Training Week, Part 1

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As you will notice, there are a couple questions specifically tailored to a certain user on what their tribute should do. Expect these frequently - this is Interactive, after all.

- Aiden Jackson's Perspective -

"This will be your week for training." The instructor says. "Don't goof off this week; this is the most important part of your prep."

I look around the crowd of tributes for a second. It's very diverse; the only thing I see is the District 6 guy, I think his name is Vance, shooting a glance at me as if he's checking me out. It weirds me out a bit, honestly, considering he kissed a dude when he was reaped.

I catch a glance at Nicholas Bane. I've known him for a long time now, and it's crazy we're in the same games together. We trained for a while now, all together.

     "Yo, Aiden." He says.

     "What up, Nick?" I reply.

     "You hear 'bout Alli?" He asks.

     "Nah, haven't heard a thing." I say. "What is it?"

"Apparently she's a drunk. She also may not be allying with us." He says.

"So what, we get another one to ally with us?" I reply.

"Yeah." He says. "I don't know who yet, though. Keep your eye out. Sharp, aight?"

"Yeah, I got you." I respond.

- Elá's Perspective -

     I'm practicing on my knife combat until I hear Atlas walk up behind me.

     "Yo, Elá" He says.

     "What up, Atlas?" I ask.

     "I wanted to ask you about something in the games."

     "I'm a tribute as well, I know as much as you do." I respond.

     "No, no." He stutters. "I mean like, an alliance."

     I slowly turn around. "I thought you were looking for someone in the lower districts." I say.

     "They don't like me as much as I thought." He says. "Way I see it, if you aren't going to be part of a large group, then maybe we could ally."

     "I was gonna ask the guy from 5." I say. "If you're fine with him and he's fine with you, then sure."

     "That's fine. No more, though." He says. My arm is screaming; 5 minutes of combat practice and my arm is already tired. Atlas will help with that, and Albert could help if any of us were hurt. I begin to walk over to Albert, who's practicing fire starting.

     "Albert." I say. This catches his attention, as he turns his head.

     "What is it, Elána?" He asks.

"You wanna ally with me and Atlas?" I ask.

"Why should I?" He asks. I knew he would.

"Think about it, we're the perfect combo. Atlas hunts for food, I plan the attacks, you help if we're hurt, and you two fight." I say.

"I'll think about it." He says.

"Do it quickly." I say, annoyed. "juntos somos fuertes."

"Ich habs." He says. "I can play this language game too, you know."

I smile as I walk away to grab my knife while my long, black hair falls over my head as I yank it out of the target.

- The Next Day, Training Scores.
- Nicholas Bane's Perspective -

     "Yo how did the bi dude from 6 get an 11 score?" I say in disbelief.

"Bane, if a dude makes a bear trap in front of the game makers he's gonna get a good score." Liliac says.

"That dude was checking me out yesterday." Aiden says.

"That guy is our priority." I say. "He needs to be taken out first."

"Hold on, Bane." Liliac says. "What if we get him on our team? We need an extra anyway."

"No way. Absolutely no way." Aiden says.

Meanwhile I'm deep in thought. If we eliminate him, a dangerous tribute is out of the game. But if we ask him, and he says yes, then we have a powerful ally.

"Consider this a vote and I'm the tiebreaker." I say. "We ask him tomorrow. If he says yes, we see how he'll do with us. If he says no, he's our prime target. Any objections?"

The District 1's say nothing.

"Then game plan." I say.

- Training Dome

     - Vince Matson's Perspective -

     "How do people start these d@mned fires?" I mutter to myself as I push the rod back and forth. Some people have mastered it, but I still have no clue. I then notice the Careers walking up to me in my peripheral. I catch a glance at Aiden. Hottie.

"Yo, 6." The Career from 2 says.

"What is it?" I respond.

"Noticed your score of 11 on the showcase. Built a bear trap, did you?" He says.

"Yeah." I say.

"Well, we want another person for our alliance. You're our first choice. You in?" He says.

lonelypavements Do you choose to accept or decline the career's invitation?

-Tribute Center
- Albert Arlington's Perspective -

I never really thought about it until now, but the Capitol is absolutely insane. The high rises, architecture, apparel, everything. It's kind of cool because I'm here, but at the same time this is a whole new level of life quality than my District. The more I think about, the more I'm pissed off.

How do the lower Districts even survive?

I take my mind off of it, knowing I'll just get angrier. Then another thought comes crashing in: Elá's invite. If I accept, I've got strategy and easy food gathering. If not, I'll have better stealth and more mobility. Plus I won't have to worry about betrayal.

VudaRevun Do you accept or decline Elá's alliance invitation with Atlas?

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