Scene two-roger rabbit

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I groaned, waking up to my phone vibrating and a constant rasping on my front door causing me to bolt out of bed. I checked my clock. That should be Brendon and Ryan. I picked my phone, checking the contact and answering it.

"Hey gee what's up!" I asked, walking down the stairs and opening the door to answer it. I smiled as Brendon and Ryan entered my house, leading into my lounge probably to crash on the sofa.

"Ugh this isn't Gee, it's his lil bro mikey I was wondering when you're gonna come into work!!!!! I WANNA WORK WITH YOU!!" He squealed. I cringed as my ears got raped. Gees was this man cheerful.

"Umm I have the colleagues with me, we should be there in twenty mins about half an hour, can I speak to Gerard?" I asked. I heard him sigh.
"He's asleep again!!" He groaned.
"Oh. Okay bye mikey. Well we'll be there soon bye dude" I smiled putting down the phone. He seemed pretty friendly.

I turned to Ryan seeing he was smiling.
"You seem a lot happier!" He beamed. I smiled back.
"I slept like a baby, imma go and get dressed then we're going to work" I replied going upstairs.

I sighed, pulling A7X tee over my head and putting on my jeans. I brushed my long black hair, adding long black wings around my eyes making them stand out a unnatural green.

I went back downstairs to find Brendon on top of Ryan, it looked slightly wrong but I soon established they were fighting.
"Guys!" I laughed Trying to break them apart from each other "Brendon Ryan's smaller than you be careful!" I finally gave up, grabbing my keys to the car "your gonna be late" and with that I had to grown men who acted like children walking at my heels. 

I smirked getting into the drivers side while Ryan took the passenger seat and Brendon reluctantly sat in the back. I found out an album. A little bit of sixx am can't do bad in the morning.

I put it in, turning it up really loud. Ryan curled up into a little ball, trying to cover his ears. I laughed, driving my way to work. About five to ten minutes we arrived there, all of us clambering out of the car.

I practically skipped into the store, where crystal worked. She looked up and smiled, getting up to envelope me into a warm hug.
"Hey snow! Your happier today!" She smiled. I nodded.
"I just woke up and felt like I'm happy to be alive!" I cheered.

We pulled away from each other.
"So have you heard anything from black veil brides?" She asked playing with her head. I sighed shaking my head.
"Didn't you hear the news?" I asked. She shook her head "black veil brides split up. CC yelled at Ashley, it was over me and ash got upset. He dumped me and said he didn't want anything to do with black veil brides and CC said the exact same" I felt tears rushing to my eyes.

"Oh snow I'm so Sorry I shouldn't have asked. But have you had any contact with any of them?" She sighed. I nodded.
"I've had a few calls off andy. He's taking it hard. He's so sad and upset, he thought Juliet was going to dump him, he was so upset he was planning on leaving until she got home. She's so understanding of it all. I've tried calling Ashley but I've had no answers. I just hope he's done nothing reckless and CC? I don't give a fuck about him" I spat. She raised her eyebrows at my negative attitude and sudden change.

"Well I'm here if you need to speak and you have gerard!" She smiled.
"Yes you do!" I heard a voice say before pulling me into a hug.

"Hey gee" I smiled into his shoulder. We pulled away. He was smiling.
"Okay so snow meet my little brother mikey!" He said. A tall man, with blondish hair, a jaws tshirt on and a very sharp jawline walked out.

"Hey! So your snow! Nice to meet you!" He smiled reaching out to shake my hand which I happily took.
"Yes I'm snow and you must be mikey!" I giggled. He smiled showing his white pearly teeth.

"Okay let's get to the editing, we don't wanna have a mothers meeting" gee smiled. I rolled my eyes playfully grabbing mikeys hand as Ryan and Brendon followed behind me.

I sat down at my desk, opening up my laptop and looking onto the pictures. I smiled. I loved working with panic! At the disco so much. They were all great people, especially Brendon. He was like having another CC but completely different. He was there for me all the time.

Unlike CC. Mikey go at seat next to me, smiling to himself. I giggled, showing Brendon and Ryan some of the pictures. A few hours passed and we had a few poster and tshirt designs down, when my phone started ringing. I frowned, looking down at the number.

It was unfamiliar. We weren't supposed to answer calls, especially when we had clients in but something told me this was bad.
"Give me a minute, mikey think you could show the guys some other kind of design?" I asked. He nodded looking concerned. I raced into Gerard's office as he looked up at me. He frowned.

I answered the phone call.
"Hello?" I asked confused. Gerard had got up from his beanbag chair to come and stand next to me.
"Hello is this snow?" A male asked, his voice morbid and grave.
"Umm yes?" I replied.
"I'm sorry we have some bad news" he said. I frowned. I hadn't applied for any jobs so I hadn't been turned down.

"Okay?" I said, my legs feeling like jelly. Gerard must've seen my concern, and smiled reassuringly.
"Are you a relative of mr purdy?" He asked. Too many questions. Tears brimmed my eyes. Something had happened to him.

"Y-yes" I just managed to stutter out. 
"We have just found mr purdy he has been involved in a motorcycle incident. He didn't make it I'm terribly sorry" He was gone. Like smoke.
We found a letter with your name mentioned in it. We would need a statement. You would get to see this letter of course" he stated.

I feel to the floor, I screamed hitting the floor as tears fell.
"HES GONE!" I screamed.
"Shhh it's okay" Gerard pulled me into his Arms. I hit his chest.

Gerard took the phone from my hand.
"Hello" he said "we need to give her time before we bring her in" "no she will not come in in the next few days" he tried to explained "NO I WILL NOT FUCKING BRING HER IN SHE JUST BROKE UP WITH HER EX THANK YOU VERY MUCH NOW FUCK OFF!" He yelled putting the phone down.

"Oh snow I'm so sorry" he cried pulling me closer "I'm going to take you home and stop with you, I'll go and get mikey" he sighed. I nodded, getting up with him.
"Guys the session shall be ended early. Mikey we need to go home" he sighed. They all nodded. I can't believe this happened...

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