Chapter 21

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Song: All the Stars by Kendrick Lamar and SZA

I felt like I was floating on clouds, but I was in water, my body sprawled everywhere, my eyes slowly opened to see my own reflection staring at me, my light turquoise, with a small amount of bright shamrock, specks here and there eyes. Just looking at myself made me feel empty, hollow, even dry, when I'm in water. 

Taking the risk, I slowly moved my arm in front of my reflection and touched the mirrored water, causing the water to ripple and my reflection wave everywhere, but I felt something touch my arm and pull me through the alternate universe, but it wasn't an alternate universe, it was my world. 

I jolted awake and felt pain move everywhere in my veins, feeling like I was being lite on fire, causing me to tighten my body and fall back onto the comfortable, yet uncomfortable hospital bed. 

I glanced around the blank room, no sound could be heard, but it felt like someone was watching my movements, it was odd to be in a situation where I was a patient. 

Swinging my legs over the bed and moving all the blankets, I tried to move my left arm towards the cup of water resting peacefully on the table, but something prevented me from doing, glancing down at the blocker, I was in a sling. I was stabbed in the shoulder, why do I need a sling? 

"When you got stabbed, he cut a nerve causing us to do surgery to and fix it," my thought being answered.

I looked behind me and saw Emily standing by the glass sliding door, holding a record file, probably mine. 

"I didn't know you had a very slow heart rate, along with wearing contacts, poor blood circulation, heart malfunction when you were born," Emily listed off, making look at her like 'I know, it's my body.'

"Ya, I'm just special," I whispered, my voicing cracking in pain and sounding horrid, as I took a sip of water. 

"You've been out for two days, just to let you know, and I'll come back once you're changed," Emily whispered lastly, before leaving the room. 

I stood up and grabbed the pile of clothes folded and my phone resting on top, reaching for my phone, I had numerous missed calls and over one hundred texts from family members. 

Unlocking my phone I called mom straight away and was immediately answered, involving a lot of yelling, making my head pound. 

"HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT ANSWERING YOUR PHONE?!" Mom screamed, as I went to the bathroom and locking the door to look at my pale frame and my dominant hand tied up. 

"I can't when I'm in a coma," I answered, trying to shush my mother to a whisper phase. 

"Coma?! What do you mean?" I heard Zoe on the line.

"When I worked the night shift, a semi drove into a building injuring twenty people and one of the males there pulled a knife on me saying I killed his daughter and a police member managed to get behind him and shoot him and I took the opportunity to escape, but I didn't move fast enough and he stabbed my left shoulder blade and I just woke up and Dr. May told me that he cut one of my nerves, making me get surgery and yeah," I summed up the 'happy' story. 

"That means you can't come out," mom spoke, sadness lacing her voice and making me nod, but reality is, she couldn't see.

"Sadly, and please," I begged, "you don't need to come out and health me back, and too make you feel better, I will still come to Australia," I added, placing my phone down and slipping my pants on with one hand. 

"I don't want you to take all that effort to come out here when you're hurt," mom said, sounding a little hurt. 

Putting my phone on speaker and placing it on the sink ledge, I attempted to take the gown off, which took time and effort, but it wasn't my main concern, it was putting on a shirt. 

"It won't be hard, just pain killers and water will do it, even thought it's really bad," I said, sliding my shirt through the opening and slipping my right arm through. Grabbing my phone and canceling speaker, I exit the bathroom and saw Jane standing in front of me instead of Emily, like she said she would. 

"I know you don't joke around, but are you sure?" Zoe asked. 

Jane came up and hugged me as gentle as she could, "I'm sure, I have to go, I'll talk later, love you guys," and ended the call. 

Walking into the elevator, I heard someone yell out to hold the doors, pushing the open button, the doors opened and popped in Mrs. Bloom and Mia, both looking at me with joy and confusion. 

"Zander what happened? We thought you just left and we panicked, but we took care of Kiko for you, since we still had your key," Mrs. Bloom said, handing the key over to me.

I explained the story again as we went to our floor, number thirty. 

"Oh dear Lord, I'm so sorry for you, we will be happy to look after you" Mrs. Bloom weep, as Mia hugged my legs. 

"It's okay, I'll be fine, but if I need anything, I'll come over," I smiled, walking to my home and unlocking the door, saying goodnight to the Bloom family.

Immediately Kiko meows at me and rubs her body around my legs, crouching to one knee, I petted her head, causing her to become a dog and lay on her back. I swear she was part dog, part cat.

Extending my arm, she clawed up, leaving some scratches, onto my good shoulder and rubbing her small whiskers against my cheek, causing me to smile and feel both her warmth and purrs. 

Walking to my kitchen for a glass of water, my laptop started to make that 'you're getting a video chat' call on my island. Walking to the bar stool to take a seat I noticed it was Abby's name showing, answering the call, I saw the trio and Colton sitting there, all huddled in someone's hotel room. 

I couldn't really see since I've had my contacts in for a long time, I held a finger up telling them one moment, as I went into my bathroom to remove my contacts and place my glasses on. 

Walking back, I noticed Kiko drinking water out my glass, making me groan in frustration. Dumping the water into her dish, she jumped down and started drinking the cold water, with the remainder, I water my lotus flower and grabbed a fresh cup of water and re-joined my humble family. 

"You look like shit," Abby said, scrunching her nose.

"That's because I feel like crap," I said, placing my elbow on the dark granite counter top and balling my hand into a fist and resting my temple. 

"I already know what happened, but you can explain what happened to these contestants," Zoe hand gestured to the rest of them. 

Explaining the story again, I started to grow tired and told them it was three in the morning and I wanted sleep, they allowed it and ended the call, leaving me in the silent room.

I didn't notice Kiko on the table sitting in front of me, she scarred me, causing me to jump back and stumble a bit. 

"I need to get a bell and put it on your collar," I said, glaring at her, walking to my bedroom, I didn't bother changing, so I stayed in the dark, mahogany red shirt and dark grey sweat pants. 

Before closing my eyes, I heard my phone go off, making me question who it was, but got my answer when I saw Cole's name glow.

'Sleep well, talk with me later, xoxo'.

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