Chapter 8

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Song: House of Gold by Twenty One Pilots.

Sleeping for 6 hours a night when you work early in the morning, doesn't phase me. Sleeping for 9 hours, is horrible. Oversleeping is the worse feeling I've ever felt. 

I sat on my bed, tying my white converses that went with my dark blue jeans that clung to my legs with some room, and wearing a plain black long sleeve Nike shirt to hide my tattoos and bruise. Tying my Team Canada hoodie around my waist, I grabbed my wallet and phone and went to the elevator for breakfast. Taylor texted me saying she was having breakfast with some other coaches in other sports about things, guess I'm eating alone I thought. 

Grabbing my plate filled with colourful fruits and cereal, I filled my mug with hot water creating a smell of breathe taking peppermint tea, waiting for it to steep a bit, I poured a bit of milk to create a London fog that reminded me of home. I sat at a table by the window enjoying the quite room that shined with the 8am sunrise, crispy tulip orange that rose with a pineapple yellow sun. I heard a group of people enter the quite room, I tilted my head to the right noticing a team, specifically Team Canada hockey, and there stood my tall boyfriend. It felt odd saying that, yet so right. I ignored him allowing him to talk with his friends, but reality is, he didn't talk with them, he simply came over to me and hugged me from behind.

"Good morning," he greeted, with sleep in his voice.

"Good morning to you too, did you sleep well?" I asked. He hummed and let go of me, making me shiver, I missed his warmth, I craved it. He went back to his team to eat breakfast.

 I took the last sip of my tea and stood up from my spot and went to put my dishes away and check out if there was a computer area, but I needed my earbuds, I wanted to Skype my family to see how they were. As I was about t exit the eating area, someone bumped into causing me to stumble back a bit.

"Watch it kid," a girl yelled, fixing her clothes and gaining attention from people inside the room, I apologized and scurried off to my room to grab my earbuds. It seems like it was going to be one of these days. 

I returned to my room to retrieve one of my paris of earbuds I brought, one wireless and one not wireless, grabbing the black non-wireless ones, I went to the second floor to find the computer room. It took my about 15 minutes before I found it and went into the room, seeing it dead quite. I checked the time seeing it was 9:15, making me calculate that I had and hour before I had to go to the opening ceremony for the games to begin. I didn't realize I was being followed when a chair swung beside me, starling me, and the person sitting the wrong way. 

"Are you okay?" Cole asked as he stared at me. 

"I'm fine, she's just cranky," I reassured him. He scoffed at that remark, as I signed into Skype noticing my mom was online. I plugged in my ear buds and was about to call when I got questioned. 

"Who are you calling?" He asked, as he leaned his head onto my arm.

"My mom," I answered, please don't say you want to meet her. My parents weren't your typical family, they were the kind of parents that were like teenagers, what's the gossip, drinking alcohol with us, more like with my sisters, having friends over to party, and so on like, like teenagers.

"Can I hear?" He whispered.

"Noo," I exclaimed.

"Why not? You embarrassed for your mom to meet me?" he smirked.

"That's not the reason. Ok fine, I'll let you hear and you will realize why," I said, handing him the left ear bud as I clicked 'call'. After two rings I saw my mothers fine blonde hair up in a bun and her sapphire eyes shining clear through the computer screen.

"Zander!" She shirked, causing my to wince.

"Hi mom, how are you?" I asked.

"Let's stop talking about me and answer me who that cute boy is beside you," she demanded.


"Hi ma'am, I'm Colton Mackenzie, I'm your son's partner," Cole simply said. Is he trying to kill me? I saw my mom smile so bright causing her scream with joy.

"Why didn't you tell me Zander Bradley?! I would use your full name, but not today," she said.

"Because we became official yesterday," I said.

"I'm so proud, by the way Colton my name is Heather, and you better treat my son good, or else I will kill you," my mother threaten, making Colton to tighten and wipe the smile off his face, "I'm just kidding darling," she smirked, making him breathe out and relax.

"C'est toi ton petit frère?" (Is that you baby brother?) I heard Zoe on the line, as she dropped on the couch beside my mom.

"Zander, qui est le garçon chaud à tes côtés? Demandez s'il es célibataire," (Zander, who's the hot boy beside you? Ask if he's single) Zoe demanded.

"Kids, English," mom spoke.

"Zoe, he's my partner, Colton this is one of my sisters Zoe, Zoe Colton," I introduced them.

Zoe's face blew up, "WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL ME?!" Zoe shirked, "I have to tell Abby and Olivia, be back!" Zoe ran off. I slammed my head onto the table and groaned in frustration.

"Zoe Elizabeth Bradley you will not tell them, it's up to Zander and Colton," my mom warned.

"I can't wait to see you two in person for me take photos and frame them in the house," my mom said, causing me to look up and see Zoe's face brighten up at that idea.

"No!" Both myself and Cole yelled. 

"Wait, you're coming to watch?" I questioned.

"Of course, this is special to us, and we will watch Colton too, see you soon honey, we're off to have dinner," my mom said, with Zoe waving a goodbye and ending the call.

"Oh shit," I heard Colton breathe out, staring at me, and myself staring back at him.

"I didn't know they were coming," I replied, as I tried to calm him down, but he wasn't mad, he was excited? My face was expressionless, "what?" 

"My family is also coming," he said.

"Oh god!" I exclaimed, feeling my body fall back into the chair and closing my eyes.

"Zander, it will be fine, I'll be here, there's no need to freak out," he soothed, pulling me forward onto his lap and making me snap my eyes open. I was flipping close to his face, and I felt myself blush the colour of a fire truck. He forced my arms to wrap around his neck and his hands around my lower back, making me wince in pain. I snuggled my head into his collarbone breathing in his scent that smelled like it just rained in the forest, the smell of pine being released into the air. I calmed down a bit and we stayed like this until his phone went of, making me stand up to allow him to answer the call. 

"Ya? 11 it starts, we have to be there at 10:15. I'm in my room. See ya," Cole ended the call and looked back at me, standing up and hugging me, causing me to wrap my small arms around his stomach, my hands almost connecting together and his chin leaning on my head and his hands on my hips. 

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