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I strangely woke up in my bed, Ashley's arms wrapped around my waist and three small kittens and a black fur ball all snuggled up to us. I smiled to myself, I could get used to this.

I turned on my side, to observe Ashley's face more. He was so beautiful, just perfect and being able to call him mine was amazing. His eyelids fluttered open, revealing a pair of his luscious brown eyes. He smiled.

"I can feel staring" he said, his voice smooth. I giggled.
"Sorry I couldn't help myself" I smiled. He laughed, moving some of my black hair out of the way, leaning forwards and kissing my lips gently.

"I love you" he whispered looking into my eyes.
"I love you too mr purdy" I kissed his cheek, before climbing out of bed. I heard him groan.
"Babeeeeeee" he whined. I giggled, walking into my bathroom. I grabbed my makeup out, starting to apply it to my face. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me.

"Why would such a pretty girl need makeup?" He asked.
"Cause I'm ugly" I sighed putting on mascara.
"Your not" he said as he kissed my neck. I turned around into his chest, looking up at him.
"What do you wanna do today?" He asked.
"Beach" I said, running to grab my bikini. He laughed.

"Well we have to pop back to mine cause there's no way I'm swimming in just these" he gestured to his boxers. I laughed.

"I can imagine you in speedos" and by the end of that we were both on the floor, practically pissing ourselves with laughter. I wiped the tears from my eyes getting up.

"That would be amazing" ash laughed, reaching out for me to grab his hands. I pulled him up, causing him to fall into my arms.
"I believe it's supposed to be the other way around missy" he smiled. I giggled, kissing his lips.

I loved this man SOO much. I put my bikini on under a pair of shorts and a black veil tshirt ash bunked me.
"Looking sexy" he laughed. I groaned, tying my hair out of my face revealing my green eyes.

"You remind me of mittens" ash said.
"Oh shut up babe!" I hit his chest, he grabbed my wrists, pushing me Onto the bed so he was straddling me.
"Oh two can play at that game" I said, pushing him over so I was on top. He looked at me Lust in his eyes. I kissed him passionately as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

He turned us over again, pressing his warm lips against my neck, finding my sweet spot causing me to moan.
"Ash babe" I moaned.
"Oh baby" he groaned. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"FOR FUCKS SAKE!" I yelled, pushing ash off me running downstairs. I opened the door to see all of black veil standing there with beach balls and shit.
"For gods sake what the hell do you want!" I groaned, letting them in as ash came down the stairs putting on a top. I smiled to myself.

"Oh they were getting some!!!" Andy cheered. They all laughed except for CC, whose eyes were red and his face was very pale.
"C what's up?" I asked. He shook his head avoiding contact. I frowned. Had I done something wrong? He was the one that treated me like crap.

I shrugged turning my attention to the band.
"Beach day?" I asked. They all nodded.
"Me and ash have got to go back to his, then we'll meet you guys at the beach" I said.
"Okay see ya" Jinxx said, as they all left.

"They were here just for five minutes" I moaned.
"You really want me don't you?" Ash asked, a teasing look on his face. I flipped him off, putting on my flip flops.
"Shit we need a car to get to mine" ash said.

"My car?" I replied, grabbing the keys throwing them to him "I'm hoping I can trust you to drive sensibly" he laughed, winking at me.
We climbed into the car, ash turning on the radio.
"Wow country typical ash!" I groaned. Deep down I love country, it was just something I loved about it.

A song came on, which made me think of a few things. I looked out the window, going silent.

I picked up the phone
She said hey it's me
I know it feels like forever since I've heard your voice
But I guess that's how it had to be

So we talked awhile
'Til she said I better go
But before we hung up she said
There's something you need to know

I found someone
It just happened outta the blue
Even though I'm moving on
It don't mean that I don't still love you

And you'll always have
A place here in my heart
But somewhere in this new life I've begun
I found someone

Well I wasn't surprised
Still it hit me kinda hard
It's hard to believe a little space and time
Could turn into miles and worlds apart

I said I'm happy for you
You deserve the very best
Since you've been gone I've done some praying
Some searching for myself

And I found someone
It just happened outta the blue
And even though I'm moving on
It don't mean that I don't still love you

And you'll always have
A place here in my heart
But somewhere in this new life I've begun

I found someone
But it took tears and time down on my knees
And it's not who you'd ever guess
Or who I dreamed it'd be
But in the mirror one morning looking back at me

I found someone
It just happened outta the blue
And it took everything I had
It took me losing you

But you'll always have
A place here in my heart
But somewhere in this new life I've begun
Looking for my place under the sun
I found someone

I sighed.
"Hey ash what's this song called?" I asked. 
"Why babe, like it?" He asked.
"Just asking out of curiosity" I mumbled.

"Ummm I think it was 'I found someone' by Blake Shelton" he replied. I nodded. The song made me think of CC. I still loved him with every part of my heart, and though I had ashley I felt guilty. I felt like I was just using him.

Soon we pulled up a drive, which I'm guessing is Ashley's house. He smiled warmly at me as I got out. He took my hand, pulling me towards the house where two little puppies, one black and the other white came jumping up at my ankles.

"Hello my little babies it's been a little while" ash cooed as he squatted down to pet them "I'm gonna go and get ready" I nodded as he ran upstairs, the dogs following him. I sighed looking around. His hallway was full of images. I was smiling at how cute they were.

One was a very young picture of Ashley I'm guessing, his hair all over the place with three people behind him. I giggled. I moved in to another picture which had caught my eye. It was ashley with a blonde girl? I looked at more, finding him and the same girl but in a picture they were kissing. Tears filled my eyes, as I grabbed the keys opening the door and slamming it behind me as I got into the car.

I saw Ashley standing At the door confused. He ran up to me, opening the door.
"Fuck off!" I yelled. He looked at me, hurt filled in his eyes.
"Babe what's up?" He asked.
"Don't babe me I know your cheating! I've seen all the pictures!" I yelled, starting the car.

"Snow there pictures of me and my ex.
We broke up about a month ago. I just can't seem to get over taking them down" a tear fell from his eyes.
"I'm sorry" I cried, getting out and hugging him.

"I don't want to lose you I love you too much snow" he sighed.
"I don't want to lose you either. I love you Ashley" I hugged him.
"Lets go" he whispered, kissing my cheek. I nodded as we got into the car, ash driving us to the beach

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