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I got out of the bath, wrapping my dressing gown around me feeling refreshed. I walked down the stairs, grabbing my towels to put into the laundry basket.

The smell of apple and cinnamon hit me as I entered the kitchen, all lights off and some candles placed onto the centre place of the table. I smiled to myself, C appearing out of nowhere two plates in his hands.

He placed them down onto the table, moving to pull out a chair.
"Malady?" He smiled, reaching out his hand. I took it, sitting down gently kissing his hand, causing a blush to creep up onto his neck.

He took a seat opposite me.
"I cooked salmon and broccoli Risotto" he smiled sheepishly.
"My favourite" I giggled picking up my fork "am I okay to start eating?" He nodded.

"Thanks for this C, it's so sweet" I giggled. He smiled back at me.
"Anything for you" he said tucking into his food. We both ate in silence, I was enjoying this food too much. We both finished up, me picking up the plates, putting them in the sink ready to rinse them.

"Snow" CC murmured wrapping his arms around my waste. I giggled "come and sit down? We can wash those tomorrow morning come and sit down" he grabbed my hand yanking me away from the sink, causing me to grown.

He pulled me down onto the couch wrapping his arms around me.
"Snow?" He asked.
"Yeah?" I replied, turning to face him. He was blushing, his face looking nervous "are you okay? You don't look well?" I asked concerned taking his hand which was sweaty.

"I- I don't know how to tell you but promise you won't run away?" He said frowning. I nodded taking his pinkie which made him giggle nervously "I think I've fallen in love with you again...."

(COMPLETED) Drummer BoyWhere stories live. Discover now