Lost in the stereo

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I was awoken by a loud knocking at the door. I reluctantly opened my eyes, finding Ashley sprawled over the bed. I blushed, looking over my body to see if my clothes were removed. Everything was on. All good.

I groaned, gently shaking Ashley awake.
"Ashes, babe there's someone at the door" I whispered. He opened his eyes.
"Answer it then babe" he smirked. I rolled my eyes, getting out of bed pulling him with me.

I looked to see he had no tshirt on. I threw him one of my Metallica shirts, which he slipped over his head. I ran downstairs, Ashley following close behind, his body pressed against my back. I opened the door, to see CC standing there.

"Um hi, can I come in?" He asked. I nodded. He glanced past my shoulder looking at Ashley. I walked into the lounge, gently picking up mittens to put on my lap. The poor thing was getting old now, maybe I'd have to get a little kitten to cheer up his life for the last few years.

Ash sat next to me, taking my hand and CC sat on the other couch, awkwardly playing with his wrists.
"So what do you want to speak about?" I asked.
"I'm so sorry about Anna last night, she was drunk off her face" he sighed.

"And" I kinda snapped.
"And you won't have to put up with Anna again. We're over. She was so horrible to you" he looked down at the floor.
I sighed "CC you didn't have to dump her"

"It was a long time coming, I'm so sorry you had to be called all those horrible names, can we be friends please?" He asked with his brown pleading eyes. I smiled, getting up and giving him a hug. I heard Ashley chuckle. I went and sat back next to him, resting my head on his shoulder. CC looked confused as to why we were suddenly so close.

We weren't dating, but we were really close. It made me wonder if Ashley felt anything for me at all, or was I another girl he wanted to fuck.
"Since when did you two become so close?" He asked a little hurt. I froze, I was hoping he wouldn't ask that question.

"Oh I just made sure snow was okay last night. I slept on the sofa" ash lied. CC nodded, looking sad.
"Oh shit, I'm supposed to be in work!" I remembered, reaching over Ashley grabbing for my phone. I ended up lying with my head awkwardly face first in his lap.

Typical, he had to get a fucking Boner. I heard CC clear his throat. After getting my phone, I sat up awkwardly and bolted for the door, locking myself in the kitchen, where I could hear CC and Ashley chuckling.

I found Gerard's contact, quickly dialling his number. There was a groan, then an answer.
"Uh, hey snow why you calling this morning?" He asked confused.
"I'm gonna be late for work, I'm so sorry I'm just-"
"No don't worry, you had a hard time last night, we don't have any bands in today we just need to edit black veils pics they should be coming in with us" he said, cutting me off.

"I have Ashley and CC with me" I said slightly embarrassed.
"CC?" He asked confused.
"Yeah he came to apologise gee, I'm not sure what to do. I think I'm falling in love with Ashley" I sighed, hoping None of them were listening. 

"Go with your heart Hun, crystals here with me, the band said they'd be here asap, hopefully their not too hungover." He said.
"Okay, thanks gee your the best" I thanked him.
"No probs snow see ya later" he said ending the call.

I smiled, walking back into the lounge. Ash looked up at me awkwardly, a blush creeping up on his neck.
"I-umm- can I use the toilet?" He asked, very embarrassed. Oh god really? He still had a giant boner.

Fucking men, why must they be so horny?
"Fine!" I groaned, he got up leaving to the toilet "for fucks sake" I muttered under my breathe.
"He's going to jerk offf!!!!" CC sang. I got a pillow throwing it at him, immediately shutting up.

We sat there for about ten minutes, speaking to each other. Part of me still loves CC, but he's going to move on like me. He's bound to. I looked at the time, 8:45 we had fifteen minutes until we have to be there. I groaned standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Ashley fucking purdy get your purdy ass down these fucking stairs we have to go!" I yelled. The door opened, Ashley running down the stairs. This was going to be awkward. He reached out his hand to hold mine, but I pulled it out.

"Did you wash your hands?" I asked. He blushed nodding. I groaned, holding his hand lightly. Eww men.
CC followed us out the house as I locked up, saying my goodbyes to mittens.

We started walking up town, when we walked through the alleyway I found a little box, small meows coming from it. I frowned, running up to it ash and C looking confused. I unfolded it, finding three small black and white cats with ink all over their bodies. I gasped, picking them out of the box and holding them close to warm them up.

"Oh my god, ash CC come here" I shouted as they both jogged over to me.
"Oh my gosh"ash gasped, taking one and stroking it trying to warm it up. CC cringed.
"What?" I asked.
"I just don't like cats" he said quietly. I shrugged, looking back at ash who had become quite attached to one with blue ink all over it body.

"What do we do?" He asked gently.
"Umm we take them to the store, I'm sure gee has some kinda milk somewhere. We can give them it, then take them home and wash them if you want to help me" I explained. Ashley nodded, gently patting them all.

I held them close in my arms. I looked into the box, finding a small rag. I picked it up.
"We'll wash this when we get back" I said. They all nodded as we started walking to the store. Ash walked close to me, CC steering in the other direction slightly.

We finally arrived, Gerard welcoming me with a gentle smile.
"And who are these?" He asked frowning as he patted the one in my arms.
"We found them abandoned, do you have a saucer and milk? They need to be warmed up" I smiled. He nodded, walking into his office where me and ash followed. CC went off to Jake,Jinxx and Andy.

"Thanks Gerard" I smiled as I placed them down to have their milk, which they happily drunk. Ashley took my hand as we made our way into the photo shoot room.
"Right let's get this done" I smiled looking at the band.

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