Vale (this is where it ends)

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I woke up alone. I frowned, yawning and stretching out looking around my bedroom.
"Sasha, Callie, Buddha?" I shouted. Three dogs came running into me, tiger trying to keep up with Callie. I giggled.

"Hey pups, is your daddy in his room?" I asked. Buddha barked, trying to jump up my legs.
"Come on you big lump" I picked him up in my arms where he licked my face.

I walked to CCs room opening the door and walking in, where he was lying naked on his bed.
"EWWWWWWWWW" I screamed running out of his room "I NEED SOME FUCKING BLEACH"

Buddha looked up at me startled, confused as to why I was screaming.
"FUCK, FUCK FUCK I FORGOT THAT LITTLE BITCH SLEEPS NAKED" I started running downstairs, hiding my face in my pillow. I heard footsteps, causing me to bury my head further into the pillow.

"Snow?" I heard CC call. I groaned looking up at him, he was just in his boxers a big smirk plastered on his face.
"Have your fucking dog" I yelled throwing Buddha at him.
"Sorry I forgot to tell you I sleep naked." He chuckled. I rolled me eyes.

"Fine" I groaned getting up.
"So what's the plan today?" He asked.
"Nothing really. I was planning on visiting Ashley's grave and take some flowers" I sighed. He nodded, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Wanna come?" I asked going to grab my shoes. I was already still dressed and I couldn't really be bothered to go and change. He nodded.
"Go and get ready then" I said as ran upstairs. I laughed to myself.

About five minutes later he came down with Callie and Sasha on their leads.
"I hope you don't mind I bring the dogs, Buddhas asleep again poor things getting old" he blushed. I nodded taking Callies lead off him. He chuckled opening the door for me.

"Thankyou" I giggled as I walked out of the door. He laughed following behind me.
"Okay so we need to get some flowers, and a hello kitty plush" I smiled faintly at the memory in my head. When Ashley got buried, we buried him with a hello kitty plush, creepy much and buried the grave in a giant pile of hello kitty things.

Me and C walked in silence to town, it wasn't awkward but a nice silence. I handed CC Callies leash as I walked into the flower shop, walking straight into someone who dropped their flowers.
"Hey!" They hissed. That voice sounded familiar.

I would've known it from anywhere. I looked up to see Jake reaching down to pick up the flowers.
"Jake?" I gasped. He looked up at me frowning.
"Do I know you?" He asked clearly annoyed.
"Snow?" I said my name. Hope filled his eyes, but then faded as he pushed past me.
"Sorry I don't know a 'snow' must be a fan" he replied.

I ran out of the store, grabbing CC so he was blocking Jakes exit from the shop.
"What the fu-"
"CC?" Jake said confused, cutting CC off.

"Jake?" C said his face full of realisation as he pulled him in for a hug. Jake hugged back slightly, before pulling away and looking over at me.
"Sorry snow, I shouldn't have pushed you away like that" he frowned. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'll leave you two to catch up while I get the flowers" CC nodded awkwardly scratching his head as I walked into the store once again.

I was greeted by a blonde slut *cough cough* sorry I mean 'girl' she rolled her eyes as she looked at me, her eyes cruel and harsh. I just walked up to the flowers, picking out the usual and going to pay for them.

She was standing at the till as I placed them down.
"Sorry we don't serve fags" she shot. I looked up at her my eyes harsh. God was this going to end the same way it did for everyone? I just had a thing for pouring liquids over people.

I moved closer onto the counter so I was leaning over.
"NOW LISTEN HERE YOU KENTUCKY FRIED FUCK, CALL ME A FAG ONCE MORE ILL FUCKING KILL YOU" I yelled. Jake walked back into the store looking at the girl.

"Snow!" Jake shouted looking apologetically at the slut. He pulled out some money handing it to the slut, taking the flowers and pulling me away.
"Snow what was that about?" He asked a little sharp.

"She called me a fag" I sighed.
"So you threatened to kill her?" He shook his head in disbelief. I laughed to myself "clearly much hasn't changed"
I walked over to CC who held out his arms to give me a hug.

I held him close as I sighed into his shoulder. I needed CC more than ever.
"What happened?" He asked gently.
"She said she was going to kill someone" Jake interrupted.

CC chuckled.
"That's my girl" he ruffled my hair "but why?"
"She called me a fag" I sighed.
"Oh" he gasped pulling me in for another hug. I shrugged my shoulders pulling away and taking Callies lead again.

"Jake do you want to come? If you dont mind C?" I asked. Jake shrugged his shoulders
"Where you going?" He asked.
"Well, we're taking flowers to Ashley's grave" I sighed, feeling sad.

"Sure" Jake said quietly. I quickly ran in and out of the store next door getting the hello kitty plush I needed. We started walking out of town together, Callie pulling at the Leash looking back at me.
"So Jake... what have you been doing with you life?" CC asked.

"Nothing really, me and inna have got big in aelonia and everything nothing much" he shrugged "you?"
"Looking after my dogs. Living a lonely life nothing really" he sighed.

I started walking in front. I still felt guilty for black veils breakup. I was getting lost in my thoughts, but got pulled out of them as CC approached me.

"Snow we walked past the entrance"he sighed. I blushed, walking back around to open the gate to the entrance of the graveyard. Callie stuck to my heel but Sasha started running up front, pulling CC. I walked through the long damp grass to Ashley's grave. I sighed placing down the flowers.

"I miss him" I said to CC who was hugging me from behind.
"I think we all do" Jake agreed. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I hugged the hello kitty plush before putting it down next to all the others.
"Shall we give you a moment?" CC asked. I nodded.

"We'll be just outside the yard" he said giving me another quick hug before pulling Sasha and Jake away. I let a tear fall as I look at his gravestone.

"I miss you ash" I cried. Callie sat next to my leg, resting her head on my foot.
"Not a day passes that I don't think of you, I really miss you" I sobbed.

I wiped the tears off my face, reaching down to gently stroke Callie who licked my hand.
"Come on sweetie" I said patting her again "bye ash I love you" I whispered as I went to find CC, Jake and Sasha

(COMPLETED) Drummer BoyWhere stories live. Discover now