Tribute Awards

93 10 4

Most Active Readers: (4)

Most Kills (Tie at 4 kills)
-Nicholas Bane
-Vance Matson

Most Descriptive Bio Submission
-Atlas Superstes

Funniest Death
-Moose Finbar (Didn't stick the landing)

Most Horrifying Death
-Ophelia Moon (Fingers sliced off and throat slashed)

Highest Value Sponsor Purchase
-Dual Edged Sword by Nicholas Bane

Longest Lasting Alliance
-Between Alli and Dave Ishida

First Dead
-District 10 Male

Deaths By Day:
(Look at picture above)

Weapon Kills:
-Knife, Dagger, Machete: 41.7% (10)
-Sword: 25% (6)
-Arena: 12.5% (3)
-Battle Axe: 8.3% (2)
-Bow: 4.2% (1)
-Strangulation: 4.2% (1)
-Sais: 4.2% (1)

Thanks so much to everyone who either participated or is reading this as a stand-alone book.

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