The drug in me is you

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The ride to the beach was long and awkward. I felt so bad for accusing Ashley for cheating on me, he was so kind, but I knew my mind was playing tricks again.

He pulled up at a car park, getting out and running around to open my door. I got out, gently kissing his cheek as I made my way to the boot grabbing our towels.

"Snow, I love you" ash smiled. I nodded, hiding my face in his chest as he hugged me close to his body. He smelt of whiskey and Cologne.

I was embracing the moment, until I heard a loud voice shout. I pulled away from ash confused when I saw black veil making their way towards us.

"SNOWWWWW!!!" Andy yelled, running up to me and hugging me.
"Beach time!" Jinxx smiled. Ashley grabbed my hand as we all walked over to the beach.

I took off my flip flops, holding them in my hands as I ran on the beach, feeling the sand beneath my feet.
"SNOW WAIT UP!!" Ash yelled. I just about made it to the blue sea, when I was swept off my feet. I screamed bloody murder, looking at ash who was wearing his trunks.

"Ashley abrocket purdy!" I screamed, gripping onto him. I felt him chuckle, as I was dumped into the ice cold water.
"Ashley help me!" I screamed as a wave washed over me. I could just about see his face as I was pushed under. I forgot to tell him I couldn't swim.

I felt a pair of strong arms pick me up bridal style, holding me close.
"Snow, I'm so sorry" I heard Ashley cry as he stood me up. I turned away from him, running back up to the sand where Jinxx and CC were sunbathing.

Where Jake and Andy were, we shall never know. I felt tears fall from my eyes as bad memories flooded my eyes.
I collapsed onto my towel, trying to pry all my things together.
"Snow?" I heard CC say his voice quite, as he pulled of his sunglasses his eyes meeting mine.

He gasped as he realised I was wet, and tears were sliding down my face.
"He didn't did he?" He asked. I nodded.
CC got up, pulling me into a hug as he pulled me into his chest.
"He didn't know it's not his fault" I sighed.

"But still, he shouldn't have done it!" CC said getting a little angry.
"C calm down" I said, placing a hand on his chest. I rest my head on his shoulder. I saw Ashley running up to us, his face frantic.

"Snow please I'm so sorry" ash tried to explain.
"You shouldn't have done it anyways!" CC growled.
"I didn't know she would get upset" he sighed, looking away.

"Well look..." CC said gradually getting louder, causing Jinxx to look up from his shades his face a frown "she's clearly upset! Your pathetic!" He spat.
Ashes eyes filled with tears. He looked up meeting my gaze, with an apologetic look before walking off.

"Ashley!!" I screamed after him. He didn't turn back, walking away his fists cliched together tightly. He wasn't coming back. Tears fell once again.
I got up from CC walking away.
"Look what you've done!" I screamed, turning around and walking straight into Andy. He welcomed me in his tattooed arms.

"Hey shhhh snow" he whispered, stroking my hair.
"Take my home Andy" I cried. He nodded, going to collect my stuff as I stood facing away from the band. Jake and Jinxx came and gave me hugs As I followed Andy.

"Do you wanna explain?" He asked as we both got into my car. He was gonna drive. I nodded.
"Ash threw me into the water. He didn't know. I hate the waves, I nearly got drowned in the sea as a little kid. Someone pushed my head under the water. He picked me up as soon as he realised he made a mistake, I stormed off without explaining" I sighed "CC knew straight away. He yelled at Ashley. He got upset and left and now, well I dont know if he's gonna come back. Andy I don't want to loose Ashley I love him" I cried.

"I can talk to him" he sighed. I nodded. I listened to the radio, ash still hadn't changed it from the country radio. I felt more tears fall. After a long travel home, we arrived. I climbed out, Andy following.
"Do you want me to stay?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

I put my key in the door, it was open? I pushed it open, to see Ashley there on one knee, with a black box. I slightly frowned. He wasn't was he?
"Snow, I know what your thinking, and it's not. It's a promise ring" he smiled as he opened the box "im so so sorry, I promise I will never hurt or upset you in such a way like that again I promise" he looked like he was about to cry again.

I pulled him up, pulling him into a giant hug, as I felt him slide the ring onto my finger. He looked into my eyes, before kissing me gently.
"I love you" I mumbled against his lips.
"I love you too beautiful" he smiled before kissing me again. I smiled into the kiss.

I heard someone clear their throats causing me and ash to pull away. I giggled slightly, remembering Andy standing in the doorway.
"I Should get going" he said awkwardly. I saw Ashley blush as we both nodded.
"Need a lift?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I live just around the corner, I can walk" he mumbled.
"Those gazelle legs" I giggled. He shook his head, a smile spreading across his face.
I waved him goodbye, practically jumping into ashes arms again as he left.

"Snow I'm so sorry" he apologised.
"I know babe, you didn't mean it, just promise me you'll never do it again" I sighed. He nodded.
"I promise, do you have work tomorrow?" He asked.

"Ummm not sure, I'll call Gerard. I think he said something about panic at the disco coming in for a shoot. I have to pick up Brendon and Ryan" I sighed.
"Your friends WITH BRENDON AND RYAN!" He squealed. I nodded a smile against my face "I wanna hear how you met them!"

We both sat down as a explained the story of how me and Brendon met.

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