits of fabric around the ones on my arms and legs. It's not perfect, but it'll do. It's not like I have good access to meds, or anything to get sponsored with.

- Nicholas Bane's Perspective -

I'd been running for a long time before 4 finally lost me. I just couldn't keep up. I'm slow, and being wounded this bad doesn't help.

My hand is the worst; what's left of it. That arrow slid by bone and it's lost me so much blood. It's clotted now, although very messily. I found an old shop during the night, and it had a pair of leather gloves. I put them on to contain the wound.

     I never was able to find Vance. He ran in the opposite direction of Albert, and I just ran after Elá. I will kill that Weasel. He killed Aiden; my best friend. F&cker's gonna pay.

     Vance will need to die if I'm going to get out of this. He's crafty though, so it won't be easy at all. There is, after all, only one winner.

- Elána Tremas' Perspective-

     I hate this f&cking place.

     First the toxic water we can't get fish out of. Then the torrential rain and flooding. Now, a god&mn volcano. How the hell do they even engineer a volcano to explode? If the Capitol put as much knowledge and effort into helping there citizens as they did making arenas, then Panem would be a lovely place.

     "Mald!tos fabricantes de juegos." I mutter under my breath. "¡A la mierda!"

     It took a surprising amount of time to get away from Bane. He chased me for a good half mile, but I eventually lost him. Considering how wounded he is, that's impressive. Impressive enough that he needs to die. If he makes to the end and he's patched up, he will probably win.

     I can't let that happen.

- Vance Matson's Perspective-

     I can't let Bane win.

     I only joined those f&cking Careers for the protection. I got a good score and did enough trapping for food that they considered me useful. I tried to take every chance I could get to brake off. This was the best chance I could have gotten.

But I made a choice. I just didn't want to be hunted by them and targeted the whole game.

Bane has to die. All of them have to die.

I need to get out.

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