Here I Am

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About half an hour later I heard a light knock at my door.
"Yes?" I said my voice weak and croaky.
"Snow am I okay to come in?" C asked.

"Okay" I sighed resting my head on the pillow. CC giving me a weak smile which I returned. He came and sat on my bed, which I crawled up next to him as he gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry C I ruined our night" I mumbled feeling guilty. He started combing my hair.
"It's okay. It's not your fault. I shouldn't have took you there especially with Anna I thought she would've let it go. I'm sorry about what she said about Ashley" he explained.

"I'm still upset but it's okay" I sighed. CC took my hand intertwining our fingers. I looked up at him, his brown orbs staring at me.

We slowly learnt forwards towards each other, CC eyes flickering to my eyes then back up. We were just centimetres from each other's faces when the door bell went downstairs. C looked up at me, laughing slightly.

I rolled my eyes playfully as I grabbed his hand pulling him down the stairs with me. Sasha and Buddha were barking at the door, and tiger hissing in fright.

"Put Buddha in the lounge and pick up Sasha I'll get tiger" I said. He nodded "hang on" I shouted through the door. C came back with Sasha in his arms. I opened the door.

Mikey was standing there. But next to him was a blonde girl, very skinny and pretty.
"Mikey what the fuck do you want?" I snapped.
"I came to apologise" he sighed.
"You really think I'm going to forgive you just like that? You know I hate it when you drink" I replied.

Guilt washed over his face. He looked down at the ground nodding.
"Go on get some clothes, are you staying with gee, Lyn-z and bandit?" I asked. He nodded going upstairs.

I turned to the girl standing in front of me.
"Sorry about that" I huffed. She smiled back at me.
"No prob Hun, you probably don't know me but CC here does" she beamed.

She seemed pretty nice.
"Kina!!" CC smiled pulling her in for a hug. I chuckled slightly. She turned to face me holding out her hand.
"I'm Kina and your snow" she shook my hand. I giggled nodding.

"I was wondering if I could come in?" She asked.
"Uh sure?" I said looking at C who nodded "your gonna have to mind the dogs but they couldn't hurt a fly" I laughed. She giggled following me.

I walked into mikey on the way in.
"Umm thanks. Im sorry snow" he apologised. I nodded, but pulled him in for a hug.
"I forgive You mikey but I don't want to stay in this relationship" I whispered. He sighed hugging me back.

"Gee said he needs to meet up sometime. It's been a while. Well since the wedding" he smiled. I nodded.
"And I'll have to meet up with bandit and Lyn-z too" I laughed as he left.

I walked into the living room where Kina and CC were sitting and chatting. I sat down next to C who put his arm around my waist.

"Why I wanted to speak to you is very important snow" she sighed. I frowned but nodded "You might not know who I am, or just think I'm CCs old friend. I'm one of Ashley's exs" she said. I pretty sure my face paled "don't worry we were done long ago. He always remains friends with his exs. Nikki will tell you that, he came to me speaking about you all the time and how much he loved you" she smiled, causing me to blush.

"He came to me one night saying how in love he was with you, and he pulled out a box with a ring" she pulled out a box from her hand placing it in mine, looking up at me "I've been trying to find you these last five years and I've finally found you to give you this, he was going to propose"

I felt tears spring to my eyes as I opened the box a small silver ring lying right before my eyes.
"He's always watching over you" she said, her face saddened. I got up pulling her into a hug, where she hugged me back.

"Thankyou, Thankyou" I whispered.
"Your welcome" she replied. I felt another pair of arms wrap around us.
"Threesome!" C shouted. I giggled pulling away. Kina was smiling.
"I wanted to return it to its rightful owner" she said. I nodded.

"Thankyou" I repeated. She looked down at her watch.
"Well I guess I should get going it's late, um snow here my number" she handed me a slip of paper "if you need me just give me a call we should have a girly meeting one day" she smirked.

I nodded as I showed her out to the door giving her one final hug as she left. I turned around to CC who had his arms wide opened. I ran into them, crying as he held me close.

"Thanks for being here CC." I whispered into his chest.
"Anytime" he replied. He picked me up bridal style, Taking me into the kitchen where he had some popcorn laid out and a few chocolate bars and some candy, he picked them up, walking back into the lounge sitting down with me on his lap turning on a film.

"We can't go to the cinema now so we can snuggle in our own home" he laughed. I hugged him, he looked down at me.
"I'm cold and your warm so that means I can snuggle for warmth" I explained. He laughed at me. I yawned as I already felt my eyes getting heavy as I held the box tightly in my hand.

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