Need you now

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I walked up to CC, he looked up smiling sympathetically, I gave him a weak smile following him and Jake as they started to make their way back home.
"C can I have your number?" Jake asked.
"Sure dude I thought you'd still have it?" CC said pulling out his phone.
"I might have deleted it" he blushed.

They exchanged numbers as we got to our house. Jake waved goodbye. I didn't say anything, but I left immediately walking inside Callie bouncing around as she was greeted by tiger and Buddha. I took off her harness, putting it on the side as I started walking upstairs.

I collapsed on my bed, a few tears slightly falling as I looked at the picture of ashley placed next to my bed with the small box there as well.
"Snow?" I heard CC call.

I didn't reply but I heard footsteps getting closer to my door. Soon his head poked around, he frowned seeing me cry, coming and pulling me into a hug.

"Oh snow" he sighed.
"I miss Ashley too much" I cried. Everyone thought after a month or two of grieving I would move on. But still five years later, I haven't forgot him and I never will"

I lay in his arms for the rest of the night. In the end, we ended up putting on a film.
"Snow, I know how hard it is for you. I spent years getting over it. Ashley was so close with me and I know we started to drift apart. But I'm here for you" he said taking my hand.

I looked up at him.
"Thankyou CC" I whispered. I hadn't realised he was leaning forwards until his lips clashed with mine. It took me a moment to decide what I wanted, I gently kissed him back but pulled away quickly.

He looked at me a little hurt.
"I guess you never lost the love for me over the years" I giggled. He smiled, leaning down to kiss my cheek.
"I've always loved you. From the day I saw you. Love at first sight" he beamed.

I giggled.
"And I guess I still feel the same way, CC I need you" I rest my head on his shoulder.
"And I need you too snow. I'm so In love with you. I can't believe I just let you go like that after those years. I figured you'd want nothing to do with me" he sighed.

"I feel the same C I was so horrible. I was so upset Ashley just walked off like that" I hugged him.
"Snow, I understand if you say no but can I take you on another date? I promise we won't go anywhere near the place I took you" he asked pleasingly. I giggled.
"I guess" I smiled hugging him again.

I woke up the next morning, warm in bed with a pair of arms wrapped tightly around me. I smiled turning to face CC. He was fast asleep. I giggled, moving his arm so I could go and get up.

I quietly walked down the stairs, Sasha waking up and jumping up me.
"Shhhh your daddies asleep" I patted her as she followed me into the kitchen.

I yawned getting out the ingredients I needed to make pancakes pouring them into the bowl. Suddenly the door went making me jump, and causing Sasha to start barking.

"Sasha shut up! CCs trying to sleep!" I snapped walking to open the door. Gerard was standing right in front of me with crystal.

"Hi guys!" I said awkwardly, leaning down to grab Sashas collar as she started to calm down.
"Hi" crystal replied, but she didn't welcome me in a hug like she used to.

"Wanna come in I'm making pancakes?" I asked. Gerard nodded crystal following us into the kitchen. I leaned up against the counter mixing the mixture.

"So....." I sighed. I hadn't seen Gerard since mine and mikeys wedding, and let's just say we didn't speak at all. And I hadn't seen crystal since I had left work.

"You guys are still hanging around together?" I hesitantly laughed.
"Yes but that's not why we're here" crystal pointed out.

"Umm okay?" I said.
"Snow, the company is going down. We've tried training crystal but there just not pleasing our customers. We have a photo shoot tomorrow with someone called Andy black could you please shoot for us?" He asked his eyes big and pleading.

"So now you only come to me after what? Near enough four years begging me to help you? Gerard I don't know if I can do this" I retorted. He frowned.

"What happened to you snow? Your changing. You always used to be happy, enjoying life you job, but now? You isolate yourself!" Gerard replied. Every word hit me like a bullet.

"Can't you see? I'm still trying my hardest to get over Ashley! Not a single fucking day goes where I don't think of him. A single fucking day where I don't feel guilty because I feel everything's my fault?" A tear ran down my face as I yelled.

"Snow?" I heard a voice yell, followed by CC walking down the stairs shirtless. He walked up to me immediately wrapping his arms around me.

"I see you replaced Mikey soon enough" crystal hissed. I buried my head into CCs shoulder.
"What's going on?" He asked sharply.

"We just asked snow to do a shooting tomorrow but she clearly got over emotional" she snapped.
"Crystal stop now, snow if you want the Offer it's there" Gerard sighed. I moved my face from Cs shoulder to look at them.

"I'll do it. But just this once I need the money" I sighed "want pancakes?" I weakly smiled. Crystal rolled her eyes.

"I don't have time" she left through the front door.
"Ignore her, I'll stay if the offers still on?" Gerard gave me his welcoming smile.

I smiled back, serving up pancakes onto everyone's plates as we sat at the table discussing all the the things we needed to catch up on.

(COMPLETED) Drummer BoyWhere stories live. Discover now