Chapter 7

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Every thing stopped, time, people and myself. A question I've never been asked by a guy, specifically from someone who I have started crushing since he we met. I couldn't answer the question that was thrown to me, like a confetti gun being pulled and you don't want it on your clothes, but magically have a million on you. So like your typical person who wants to avoid the question, I gave him a question.

"May I ask why you?" I said, not feeling hungry anymore and wanting to curl up into a ball.

"Because I want to know," he answered, very basic. 

"But why?" I answered back.

"I'm interested and I have to see if I win," he smirked. Is he seriously smirking in a question that's making me uncomfortable.

"Win what?" Why am I asking so many question? Oh wait, it's to avoid the most personal question.

"You have to answer the question in order for me to answer, and as I said, are you gay?" 

There's no way I could get out of this, so I actually answered the question, like I had a small amount of courage to answer it.

"Y-y-yes," I stumbled and mumbled, like your regular socially awkward pleb. Next thing I knew, he grabbed my small, dry hands and rubbed my knuckles so lightly making it feel like my skin was no longer dry.

"Can you look at me please?" He asked kindly.

I couldn't look up, telling someone like him just felt wrong, but right at the same time and I don't know how I feel anymore. I didn't realize he forced me to look at him when I was snapped out of my thought land.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay, I'm gay too, and I happen to have a liking for a guy who's sitting with me with a small fragile body frame that makes him look like a model with eyed I've never seen and a mouth that looks irresistible and speaks that makes me smile all the time," he spoke with no stutter or hesitation.

No one has ever said something like that to me, I'm an emotion wreck after hearing that, I don't know how I feel, happy, sad, flustered, uncomfortable, mad?

"Zander, whatever your last name is, how would like to go out with me, Colton Jamie Mackenzie?" He asked, smiling yet smirking.

I felt tears wanting to pour down my fave like a fountain.

"Colton, I don't even know you," I said, feeling and hearing my voice crack, "I've never been in a relationship," I added.

"But that's the point of a relationship, it is to learn the other significant other as they date," he spoke.

He wasn't wrong, the point of a relationship is to be with them and learn about them, comfort, love and happiness from and to them.

"I do like you too, and I'm willing to try it, yes I will go out with you," I smiled, feeling him tighten his hand on my hand and smile, the smile that comforts and distracts me from the pain in my back.

"Let's head back," he offered, paying for dinner, even though I should've paid. Next time.

We walked down the pebble road with cracks that caused you to trip every step you took, and if you're a klutz like me, you're guaranteed to face plant, but that didn't happen to me tonight, I had someone catch me when I fell. It was odd to link arms with someone who's almost a foot taller then you, I just feel bad for Colton to have tokens down to my height.

"You still have to take me to Brisbane," Colton said, braking the silence, lingering around us.

"And you have to show me Ottawa," I remarked.

"Then you also have to show me Vistoria," he smirked back.

"Then you can show me...." What else could he show me? "London" I added.

He laughed, "you drive a hard bargain."

We continued walking back to our hotel, lisetning to the loud restaurant music that was playing inside along with the gentle sound of occasional cars passing by.

"When do you have to compete?" I got questioned.

"The 4th, 5th, 10th, and 11th," I answered, "what about you?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Everyday, if we win every game," Cole smiled, looking down at me with his glowing midnight eyes.

I felt comfortable, relaxed and stressed freed for once.

"Is it true that doctors are always stressed out?" Cole asked.

"Depends on situations and what you're given to work one, for me, I can be," I answered, "what about being a engineer?" I asked, wanting to know more.

"It's relaxing, sometimes, other times, hard," he simply answered.

My mind felt free and peaceful, like the spring flowers blooming in the West coast, roses, tulips, daisy's, lilacs and lavender.

We got to out hotel and I felt exhausted, almost 48 hours of no sleep, I learned on Cole's arm and yawned lightly, feeling dead to the core of my brain.

"You tired?" He questioned.

I wonder what gave that away, hmm.

"Ya, almost 48 hours of no sleep, well I did nap here and there," I said.

He just stared at me and didn't bother saying anything. Thank god.

We decided to chill in the main entrance lounge area, sitting beside each other, Colton having his arm wrapped around my shoulder and leaning my head onto his broad chest, relaxing to his calming heart that beat at 86bpm, I curled into a ball and enjoyed out time together.

"You said you had 3 older sisters, did they force you to do girl things?" I heard.

I hummed in reply, too comfort to talk.

"You have a younger sister, did she make you do girl things?" I remarked.

I looked up and saw him shake his head no, "well, Katie did braid my hair since it's long compared to my brother, Matthew, what are your sisters names?" Curiosity getting to him.

"Abby, Olivia, Zoe," I answered, "we don't look a like," I added.

"Is it because of the ginger hair?" He smirked.

"One, it's not ginger, strawberry blonde Two, yes," I corrected him.

"Speaking of hair, you know how to braid?" He said, taking off his hat yo show the mocha hair. I nodded and knew what he wanted, but waited for him to ask.

"Prove it," he smirked.

I got up and went behind the chair, running my hands through his smooth thick hair, I noticed a stand of gold that was underneath, so I decided to make it show. Splitting his hair into 3 equal pieces, I began to braid while thinking of a song I enjoyed, soft, melodic and calming. I was struggling to keep it tight since his hair was short, but since it was think it stayed together.

With the sun gold strand showing it a pride, I finished braiding and saw him tilt his head up and stare at me.

"I'm glad I met you," he smiled.

"I am too," I replied and connected our foreheads together, staying like this with no movement.

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