Stars tonight

109 11 3

We started searching through to photos
I took yesterday, deciding which ones would he best to put on banners and coming up with idea for tour posters.

Ashley stood close behind me, the band seemed as if they were suspecting me. I was truly starting to fall for Ashley, but I felt as though I was just replacing him for the loss of CC.

We finished our task, me and Ashley quickly popping into Gerard's office to get the kittens. I held two, while ash held the one he had grown largely attached to. It was so cute. All of the band met up again as we started to leave the store as crystal had the responsibility.

Had Gerard ever hired anyone else or was it just us three? Andy had seemed particularly quiet today.
"Hey andyyyyy your very quiet" I said. He turned to me looking very pissed.
"I can't believe you threw my drink away!!!" He yelled. I frowned. Well he was getting annoyed quickly.

"Ummm I can get you some new beer?" I offered. He smiled, nodding the walking off returning to his usual happy self. I shrugged, patting the two fluff balls in my arms.

I still had to wash off all of the ink that was covered on their bodies, it's a good thing I have some of mittens shampoo, although he wouldn't be too impressed if I used it. My thoughts were interrupted by CC randomly speaking.

"I'm going out tonight anyone wanna come? I'm gonna see if I can find a new chick" he sighed. I frowned. I didn't want to do anything he would regret, and at the minute he seemed up for it. I wanted to hug him in my arms and tell him I still love him, but I couldn't he'd reject me.

I looked over at ash, he was still sucked into the world of fluffy kittens.
"Well, I'm going to look after my little kitten" ash smiled, I giggled resting my head awkwardly on his shoulders as we walked on. CC rolled his eyes, like he was annoyed.

"If your getting wasted them so am I" Andy squealed.
"Uhh guys that's not to much of a good idea" Ashley said concerned.
"And why would you care? Your the one who's always recovering from hangovers then getting drunk again and fucking girls" CC hissed.
"C, he's true it's not a good idea" I retorted.

"Your only saying that cause your sticking up for your friend with benefits" he shot back. Ashley pulled away from me, hurt in his eyes.
"Well look what you've done CC now ash won't speak to me!" I huffed, trying to catch up with ash who was giving me silent treatment.

"Can't you get the message?" CC yelled "don't you know he's a player he doesn't want you!" I looked back at the whole band, who were giving me apologetic looks. I ran up to Ashley trying to grab his hand, which he pulled away.

"Ash, we haven't got a friends with benefits relationship! We haven't even had sex with each other! You mean more to me than that" I admitted. He glanced at me from the side of his eyes, but kept on walking.

"I need to wash the kitten" he sighed. I nodded as we both walked over to my house, letting him in. Mittens greeted me, slightly hissing at the sight of new kittens but soon getting used to them.
"We're gonna have a few guests for a while, they need a home just like you needed" I gently stroked him, he head butted my hand. It was his was of understanding.

I giggled getting up and walking into the kitchen, putting the plug into the sink starting to run water. It was just about Luke warm when I was going to leave the kittens with ash, when I heard him speaking causing me to stop outside the door, slightly poking my head around it.

He had mittens and his kitten on his lap, stroking them both.
"I don't know what to do mittens" he sighed "I've fallen in love and she doesn't even know it" I bit my lip and shook my head. No way he could be crushing on me, he said he loved someone else.

I forgot about ditching the kittens, running upstairs to get the shampoo. I picked it up, falling down the stairs and falling into Ashley's arms. I always had a habit for falling into people's arms.
I blushed, looking up at him to see him blushing.

"I uh got the shampoo!" I said, walking into the Kitchen, placing the kittens in the water where they meowed and squealed. Ashley stroked his, gentler placing it down.

Mittens joined us, looking over them like a proud father. I giggled patting him. We started using the shampoo to wash them, it didn't come off easily. But soon, two calico cats and a tabby were starting to become visible. Ash smiled at his little kitten, which was the tabby.

"Ahhhhhh he's a little tiger" ash cooed. I laughed, leaning my head on his shoulder, which he didn't reject "so what are we going to do with them?" He asked.
"I was thinking we could take them to the vets get em checked out and then hopefully find them a home" I smiled.

"Oh" he sighed.
"Or we could keep them" I smiled he looked at me his eyes widening as he smiled, pulling me into a hug. I giggled hugging him back.
"I'm gonna call him tiger" he smiled. I pulled out one of the kittens, wrapping them in a towel starting to dry it off.

"Hey snow?" He said. I looked up to him, he suddenly crashed his lips onto mine. I kissed him back, taking his hand. He intertwined our fingers, making me blush.

He licked the bottom of my lips, begging for entrance which I gladly granted him. Our tongues battled against one another. We finally pulled away, our breathing slightly hitched. I looked at him.
"Snow, I really like you" he said quietly "will you be mine?" He asked. I nodded kissing his lips again.

"Yes, yes yes yes" I smiled as he grabbed his kitten and I grabbed the other two with a towel, going to sit together in the lounge. I was falling for this man.

(COMPLETED) Drummer BoyWhere stories live. Discover now