Chapter 6

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Song: Pillow Talk by X I X X

"Tay, wake up," I said, nudging sleeping beauty as some people started to stand up to get their bags from above.

"Nuh," I heard her groan and stretch like Kiko, I miss my roommate.

I was way more tired then her, not sleeping the night before and being stuck in a small, uncomfortable chair with no room for 16 hours and I'm not able to sleep on any moving object and to top of the sundae, not one, but three screaming children were on the plane.

"You look dead and pale," Tay commented on my appearance.

I finished my cup of water, "that's because I am," I replied looking at Tay.

"Did you even sleep?" She questioned, staring at me with her shamrock eyes.

"Nope," I said popping the 'p' and looking on my phone.

"You better sleep, I will force you," she replied, pointing a finger at me. I mumbled a 'yes' back and finally got up to grab my backpack and wrapping my second home sweater around my hips. After getting our luggage, we caught a taxi to our hotel for the next 2 weeks. 

My body still ached from previous practice, yet again, I collided with the ice so many times in one week. Let's just say I am a big clumsy person, yet I'm still alive somehow. The amount of bruises I have from practice.

After checking into the hotel, I went outside, bringing my camera, and took shots of Berlin and it's history, culture and nature, especially the sunset that's happening, cotton candy that was more on the pink side, magenta fading into a dark cobalt that made it seem like a unicorn was born. I felt alone looking at this beauty, cold too. I sipped up my jacket and took another photo before hearing my name being called.

"Zander!" I turned around to be greeted by a someone who gives me butterflies. I smiled as he came up beside me and smiled down at me.

"Hi Colton," I breathed, and saw the perfect opportunity to take a photo of the sun low enough to blend into the ocean. 

"You do photography?" He questioned. I nodded and turned back to him and shivered a bit.

"You haven't had dinner yet? Even if you did, let's go get dinner anyways," he said dragging me with him to where ever we are going. It seemed like he knew where to go, not even stopping once to look at directions. A couple came up to us asking for directions.

"We don't sp-" I cut off Colton before answering there question. 

"Prendre à gauche et marcher environ un pâté de maisons avant de tourner à droite," I answered (take a left and walk about one block before turning right).

"Merci beaucoup!" (Thank you so much) They exclaimed, walking happily down the rocky uneven street. Colton looked at me with amusement and shock in his lapis, neon cyan eyes.

"You speak French? You should teach me," he smirked.

"Myself and one of my sisters speak French to each other as secret communication, and I also speak  Australian slangs, if that counts as a language," I said, mumbling the last sentence sounding like a dumbo.

He laughed and replied "seriously, why are you so talented?" 

"Talented? I'm no where near talented," I replied, pointing the truth.

"You're lying. You are the most talented and amazing person I've ever met!" He exclaimed.

I blushed at his comment. I shouldn't blush, he's straight.

"I'm not the only one who's amazing, you are too," I fired back.

"We're here," he said, stopping the compliment train. We got to a small restaurant that was a pasta place. I love pasta. 

We went in and sat a table by the window to continue watching the sun set in the distance. His leg brushed against my leg causing me to cross my legs behind me, how flipping tall is he? Also, how small is this table? Is this like an Italian cafe size table? 

"I want to know you Zander, so tell me about yourself," he insisted. I guess I can learn about him as we wait for our dinner. I took a sip of water before replying to his interest.

"What is there you want to learn about me?" I questioned, straightening up. He giggled and listed off some questions.

"Age. Home. Occupation and whatever else that will spike my interest."

"Umm, I am 20 years old, I was born and lived in Brisbane, Australia for 18 years before moving to Victoria, B.C for school and work, which is becoming a doctor. Hmm, I'm a very boring person so there's not much to know about me," I answered. "Same thing, what about you?" I added.

He smirked, "You're not boring. Anyways, I'm 24, I was born in London, Ontario and lived there for about 5 years before moving to Ottawa, Ontario and living their. I currently work as a mechanical engineer. My favourite colour is red, I have one older brother by a year and a younger sister who is 16. What about your family?" He finished before we got our dinner. 

"Danke," I thanked the waitress. I ordered linguine in alfredo sauce topped with shrimp that was bright pink that brought out the pasta. Colton ordered grilled chicken with tomato sauce on it and a side of steamed green beans and creamy mashed potatoes topped with parsley. 

"I have 3 older sister, they are 3 years older then me, fun fact, I am the only boy cousin on both my parents side of the family," I sighed, looking down at my pasta. I felt awkward talking about my life story, I never tell anyone. 

"Hey," he said, trying to catch my attention. I felt a pair of fingers lift my chin up, making me look into the sapphire blue eyes, I felt my face heat up so fast, "it just means you get attention and way more love by everyone," he smiled, before dropping his hand back onto his fork and eating his dinner, honestly I wanted to taste it. 

"How tall are you?" He shot another question.

"5'5" you?" Feeling guilty for who I am.

"6'3" you're probably taller then your sisters so be proud of being tall," he complimented.

I laughed at that. He is joking right? 

"What?" He asked.

"I am the shortest one in my family, ranging from 5'7" to 6'1"," I said, feeling depression kicking in. He stayed quite after that. I laughed and added "don't feel bad, there's no need to feel guilty, it's genetic, at least I am alive," I paused before telling a dark past.

"When I was born I was born very small, like you could hold me in both hands small, and I had breathing and heart problems. I couldn't he held by my parents for a week, so I am just a broken person," I told. I looked up and saw sadness, guilt and depression.

"Fuck, that's so sad. I'm sorry this happened to you, you didn't deserve this, and you're not broken," he said.

"There's no need to feel sad, I'm alive, you wouldn't have met me if the doctors didn't save me," I comforted Cole. He smiled and looked down at my hands.

"Your a lefty?" He questioned. I nodded and continued eating.

"Last question, are you gay?"

Author Note: HEYO! I just wanted to say thank you for reading this book, it means a lot to me when you guys read this makes me feel like you are enjoying it. Yes there are some and will be swears in this book, I'm sorry if you don't like it, it's just something that make it spark? If you want to say. Again, really sorry if you don't like swears, and thank you again for reading this. Also I am sorry if you are offered by the dinner scene.

-XOX Author :)

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