Day 1: Funneled

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- Elá's Perspective -

     "Let's check the bags." Albert says. "We're far enough now"

     "Ok." I say. I pull the bag off of my shoulders and unzip it, and the two boys open the second one.

     Inside each of our bags is a Knife, some food, and a canteen of water. Not too shabby. So now we've got a Machete, Throwing knives, and two supply bags. That's what we have to work with.

     "Let's keep moving." Atlas says. "Maybe we'll find a place for shelter."

     "I like it." Albert says.

     "Fine with me." I say, and we continue to head in the direction we came. I try to make small talk for the walk. "Did you guys see who got killed in the bloodbath?"

     "Girl from 12 and my counterpart are dead." Albert said. "12 killed her and then I killed 12."

     "Did you know her much?" Atlas asks.

     "No." Albert responds. "Not at all, really. Just another person in the games for me."

     "Reasonable." I say. "I never really got to know you, Weasel. What did you do before all of this?"

"Well, my family and I were in the wild lands of my District. We were hiding from YOU F&CKS!" He says, flipping a bird to the sky. "Anyway, we got found and my name was called. They definitely rigged it against me."

"Maldición, eso apesta." I say. "What about you Atlas?"

"Well, my parents died a long time ago." He said. Nice start. "I lived with my grandpa and my older brother. He was going to marry this one girl, the love of his life the day after the Reaping, But his name was called. I.. I volunteered for him."

"That's some heavy sh!t." Albert says. "Noble too."

"Thanks. Still su-" Atlas begins, but I cut him off.

"Check this out, boys." I say. In front of us there is a city. A big one, by the looks of it. It stretches for probably a mile each way, and the towers stand tall above the rest of the arena.

"This is the city they hinted at." Albert says. "I knew they were tying to hint something with those commercials."

"Let's move in." I say. "Atlas, we've found the shelter you were looking for."

- Sidney White's Perspective -

     A city. Of course, why not have a huge funnel that everyone goes to? This place is going to be full of traps. But there is a river on the other side of it. I actually found a map in a shack just south of the cornucopia.

     Running around the city to the river would be at least a mile and a half either way. Running through would only be one, and I could find more supplies for health or building.

     F&ck it. Let's go straight through.

     I enter onto a large street, darting between buildings. I end up finding a can of peaches in one of the buildings. Not my favorite, but any food is good. Eventually I can see the river over the broken down buildings.

     I rush to the waterfront, where I fill up my canteen in my supply bag. Then I hear someone's voice.

     "Careful. Water's toxic."

I whip around, knife at the ready. It's the girl from 11- Roxella. She's toying with a knife. At this point I'm backed up into the water.

"Two options, 3." She says. "Option 1 is you give me all of your stuff and you survive. Option 2 is you refuse and I kill you, taking your stuff anyways. Your choice."

Well, sh!t. If I do option 1, I lose all of my stuff. If I do option 2, I risk being killed in water combat, which is her main skill. RohanObelnickl Do you choose 1 or 2?

- Ella Whitney's Perspective -

"Luke, look." I say.

In front of us are a couple of warehouses. They look pretty decrepit, but that's not what I care about right now. I care about shelter.

"That's helpful." He says. "We're probably the first ones here."

We continue to walk up to the warehouses, watching where we step each time. The concrete is heavily cracked and overgrown. This place is at least 30 years old.

"Oh my god!" Luke says from inside the building.

"What is it?" I ask.

Then he walks out with a sword. I remember what his skill was: sword fighting. He's hit jackpot.

I walk into the building and find this warehouse was some sort of factory.

"This is great." I say in glee.

"Let's settle down. He says.

"Ok. We need to find water soon." I reply.

- Aiden Jackson's Perspective -

"Yo, check this out!" I shout to the rest of my group. I had found one of the weird weapons they had in this game.

"It's one of those convertible scythes."

     We had found a couple swords, some daggers, a crossbow, a shield, a battle axe, and then a bunch of the weaker weapons.

     "I'll use the crossbow." Liliac says, and Vance tosses it to her. Vance had gotten crafty again. He had taken a pipe at the arena and affixed it to two machetes. It made a shape like this:
\   Top Blade
[   Handle
/   Bottom Blade

     "Nice weapon." I say.

     "Thanks." He replies, a little too flustered.

     xxXR3DBOSSXxx Does Nicholas Bane wield a Sword or a Battle-ax?

     "Let's find some people." Nicholas says, holding up a map. "There's a city to the south. I saw a lot of people head there. That's where we should go."

"Then let's do it." Vance says.

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