Rebel love song

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We were half way through eating our pancakes when CC interrupted the silence.
"So who's this Andy black?" He asked. Gerard looked at him.
"You don't know who Andy black is?" He asked. CC shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess you guys really did shut each other out" he shook his head. CC frowned.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"You know someone called Andy biersack? Andy six?" Gerard retorted. He nodded, still frowning.

"Andy Biersack is now Andy black?" C asked in confusion.
"Well yeah basically!" Gerard slammed his hands down on the table.
"Andy!!" I cheered "is he still with Juliet"

"I don't know his private life!" Gerard replied.
"Can I come to the shoot?" CC asked.
"As long as you keep your personal life outside of the company. You know what happened last time" Gerard's eyes darted over to me causing me to blush.

I stood up, picking up the plates dropping them into the sink.
"Have you got anything planed today gee?" I asked. He shook his head.
"I've got a few comic sketches but other than that I'm free. Me and Lyn-z were planning on taking bandit out to the park a little later on. Your both more than welcome to join us" he smiled.

"I might take that offer. Get the dogs out for a walk if that's okay C" I said to him. He nodded.
"Well need to be careful with Buddha though don't forget he's old" CC replied.

I rolled my eyes "sure"
After cleaning all the plates, we put the dogs on the leashes. I quickly fed tiger and then left with the guys.
"How's mikey?" I asked gee. He frowned looking over at me.

"He's coping okay, though he's bringing back sluts all the time. He was like that before he was even with you" he said. I nodded.
"I wish him the best" I sighed "I'm sorry things had to end that way. I felt handcuffed to him"

"Snow don't blame yourself it's not your fault if you feel that way" Gerard put a hand on my shoulder "it can't be helped I don't blame you at all. I know mikey can be a little controlling" he reassured me. I nodded passing CC Callies lead. I had taken to Sasha more.

We started walking to Gerard's house, Lyn-z and bandit met us at the steps.
"SNOWYYYY!" She shouted running to pull me into a hug. I giggled hugging her back.
"Hello little on how are you? Your getting a big girl!" I cheered.

She pulled away giving me her heart warming smile.
"ME GOOD! DADDY GOT KITTY!" She squealed.
"Aww that's so cute, are we gonna go to the park?" I asked. She nodded
"Is this doggy yours?" She replied.

I shook my head.
"She belongs to CC but she lives with us. Wanna hold my hand?" I said. She nodded putting her little hand in mine, sashas lead in the other.

"So snow how are things?" Lyn-z asked. I smiled.
"Things are going great. I have another buddy to share my house with" I nudged CC who was quiet "how are things going with you? How's bandit doing at school?" I replied.

"She's doing great growing up so so fast it's scary" she smiled. I laughed walking next to CC. We arrived at the park sitting on a nearby bench.
"Can I stroke your doggy?" Bandit asked C. He nodded chuckling, letting bandit stroke Callie.

"She's something" he smiled.
"She really is" I giggled resting my head on his shoulder.
"So... umm when did you want to go on that date?" CC asked nervously.
"Wednesday? It's Monday today. We can have the shoot tomorrow with Andy. Watch a film tomorrow then go out on Wednesday" I smiled resting my head on his shoulder. He tensed up.

"The shoot is tomorrow are you sure your up for it?" Gee asked. I nodded.
"It'll do me good" I smiled.
"How much do you want me to pay you? $100?" He offered. I shook my head.

"I'm doing it for a friend therefore I'm not going to get paid" I replied. He sighed nodding in agreement. We all sat in silence, Lyn-z had taken bandit to the play area where she was play by on the slide with a little girl.

Suddenly the sound of a violin rang out. I smiled embracing how nice it sounded. I looked everywhere to see if I could find anyone with one, but there was no one. I frowned getting up.

"What's up snow?" Asked C. I grabbed his hand yanking him up Callie jumping up the back of my legs. I Gently pushed her back down.
"That song it sounds so familiar" I said.

"Resurrect the sun" CC gasped.
"Let's see if we can find this person" I grabbed his hand pulling him along with me. We walked side by side, his shoulder gently knocking against mine.

I giggled realising we had just left Gerard behind.
"Umm C?" I said.
"Mmmm?" He mumbled.
"We left Gee" I giggled.
"Oh great" he chuckled as bushes started to close in around us, roses gently lying on them.

I smiled the violin getting closer as we walked forwards. We came to a arch, pulling on CCs hand as I walked through it Sasha waking at my feet.

Sat by a tree was a man with black hair playing the violin so beautifully.
"Come on C" I pulled him with me. He was probably getting bored of me. I walked up quietly towards the tree, the man sitting there becoming more familiar by the moment.

I knew that face anywhere.
"JINXXX!!!!" I yelled dropping Sashas lead running up to him. I heard CC gasp before picking up Sasha lead and following me. He looked up, his eyes dull.

"JINXX" I cried throwing my self into his arm. He gently pushed me away, looking at me then pulling me into a hug.
"Snow" he whispered. I felt my shoulder dampening as I saw he was crying.

"Jinxx!" CC exclaimed "oh my god are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm okay" he sighed calming down as I hugged him again "I'm just taken aback. I can't believe it's you guys!" He smiled slightly.

"It is" I smiled bashfully "your violin playing is beautiful" I giggled.
"I still play. I left guitar behind and started a new career" he replied. I hugged him again.
"I'm sorry" I whispered "it was my fault all of this happened"

He pulled away looking into my eyes.
"It's not" he said "I see you and C are okay though" he got up giving CC a bro hug. I nodded.
"We made things up. He's living with me" I replied. He raised his eyebrows.
"You two? Together? Like together together?" He asked. I shook my head sighing.

"Nope" I popped the 'p'. He shrugged his shoulders.
"Why don't we catch up somewhere warmer it's getting cold!" CC whined. I wrapped my arms around him.
"Am I warming you up?" I asked looking into his brown eyes as they melted before me.

He nodded, chuckling slightly.
"Come on I know a cafe just down the road guys you can bring the dogs" Jinxx interfered.
"OKAY LETS GO!" CC squealed. It was just a catch up nothing could go wrong could it?

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