I lied

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I woke up in bed. I frowned, how did I get hear? I didn't sleepwalk did I? I heard somebody groan next to me, causing me to jump to the edge of the bed.

I looked next to me to see Ashley sleeping peacefully. I smiled, kissing his cheek, lying back down as I felt him pull his body closer to mine.

"Snow, will you marry me?" He mumbled in his sleep. I giggled. This is going to be fun. I kissed his cheek, causing his eyes to flutter open.
"Babe, you Know you shouldn't sleep talk" I teased. His face turned into horror.
"How much did you hear?" He asked alarmed.

"Oh just most of it" I smirked getting out of bed. He groaned, before getting out of bed himself following me. His chest was pushed against my back as I walked into the kitchen. Out of nowhere, he pushed me up against the counter placing his lips to mine. I kissed back, tangling my hands in his hair.

He removed his lips from mine, pressing them against my neck  immediately finding my sweet Spot.
"Oh ash!" I moaned, allowing him more access to my neck.

I felt him grind against me, his bulge sticking into my thigh. Ash groaned, me taking advantage by pushing my tongue into his mouth.
"Oh snow!" He moaned, picking me up so I was straddling his hips.
"I think this should be carried on upstairs" I smiled. He smirked, trying to kiss Me, while trying to walk through the doorway at the same time.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I groaned, jumping down from Ashley's grip.
"Why is it when we always get to the good part?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders with a frown on his face.
I went to the front door, opening it to see CC standing there. I folded my arms over my chest.
"What?" I snapped.

"I need to speak to you" he said, looking down at the floor.
"You said this a few days ago when your girlfriend was being a fucking bitch! You tried to screw up mine and Ashley's relationship, and your here to speak to me? Well I don't wanna speak!" I hissed.

"Snow..." CC looked up, his eyes tearing up. I felt a sharp pang in my chest of guilt. I felt strong arms pull around my waist, I turned around to look at ash. He looked worried. He nodded, gesturing for him to come in.

"Come on" I sighed. We walked into my lounge, my and ash crashing onto the love seat, being ambushed by three small kittens. Ash chuckled as he stroked tiger.
"We still need to take you to your new home little man" he smiled "and we need to name you two" he patted the two fluff balls on my lap. I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you" I whispered.
"I love you too baby" he kissed the temple on my head. I looked over to CC who was playing with his hands.
"So?" I said.
"I'm so sorry snow, I've been nothing but an asshole since we met up again" he sighed.

"That's a understatement" I muttered "C I was so happy when I saw you. You've changed into someone else. Your not the CC I remember who would be there for me through everything, I thought you had my back. But yesterday? It proved you don't"

"I'm really sorry!" He cried, a tear falling down his cheek. Ashes grip got tighter around my waist "snow, it's hard to see you with him! I still love you" he said looking down. I frowned.
"You still love me?" I asked curious. He nodded, avoiding eye contact

"So do you still love me?" He asked, his eyes pleading. Ash had gone all quiet. I could feel him trembling behind me.
"Well that's a little big headed, I never said I loved you C. I did. It hurt when you said you had a girlfriend, Anna treated me like shit. Ash has been here for me from the very start" I replied, taking Ashley's hand, which was tightly curled up into a ball. I frowned. He wasn't upset was he?

"You barely know him, I've known him for years now. He's nothing but manwhore!" He had a fair point.
"But CC he's been there for me!" I mumbled.
"He won't be there when he's off fucking some other girl" he replied.

"And this is what I was on about, I trust ash and I'm sure he knows he has my trust. Do you know how hard it's been to trust someone?" I asked.
"Do I know? You bet I do. When you left me. I was all alone. I had no one. I was left. I met these dudes. I trust them, well trusted ash. But now he's running off with the girl I love!" He snapped. I felt tears rush to my eyes.

"I still love you CC I knew you'd never accept me" I whispered. Ash removed his arm from my waist, I watched as he stood up.
"Ash?" I shouted. He looked at me, a tear slipping down his face.

"So you were using me? Just someone to fill in the pain? I thought I could truly love you snow, I thought I could. But I can't. You don't know how hard it is for me! I'm just getting over Kina. You made me happy, but if I'm just another guy, then I'm done. You can have CC. I'm leaving black veil. I don't want to have to put up with that pathetic excuse" he cried, picking up tiger and leaving the house slamming the door.

"Ashley!" I cried, running after him. I opened the door, where I could see him walking down the sidewalk. I ran up to him, but he ignored me.
"I love you" I said.
"I loved you too, goodbye snow. You won't be hearing from me anymore" he said, leaving somewhere.

I collapsed onto the ground. He was gone...

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