Chapter 15

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Song: Better Days by Hedley 

"So this is the boy you were telling me about," Colton's mothers asked.

"Yes mom," Cole groaned as I took small bites of my sandwich, I lost my appetite when his parents walked through the jingled door.

"Zander, what is it that you do?" Matthew questioned. 

"I'm a student and doctor at a hospital," I spoke quietly. 

"Looks like you chose the right person Cole, no more taking you to a hospital," Katie hinted.

"I'm not taking advantage for Zander, he isn't meant to be treated as a toy, he's human," Cole corrected Katie, which made her sour and moody, but relaxed and apologized. 

"My sisters are like that Katie, they think they can get hurt any time they like just to annoy me," I comfort her, which made her smile.

"Sister?" Mr. Mackenzie questioned.

"Triplets, they are three years older then me," I replied, getting some questioning stares from them, I don't blame them. 

"Je savais que je t'ai vu, oh désolé (I knew I saw you, oh sorry)," I heard a familiar French speaker enter this store, not the best timing Zoe, I thought.

"Que fais-je? (What do I do?)" I asked Zoe, taking advantage of my awkward situation, since Cole told me they don't speak any languages, but English.

"Eh bien, m'ordonner, (Well introduce me)" Zoe said, smiling.

I sighed and stood up to take my sister's hand and lead her towards the table, "this is one of my sister's, Zoe, Zoe this is Colton's family, Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie, the eldest sibling, Matthew and the youngest, Katie," I pointed out at each person. Zoe said hello and excused herself to catch up with Abby, before she left, she turned to me and mouthed 'you owe me.'

"Since Zander is standing, I'll stand too, which means we are leaving," Cole stated, and stood up from his spot to stand beside me.

"Can I join?" Katie pleaded, which resulted in her smiling, since the older ones had to go to a bar to meet with a friend of there's.

"It was nice too meet you Zander," Mrs. Mackenzie smiled, her smile was warm, like a fresh batch of cookies coming out of the oven.

"It was indeed Mrs. Mackenzie," I smiled.

She was shocked when I called her by her last name. 

"I know you call patients by their last name, but call me Ellie, and my husbands name is Brandon," she told me. I nodded and remembered to call them by their first name.

"Are you from Britain? Can I meet your other sisters? Can you sing?" Katie questioned, with more and more questions coming at me. She didn't seem 16.

"Katie, you're making Zander uncomfortable," Cole said, turning to me and giving me an apologetic smile, which made me less tense. 

"To answer your questions Ms," and there goes my greeting to Colton's family. 

"Katie," I corrected myself, "I'm from Australia, as for my sister's," I had to think about that question. Would my sister's be happy to meet Katie? I let that go and answered honestly, "they would be delighted, they do want more 'sister's'," I quoted.

"Let's go in here," Katie instructed us, as she stood in front of an all girl clothing store that made me tense, I don't feel comfortable going into this.

"Katie, we're both boys, we don't wear those clothing," Colton pleaded. 

"Oh step-brother, allow us." I turned around and saw Zoe and Abby standing there with one bag of clothing it appeared. 

I felt my cheeks heat up at what Abby said and saw Katie's hazel blue eyes shine with happiness, her blond hair blowe behind her in a pony tail as she went up beside my sister's, before entering the store Abby held up two fingers and then a 'call me' sign.

"What just happened?" Cole questioned, turning towards me.

"It means your sister is having a girls day with my sister's, and I both owe them apparently, and also that their going to call me when they are done so we can pick your sister up from shopping," I sighed.

Cole just chuckled and bent down to my ear, "more like I owe you," and smirked, sending shivers down my back. 

"More like you owe my sister's it seems," I rambled in embarrassment, looking down at the boring concrete floor that now interested me. 

He took my left hand into his warm hand and lead me down some more stores, getting some stares from people that meant disgrace, or some stares with smiles and jealousy, meaning disgrace or happiness for us. 

"Are you always cold?" I got questioned, making me look down again, seems like rocks and concrete is my best friend today, and accidentally brushed my shoulder with a stranger, where we both apologized. 

"I have poor circulation, so I can't get enough flow of blood to warm me up, except for skating, sometimes I'm warm, sometimes I'm freezing," I spoke, feeling odd to open up about my life story, I don't tell anyone because I always stutter and lose focus, but when I get questioned by Cole, it seems like my words just flow evenly with no corruption or interruptions being made.

"That just means I can cuddle you forever," he smiled down, sending warmth to my cheeks, I guess he's right, he will keep me warm, not just by holding hands, but his action of words he speaks. 

I got a phone call from Zoe asking where we were and answering her question, I hung up to look back at a cute boy in front of me.

"Zoe?" He acknowledged, causing me to nod and my knuckles get rubbed in a pattern. Flowers.

"Remind me to thank your sister's, Katie gets bored when mom takes her shopping, so it's nice that she had a change in people taking her shopping," he noted to me, taking my hand and kissing it softly, making me flustered. 

I couldn't speak and thankfully the girls entered our hotel building with bags and bags of store brands, good golly, I thought, and saw the same expression I had on Colton's face.  

"I love your sister's!" Katie exclaimed, with my sister's smiling proudly, all three of them falling into the available seats in the lounge area, it was soothing to be with another family and Cole was right, Katie was comfortable with shopping with other girls, and my sister's seemed to love it too, guess they're a perfect fit. 

"I'm glad to hear," I complimented the three of them, and Cole agreeing too.

"When are you guys getting married?" Katie questioned, with my sister's looking me too. 

"Not for a while," we both answered, this was weird. 

"Depends on what the future holds," I quickly added, saving a breathe for Cole.

"Well we are going to plan it," Abby lectured us, making us groan and listen to them ramble.

I felt letters being drawn on my forearm, I-D-O-N-T-L-I-K-E-T-H-I-S .

I replied back with the same way I was told, M-E-N-E-I-T-H-E-R . I glanced over and saw him smirk and mouth 'I like you,' making me say 'Me too.' 

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