My universe

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I sighed pulling out a red dress. CC has left me to go and get ready himself. I put it on, looking in the mirror. It hugged all my curves making me look skinny. I decided it would have to do, pulling out my makeup bag.

I saw Sasha and Callie had jumped on my bed. I giggled, pulling the toy out of Sashas mouth throwing it across the room causing the two dogs to jump off to get it. I put on my mascara finishing up the rest.

"Uhhh C?" I shouted, opening my door. He poked his head out of his room, his jaw dropping instantly.
"Sup beautiful?" He asked, finally closing his jaw.
"I'm ready" I smiled. He nodded, walking up to me. He was wearing pair of jeans and a best shirt.

He stuck out his arm for me to take. I giggled taking it.
"So were gonna go in my car!" He smiled.
"Okay" I said. We walked out to his car, me locking up as I got in.

He turned looking at me.
"It's not going to be a fancy place because that's too expensive. But we can go to the cinema or something?" He said with his goofy grin.
"Sure. You know we don't have to do this" I reassured him. He shook his head.

"No I insist. Your the reason I have a roof over my head" he replied. I blushed.
"Fine let's go" He took out his keys turning on the engine.
"Wanna listen to system of a down?" He asked. I nodded. Suddenly chop suey came on making me jump.

"I need to take you to a horror film so bad" he laughed.
"No no no! I'll shit myself" I groaned. He chuckled before turning the volume down. By the end of the song, CC pulled up outside a Italian restaurant.

He got out, running around to my side opening the door. I got out and kissed his cheek.
"Thanks C" I said as he took my hand.
"One of my old friends works here. I booked up a table" he explained.

I followed him as he opened the door leading to a small waiting table, where a girl with her hair tied back in a ponytail walked up to us. I read her name tag.


I frowned to myself as she looked at him with a genuine smile.
"CC it's been a while!" She smiled pulling him in for a hug. I stood to the side feeling a little left out.

She looked at me. I thought I was lucky and didn't think she realised it was me until she pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Snow" she said her voice gentle. I nodded.

"Remember me?" She asked.
"Very well" I muttered.
"Ummm well I'm sorry for those years ago. It's been ages" she apologised.
I looked at CC. He looked nervous. Maybe I should do this for the benefit of him.

"It's okay I guess" I sighed.
"So how are things between you and Ashley?" She asked. I immediately looked at her, my eyes narrowing. She looked as though she knew about Ashley, like she was picking a bone.

"He was in an accident a few years ago, sadly he didn't make it, not that it's any of your business" I snapped.
"Shame" she replied sarcastically. I felt tears pricking to my eyes as I curled my fist.

"Shame? It is a fucking shame. A FUCKING SHAME SUCH A SLAG IS STILL WALKING THIS WORLD" I screamed in her face, grabbing her by the collar of her shirt.
"Help me" she sarcastically screamed causing the customers and staff to look at her.

"NOW, I swear to fucking god if you act like such a fucking bitch again. You won't be walking this world. Because you'll be six feet under the ground where I put you. And talk shit about my boyfriend who got himself killer" I raised my voice "I will make your life hell" I growled.

Her eyes opened wide darting between me and CC.
"That's enough now" C said, trying to pull me away.
"No C. I've had enough of this manipulative freak years ago.  I'm not having it now" and with that I punched her face, throwing her down to the floor as she yelled in pain.

"Now let's go back to how I finished it last time" I smirked. I walked over to someone's table, and took their beer.
"Sorry dude. I promise I'll get you another one later in life. I've learnt that" I laughed at the memory of when Andy was pissed about me spilling his beer over her. I walked back over to Anna who was still laying on the floor, one of the waiters had gone to her aid.

"Id move Hun or you'll be cover in beer too" and with that she moved out of the way as I tipped it all over Anna.
"Live a nice life.... in hell. BITCH" I sneered as I turned around opening the door to leave as I felt tears forming in my eyes. One or two sliding Down my cheek.

"Snow" I heard CC yell after me.
"What?" I snapped.
"I'm sorry, I-I didn't think she'd remember you" he said. I rolled my eyes getting in the car and slamming the door.

"Snow" he tried to speak to me but I shut him off as the tears ran down my face.
"Take me home" I sighed. We drove home in silence. None of us daring to break it. I felt terrible for taking everything out on CC but I didn't want to speak to anyone right now.

As soon as we got home I darted upstairs where I collapsed onto my bed letting the tears fall. I looked at the picture of me and ash next to my bed and sighed. I hadn't heard anything off mikey, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was to call back and try to win me over, but I didn't want him back.

(COMPLETED) Drummer BoyWhere stories live. Discover now