Day 3: Flood

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- Ella Whitney's Perspective -

     I wake up in the morning to the sound of rain. Hard rain. I get out of the old bed in the tower I raided, and walk to the windows.

     The sun isn't visible, and rain is pouring everywhere. It's so hard that I can't see more than 1000 feet from my window. The streets below are dark, wet, and slippery.

     I can also see the southern side of the city, but barely. It looks like it's flooding. Water is standing at 3 feet next to a house by the river.

Then I get an idea. Why not collect the rainwater?

I look in the kitchen one floor below. I open up all the cabinets and find a bunch of pots. Most of them are metal. Then I hurry up the stairs before placing them on a balcony.

- Dave Ishida's Perspective -

I can't see anything but darkness. The basement doesn't have any lights in it, or any windows. I then hear rainfall. Heavy rainfall.

I try to get up, but my leg aches with pain. I look down to see why, and notice that a piece of floor is turned up and stuck in my calf about 3 inches deep.

I try to pull off, and it f$cking hurts. I can feel the wood peeling the wrong way and hooking into my muscle as I try to pull off.

And I thought splinters were bad...

I hear a door creak open and slam shut at the top of the stairs. I hear footsteps, but I can't see much at all.

"Alli?" I shout.

"I'm coming!" I hear her from above. Then a door upstairs opens. If she's up there, then...

Who closed the door down here?

Then a candle lights up, and I see a pale face. It's a girl, the one from 10. The religious nut. F&ck.

"Rieka will appreciate your sacrifice." She says croakily. And the girl's one, too."

"F&ck you and your god." I say, trying to pull off of the wood.

Her eyes open wider, and the candle goes out. I see.. reflections coming off of something metal. A barbed whip.

The the door opens, and light pours into the room. Seraphina turns to look at the door, but an arrow nails her in the throat. Not bad aim, Alli.

     "Alli?" I shout.

     "Yeah?" She asks.

     "Help me off of th- this." I say. She walks over, and starts taking pieces of the wood and moving them out of the way. I screamed a couple times, but eventually I'm off of it. The cut was sizable, so I take my jacket and wrap it around the wound. I need medical supplies soon.

- Albert Arlington's Perspective -

     "We need to move. North." Atlas says.

     "Why?" Elá asks.

     "That rain is going to submerge our place if it keeps up like this." He says.

     "Then let's go." I say. "Shouldn't be hard to find a new place."

     "A tower maybe?" Elá asks. "High ground, some good vantage points.."

     "Alright." Atlas says.

     We begin to pack up our things and head out. The rain was hard, harder than anything I've ever seen. It's been augmented by the game makers, surely. After half an hour of going in and out of rain we enter a mid sized tower. It looks to be a hotel building.

     "Let's stay first level for now." I say. "There's too much here to search right now."

     "Good point." Elá says.

     In the distance, I swear I could hear a sponsor signal above the torrential rains.

     "You guys hear that?" Atlas says.

     "So I'm not crazy then." I say relieved.

     "Yes, it's a sponsor signal." Elá says slowly. "It's off to the west. We Couldn't intercept it in time. "

     "I say we take this time to search the building." Atlas says. "May find something useful."

     "Ughhhh" Elá moans. "Fine."

     I haul myself to my drenched feet and we hit the stairs.

- Vance Matson's Perspective -

     "Yo, is that a shield?" I hear Aiden ask in awe. I get up, and see a parachute blowing in the sky. It drops down, having obviously taken a beating from the ridiculous rain.

     On the parachute is a shield with a badge labeled "6". Then it hits me: This is a sponsor.

     "Sh!t. Thanks sponsor!" I say, separating it from the drop.

     "That's a nice shield." Bane says.

     "Thanks." I say. "This'll come in handy."

- Roxella Archer's Perspective -

I wake up to dripping water and rocking movement. My room is dark, and things are floating around. I had journeyed to the south side of the city.

It occurs to me that I'm now underwater. My entire room is flooded, so I swim to the door. I keep pulling at it, but it stays shut. Then I remember it's locked. I slide the knob and the door opens up.

The lobby of the building is flooded too, and my lungs are running dry. The entrance I got in from- oh sh!t. Debris had crashed down on it, and I don't know of any other way out. I start desperately pounding on the windows, hoping they'll break. But they never do, and my lungs are on fire. I eventually let myself pass out, and then there's nothing more.

Seraphina (Bow & Arrow by Allison Ams)
Roxella Archer (WAY too refreshing)

You can always suggest what your tribute does next chapter in the comments or PMs.


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