We stitch these wounds

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5 years later

Narrator- after Ashley's unexpected death, she sunk far into depression. She quit her job, lost all contact with her friends except for one person. And that was Mikey Way, Gerard's little brother. Snow never spoke to CC, Jinxx, Jake, Brendon or Ryan. Mikey kept her life alight, and unexpectedly the two fell for each other. Now five years later, Mikey and Snow have been married for just over a year.

present day

"Come on babe!!" I sung, grabbing mikeys hand pulling him towards the store. We were going out weekly shopping as usual. He always put in crap and always tried to get the latest edition of kerrang, which I always gave in to his cute little face.

He chuckled, intertwining our fingers together. I smiled. I never thought I could be happy ever again, especially after... Ashley's death. The thought of it bought tears to my eyes, but I shook them away as we walked into the store.

"Mikey Wikey go and get the kerrang. I'll get the biscuits and food" I pecked his lips as he left me. I giggled, picking up all the food I needed.

About half an hour later, i was anxiously standing at the till, and I swore I could feel someone burning holes in the back of me. Suddenly I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me, comfort washed over me.

"What took you so long babe!?" I asked, feeling a little nervous as I twisted the ring on my finger. He blushed.
"I- umm had to get a few things" he smiled cheesily. I giggled, kissing him. He fell against the conveyor belt knocking off the potato chips onto the floor.

I groaned reaching down to reach them when I came face to face with a person with black hair, brown familiar eyes and a bandana. He gasped at the sight of me.

"Snow?" He gasped.
"Can I help?" I asked, trying to avoid contact. I knew for well who it was.
Christian coma. The person who completely ruined my life, the one who pushed away my true love, but the first person I ever fell in love with.

"Oh give it up you know it's me!" He beamed. I sighed looking up at him. I felt mikeys back pressed against me protectively.
"CC" I sighed, pulling him in for a hug. He hugged back.

Why was I forgiving him? He completely ruined my life. I suddenly pushed his chest causing him to stumble backwards.

"I hope you've changed" I spat. He nodded.
"I have, I have" he hesitated, his eyes filling with tears.
"Snow?" I heard Mikey say behind me. I looked to face him. He was frowning.

"What's up babe?" I asked.
"Umm CC? Isn't this the person you were saying was your best friend as a child?" He asked. I nodded.
"Well why don't we bring him back to ours? You two look like you need a catch up!" He smiled. I sighed in relief, but the thought of CC coming to my apartment just filled my head with bad memories.

"CC? What do you think?" I asked. He nodded.
"If it's okay with you?" He asked. I nodded.
"Umm well, did you walk here?" I asked. He nodded "we'll give you a lift to mine"
"Okay" he smiled. Mikey payed up for everything as we all walked back in silence to the car. When we got in CC broke the silence.

"So snow" he laughed nervously "your married?" He asked.
"Yes to mikey. I love him so much" I smiled leaning over to kiss him, where his grip was tight on the clutch. I frowned at his strange behaviour.

"That's great" he smiled in the mirror.
"So how is everyone from black veil?" I asked.
"Well.. were all coping. I'm sure your aware of Andys solo music and Jake and Innas band ÆLONIA?" He asked. I giggled taking out my andy black cd from the glove box.

I heard him chuckle.
"Let's just say I'm a big fan" I smiled "how about Jinxx?" I asked.
"He hasn't spoke to any of us. Not even Jake. But legends told me he's doing musical scores for films" he explained.

I sighed.
"I still feel terrible" I looked down at my hands.
"Hey it's okay!" He said cheerfully.
"And how about you CC how have you been truthfully?" I asked.

We sat in silence for a few moments.
"I- I gave up playing drums" I saw a tear slide down his cheek. We just pulled into the drive as he started to get more upset.

Mikey glanced at me. He was probably regretting his decision.
"Ugh snow I'm going to go and see Gee" he said quietly. I nodded as me and CC got out as he drove off. He wasn't happy about something.

As soon as He was gone, I pulled CC in for a big hug.
"I forgive you" I said into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry I messed everything up with you and Ashley. I should've realised you love him" he cried. I wiped away his tears.

"I miss Ashley more everyday and my heart still longs for him, but CC just remember he wouldn't want us dwelling on his death. He'd want us out there living our lives" I whispered comfortingly. He nodded hugging me again.

"Now lets go inside" I smiled, taking his hand. I was happy. I had the old CC back, and hopefully nothing could take him away from me. Not ever.

(COMPLETED) Drummer BoyWhere stories live. Discover now