Wait out the days

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I sat silently in the car we arrived at the bar. I could see Gerard, crystal and the band standing near the entrance, although CC and Anna weren't there. Thank god.

I got our of the car, but before I could make a move, ash grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked at him and smiled. We walked up to the band, being welcomed with large smiles. I realised Jake was talking to a girl with blonde hair.

He turned to face us.
"Hey snow! This is my girlfriend Inna" he smiled. I waved, she pulled me in for a hug. We waited five minutes, still no CC. Andy decided we'd going inside.

We were led to a secluded booth on the quieter side of the bar. I sat next to ash. After about twenty minutes of small talk CC and Anna turned up.
"Look what the cat dragged in" I heard ash mutter.
"Ash" Andy growled "You finally decided to turn up!" He said a tint of anger in his voice.

"Sorry, uhh we got a 'little' carried away" he smirked. Anna giggled. I looked at her. She was pretty,skinny, had pure skin. Everything I wasn't. No wonder CC wouldn't like me.

"Stop comparing yourself!" Ashley whispered into my ear, wrapping a arm around my waist. I nodded, resting my head on his shoulder. I sat there for a while. The band were taking shots and downing pints of beer like nothing and pretty soon they were long gone. Even Gerard and crystal were pretty pissed.

"Snow, can I buy you a drink of coke, your not going to drink alcohol so have a coke instead" he said. I groaned giving in, nodding for him to go and get me one. He smiled, knowing he got his own way, kissing me on the cheek and walking away.

The band were taking more shots, I didn't like to be around drunk people too much. My eyes wondered over to CC and Anna. They were making out with each other. Tears sprung to my eyes once again.

Everyone was having their own conversations which I wasn't included in, so I sat there awkwardly waiting for my ashes to arrive.

Finally he came, putting down my coke on the table. He got one for himself too. I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. I let my mind wonder. Is Ashley dating someone? I pulled my self back to reality. There's no way i could date ash. He's out of my league.

I necked down my coke, wishing it was alcohol to take away the pain of heartbreak, anxiety and loneliness all in one. My eyes wondered back over to CC. He was wearing a tight long sleeve tshirt, which Anna was touching up his chest.

Her eyes flickered over to my direction, hate filled in them.
"Stop looking at My man" she hissed. I frowned.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't" I retorted. She rolled her eyes.

"Bullshit" she spat. Ash tightened his grip around my waist.
"That's enough now" he said.
"But that perv has been staring up my man all night" she slurred. We had caught the attention of the band now.

CC looked like he couldn't care less, and that he was going to clearly take Anna's side. Gerard and crystal suddenly turned sober, concern in their eyes as they looked over at me.

"Anna leave her alone" ash growled.
"Why should I! She's just an attention seeking slut who thinks she can come along and try to take CC off me!" She yelled. I picked up Andys beer, throwing it all over her top.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Is all I heard her scream as I dashed out of the bar. I heard Ashley call my name, but I didn't care. I walked into a empty alleyway, collapsing against the wall as i started to sob. I thought a new job would help everything, but it didn't.

Here I am now. Heartbroken again. I heard footsteps walking up the alleyway. I hid behind a box, hoping I wasn't visible.
"Snow?" I heard someone shout, it sounded like Ashley "snow? Please don't listen to her. Your not a slut" he walked closer up to me, his feet just by the box.

I tried not to cry, but my sobs were loud and he crouched down pulling me into his arms. I cried into his chest.
"Shhh snow, your none of those things she called you and your certainly not a slut. You are the most beautiful person on this world. Don't take any of their shit cause you are better than them" he said. I nodded, my eyes growing heavy.

I woke up on a couch. I looked around the room, realising it was my couch. Mittens was curled up on my lap. Ashley stood up, smiling at me. I smiled back.

"You stayed"
He nodded.
"I couldn't leave you not like that" I sat up so he could sit next to me. He took my hand.

I looked into his eyes. So beautiful and trusting. My heart was racing. Maybe i could get over my crush for CC.

I hadn't realised he was leaning forward, until he caught me off guard our lips connecting. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck, as he gripped my hips.

After a few minutes of making out he pulled away, smiling like a goof ball. I giggled, hiding my blush in his chest.
"I'm gonna run you up to bed" he said gently picking me up. Soon I was placed on the bed, releasing my arms from around his neck.

He smiled at me before going to leave. 
"Ashley stay..." I blushed. He smirked, Lying next to me as I laid my head on his chest. I was falling for this man.

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