Chapter 17

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Song for now or later: Live Like Legends by Ruelle

"Dr. Bradley, how are you?" Dr. Smith spoke, through my phone on speaker, Colton laying on me, as we chilled in his room, his back crushing on my legs and my phone rising on his chest every time he inhaled and exhaled, slow and calm. 

"Sir, I am good, how are you?" I nodded, realizing he couldn't see me, shaking my head I continued to listen why he called me.

"First off, congratulation on your win, second, we've had some issues back here," Glenn said, before taking a breathe and continuing, "most of our employees have quit and we are very short on staff and I know we can't pull you back, but we tried to contact the other hospitals for assistants, but they won't help out, this is your opinion, but are you willing to come back?" 

I tipped my head down to see the call time tick away, 1:24, 1:25, 1:26, I don't know what to do, what do I simply do? I sighed really loud and started to panic a bit, I didn't want to let everyone down back at home, but I would be here too. I glanced over at Cole to try and get his opinion, he simply met my eyes and mouthed, 'go'.

I cleared my throat before answering the major question, "I will be back on the 17th," I simply answered, still looking at Colton, who smiled for doing the right thing, but I could tell it hurt him on the inside, his heart shattering away, but what would long distance be like?

"Bradley, I can't thank you enough, we will see you soon," and ended like that.

I threw my phone onto the low coffee table that held a book, 'City of Bones' "I read that series, the last one is so sad, Jace decides t-" But I got cut off being being poked in the side, causing me to yelp and jump back on the couch.

"Don't spoil it you idiot, I'm only at the very beginning," Cole yelled, causing me to laugh and fall off the couch, my feet still on the firm grey cushion and my back to the cool carpet and my face parallel to the ceiling, mocking me with shapes I imagined.

"Do you honestly feel okay with me going back?" I asked, as Colton spread my legs on either side of his hips and resting his elbows on his knees, sighing out, he responded with a simple 'no'.

"I don't feel okay with you leaving, but every hero gets called to save the world, even in special occasions, being a doctor is more concerning then any jobs in my opinion," he spoke, sorrow lacing his angle voice making him sound like he's on the verge of crying. 

"You make me sound as if I'm saving you and not the patients at the hospital," I joked, trying the lighten the gloomy mood lingering in the air, which caused him to smile slightly, better then a frown, I thought.

"So we only have two days left with each other before we see each other again," depressed Colton announced, making me nod, sort of, I feel so guilty for accepting the request.

I held out my hands for Cole, which he accepted and pulled me up into the lap and allowing me to cup his face and kiss the tip of his nose and smile, before cuddling into his body, that burned like a furnace.

Free skating, I thought, I was the third one up, and the song was simple, basic and something some people should know, hopefully. It was the second last day before I had to leave, I booked a night bird flight where I had to drive straightly to the hospital, tomorrow I was meant to have a competition, but they narrowed it down to one day, so tomorrow I was just going to chill on the solid ice before skating season was over.

"So you have to leave in two days?" Taylor asked, misery misting her voice, making me wince in pain.

"Work called, short on staff members, until then, I have to head back and fill in for a bit, I'm hoping I can come back to watch the finals, if Canada makes it, a surprise for Colton," I declared.

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