Born free

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Me, Jinxx and CC were sitting around a table, each one of us had a ice cream sundae in front of us and Sasha and Callie were lying on the floor lapping up the water the waiter had kindly gave us.

"Why don't we call Jake here?" I said to C. He shrugged.
"What you wanna do Jinxx?" He asked.
"I don't think I'm ready to speak to any one else, you guys caught me off guard" he sighed. I nodded.

"I respect your decision and I understand it's hard" I smiled supportingly.
"Yeah. Me and snow will be with you all the way" CC smiled, resting his hand on  his shoulder.

"Well. I best get going. I need to check on wedgie and feed him" Jinxx said finishing up his ice cream, picking up his violin case standing up.
"Wedgie?" C said sounding more confused then I was.

"Yeah, wedgie he's my little hedgehog" Jinxx chuckled. Me and CC both awed in unison. I blushed looking over at him. He was so fragile.

"See you around" C smiled pulling me up as he stood up, wrapping his arms around Jinxx in a warm hug "if you need us you know where we are" he smiled waving Jinxx away.

I rest my head on his shoulder. He smiled contently, kissing my head.
"I'm so happy all of you guys are talking, maybe it will encourage you to get back together, or at least communicate with each other" I smiled.

"I don't think even a new bassist could
Fill in, but I'm happy too. Do you want to go for a walk down the beach?" He asked. I nodded, picking up Sashas lead, leaving the money and a small tip on the table.

We both walked out in silence onto the sea front. I could hear the waves gently lapping against the sand, and dolphins were swimming in the distance. I smiled, watching the sun set. We got onto the beach, letting Callie and Sasha off their leashes. They ran around, jumping around in the water.

CC took my hand. I blushed.
"I've missed this" he sighed, as he walked next to me.
"Me too" I rest my head on his shoulder "don't you just love the sea?" I asked. He chuckled slightly.

"It's very relaxing. As a kid I always used to play the sound of the ocean on my phone to help if I couldn't sleep" he explained.
"CC I was your childhood friend, I know you like the sound of the sea" I giggled.

"I forgot for a moment" he blushed "um snow? Can I cook you dinner tonight?" He asked. I laughed.
"Christian coma? Wanting to make food? C I remember you were always baking and cooking, at the expensive of a burnt down house. Your mom wasn't happy"

He rolled his eyes.
"Pleeeeaseee!" He pleaded. I giggled.
"Fine, but just please don't burn down my apartment I love my little place of comfort" I laughed.

"Shall I call Sasha and Callie?" He asked. I nodded.
"SASHA. CALLIE!" He shouted. Callie came running up to us, but she kept running back and forth between the see. I frowned.

"Where's sash?" I hesitated "SASHA!" I yelled. Callie whined, tugging at my jeans trying to pull me. I didn't budge, but she ran towards the sea again.

"I think Sashas in the water!" I screamed, running away from CC to the sea where Sasha was battling against the waves, trying to keep her head above the water. Callie tried to swim into the water to save her, but I grabbed her away.

"STAY CALLIE!" I yelled, running into the water swimming towards Sasha.
"SNOW BE CAREFUL!" CC screamed. I ignored him, all of my focus was on saving Sasha. I swam closer to her, reaching forwards and grabbing her into my chest.

"Come on sash" I said, swimming through the waves until I got to the shore. CC welcomed me in a warm hug while I was shivering.
"Thankyou snow so much" he whispered kissing my head.
"No problems" I shivered.

"Here" C said, pulling off his tshirt giving me a view of his chest, he was breathtaking. He slipped it on over my head, wrapping his arms around my waist in the process. I looked up at him, his face full of concern.

"Snow you worried me!" He gasped. I rest my head on his chest "don't scare me like that again"

"Sasha was drowning" I pointed it out. He sighed in relief.
"Thanks for saving her, but I wouldn't want you putting your life at risk" I was shivering, my hair dripping.

"I'm cold" I shivered.
"Let's get you home, I'll cook dinner while you shower" he smiled picking me up bridal style.
"You don't seem too bothered about Sasha" I joked. He chuckled under his breath.
"I knew shed bed okay" he smiled.

I god my face in his chest, trying to warm myself up. I felt myself slowly drifting into sleep in his strong arms.

I woke up to a door opening and warm heat immediately hitting me causing me to shiver.

"Snow come on. You need to shower" he said gently. I shook my head, but he disobeyed my order walking me upstairs and placing me on the edge of the bath. He reached over me putting the plug into the bath and turning on the water.

He then turned to look at me a goofy grin spreading over his face, turning into a blush.
"Your going to relax while I make dinner snow. Your freezing nothing like a good bath will do" he explained. I nodded.

He meant forwards kissing my forehead "Thankyou snow" he whispered before leaving closing the door quietly. I took off my clothes, climbing into the bath, my skin burning as the relief of warmth welcomed me in a embracing hug. I didn't think it was possible, but I think I'm falling in love with CC all over again.

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