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I woke up on the couch, my body squeezed into a ball as I felt something warm snuggled up to me. I sighed as I saw Tiger.

Getting up, I noticed the letter on the floor. I picked it up, looking at it. I must have forgot to put it back last night. I put it into the tin, taking out a small picture of me and Ashley a day after we started dating. I giggled, putting it away.

I felt a comfort of relief wash over me. I had escaped from the handcuffs of marriage. Although I loved Mikey, he was controlling and manipulative, and to be able to break away from him was a whole load of pressure lifted off me.

I yawned stretching and getting up.
"Come on my little tiger. It's time to get you food. We have some new people moving here. Your gonna make some new friends. Sasha, Callie and Buddha!" I laughed at myself. Why the hell am I talking to a cat?

I took out some satchels, putting them into his bowl and placing it down on the floor for him to eat, which he happily tucked into.

A knock at the door made me jump. I sighed, walking through the hall to the door.
"It's only me" I heard CC call through the door. I laughed to myself, unlocking all the chains. Sometimes I could get.... a little anxious so I would lock up all of the chains to make me feel safe.

"Gees I forgot how many chains on the door you have" he laughed, walking in three small dogs following behind him.
"Hello Sasha, Callie and Buddha welcome to your new home" I smiled squatting down to pat them. They all jumped up licking me. I heard CC chuckle.

I smiled looking up at him as he pulled me into a hug. I giggled hugging him back.
"I've missed my panda bear" I sighed into his chest.
"I missed you too. I'm sorry and I mean it this time snow thanks for taking me back" he pressed his forehead against mine as I looked into his gentle brown eyes.

"No problem" I whispered as he pulled away.
"I packed everything up. I bought a few clothes. Where are we gonna put my drums?" He asked.
"Recording rooms" I said.
"You have a studio?" He asked. I nodded.

"Well, kinda the stuffs mikeys but I payed for most of it as sometimes I would record some guitar work and all that" I explained "and I told him he's not taking it" CC smirked.
"I'll call the moving truck. Maybe you can sell some furniture? I'll pay off the rest of your bills that have overflowed and then we'll sell the house" I smiled.
"Snow" he gasped "you shouldn't have to do that"

I shook my head.
"I insist on it" I smiled. He pulled me in for a big hug. Then he pulled away.
"Please snow, can I at least take you out for dinner tonight? You've helped me out a great deal" he asked.
I sighed.
"I guess, what shall I wear?" I asked.
"Umm what ever you want" he smiled. I giggled as I took his hand yanking him up the stairs to the spare room, his room. I opened the door showing it to him.

"They'll be a few cobwebs but it's all yours. Paint it redecorate do whatever. Just don't drill the fuck out of the wall!" I added. He laughed jumping on the mattress "you'll need to get a wardrobe but I'm sure you'll have one and any extra furniture is yours!" I smiled.

"I can't Thankyou enough" he smiled pulling me into another tight gripping hug. I giggled as he let go.
"Now let's go and sort out some of that stuff and call up a moving van!" I said. He nodded.

After a few hours of hard work and boxing up all of CCs belongings, I called up the moving truck and we immediately started loading everything up. Once it was finished me and CC sat back on the cold floor in his empty lounge.

I laughed as he fell back onto the floor.
"Thanks for everything. I don't know how I will pay you back" he sighed.
"You already have C. Your the old you" I said snuggling up to his chest. He seemed to tense up but wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I guess we should get back. The moving van will be there soon. And hopefully the dogs haven't ripped poor tiger to shreds" he said. I nodded getting up.
"Well get the house up for sale soon" I smiled. He nodded.

We arrived back home, unlocking the door as some of the people started to bring in the boxes. I laughed when I saw Callie and tiger snuggled up together. I giggled, talking CCs shoulder as I pointed at them.

He giggled too.
After setting up most of the things in CCs rooms he ordered me to go and change. I laughed to myself finding out a dress.

(COMPLETED) Drummer BoyWhere stories live. Discover now