The final episode

65 8 31

year and half later

Sammi placed the last pin in my hair pulling away from me to smile. I sighed, wringing my hands around my wrist nervously.
"Why did he ask me to do this?" I said. Inna laughed, bringing in a long white bag.

"Because you love him and he loves you, he wouldn't love you otherwise!" She smiled. I rolled my eyes.
"I really need a hug off Andy to calm me down" I huffed.
"And Andy is here!" A deep voice rang from behind me, I smiled turning around getting up to hug him. Juliet was standing next to him.

"ANDY! You look so smart in a suit" I giggled, pulling back look at him.
"I'm always smart" he smirked. I looked at Juliet, she was wearing a normal flowery dress, though sammi and inna were wearing beautiful bridesmaid dresses. I felt guilty not asking Jules; but we weren't particularly on good terms at that time.

"Hey jules" I smiled reaching forward to awkwardly hug her. She kinda hugged back before pulling away.
"Sit back down snow! We need to do your makeup!" Sammi yelled. I smiled, rolling my eyes playfully and sitting back down.

My nerves took over again, I started playing with the promise ring Ashley gave me those years ago.
"Are you really doing to wear that when our walking down the isle?" Juliet asked.

I nodded "I never take it off"
"But CC will think you cheating" she frowned.
"He knows it was from Ashley, he knows that I wouldn't cheat" I giggled, explaining.

"You have to many rings on you fingers" inna said. I shrugged my shoulders.
"Here" Juliet said, reaching out giving me a small chain "put it on this chain and wear it around your neck. That means your still wearing it" she smiled encouragingly.

I sighed, taking it off and placing it onto the chain.
"Can you put it on please?" I asked. She nodded; gently placing It around my neck tightening up the clasp.

It took Sammi a little longer to do my makeup than she wanted, only because it was ticklish and inna was making me laugh. I got lost deep in thought as she was putting on my blusher.


CC put his hand in mine, me leaning my head against his shoulder.
"I love you so much" I said looking out to the sea.
"I love you too snow" he leant down to gently kiss me. I giggled.

"What?" He smiled pulling away.
"Your so goofy" I giggled pulling him in for a hug. He laughed.
"Remember the time we came to the beach and you had to save Sasha?" He smiled. I nodded.

"I couldn't let my favourite pup drown" I explained. I seemed to connect more with sash, then Callie but she still followed closely behind. Sadly Buddha passed away but he wasn't in pain.

"Your so perfect" he said kissing me.
"I know" I smirked.
"Snow I need to ask you something?" He said, letting go of my hand and standing in front of me as he stopped me from walking.

"Ummm okay?" I said confused at the nervous look on his face.
"Snow, I love you and you know that, and the thing is... I want to be with you forever" he got down on one knee, tears rushing to my eyes "will you marry me?" He asked pulling out a ring.

"OH MY GOD YES!" I cried running into his arms as he picked me up swinging me around.
"I fucking love you" he kissed me. I giggled.
"I fucking love you too. I can't believe I'm going to be Mrs coma" I giggled.

And back to reality

"Snow? Snowwww?" Inna whined snapping her hands in front of my face.
"Huh what?" I asked confused.
"We need to go to the venue in" she looked at her watch "half an hour now get your fucking dress on" she said, taking it out of the bag.

I groaned taking my clothes off as inna pulled it over my head, Sammi immediately zipping it up at the back, juliet putting the heels on my feet. I sighed. I probably looked pathetic, especially with my black hair and a white dress.

Finally twenty minutes later we were all ready, climbing into the limo me relaxing as I sat down.
"Champagne?" The person asked sitting in the back with us. I looked at him thankfully "I think I need a whole bottle, yes please" he laughed handing me a glass.

The trip seemed like forever, me constantly trying to drown out the conversations between everyone, excluding me to my own world. I looked out the window realise we were at the venue.

"Shit shit shit" I mumbled under my breath.
"Don't worry" Sammi smiled, resting her hand on my arm "you'll be fine. I nodded, climbing out of the limo as everyone pulled up. I got greeted by a few relatives of mine, them walking into the venue.

I awaited by the doors, Sammi and inna trying to calm me down, fanning my face to stop the sweat pouring. The music started playing, I felt as if My knees were going to betray me. The doors before me sprung open, revealing me to the crowd before me. All children running around stopped, eagerly staring at me.

I smiled, turning to Andy who was at my arm walking me down the isle. I looked up, CC standing there looking beautiful welcoming me with his heart melting smile, his eyes piercing me. I blushed looking away quickly.

I wanted to run to him, but the ground held me from running to him, Andys hand squeezing my arm bringing me back to reality.

Finally I got to the front, everyone was watching me, but all I could focus on was CC.
"We are here to celebrate the marriage of Christian mora"
"Coma please" CC said gently. He nodded carrying on "to celebrate the marriage of Christian coma and snow Dawson" I smiled.

We both said our vows, our eyes connected as we said every word, finally it came to the moment where I could say 'I do'

"Do you take snow Dawson to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked CC. He nodded "I do"
"And do you take Christian coma to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked. I could run away, I didn't have to marry him. But I wanted this for so long to be with him, and I knew ash was watching over in heaven wanting me to do this. I nodded

"I do" the tears spilled. CC wiped them Away, placing the ring on my finger. I put one on his.
"You may kiss the bride" he said. I giggled as CC pulled me in for a loving warm kiss.

He pulled away from me.
"I love you and your all I ever needed" I smiled kissing him again. I finally had everything I needed, I could start a new life with him our own family... we were always meant to be together

(COMPLETED) Drummer BoyWhere stories live. Discover now