Chapter 23

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Song: One Step Ahead by Engelwood 

"Am I missing anything?" I asked myself while looking at Kiko, who was sleeping as per usual, typical cat thing.

I had my backpack with my laptop, books, chargers and papers for getting on the plane. Along with a pair of clothes since most of my clothes are still at home. 

I ushered Kiko into her cage and locked up the house, my arm no longer in the sling, but the pain lingered here and there, requiring me to stop what I would be doing and massage it. Sliding into my car I looked at my passenger seat to see Kiko look at me.

"You ready to see the sunlight and become an actual kitten?" I questioned Kiko, who answered with a long meow.

Every flight I took was the night eye, I don't know why, but it made me feel comfortable and enjoy the darkness floating around me. It was currently around 2 in the morning and it was dead in the airport, not many people were here taking flights home for the holidays at night, it mostly happened during the day.

I was sitting at my gate with Kiko sleeping in my lap while drinking hot chocolate and reading an article on astronomy, some kids who were awake magically would come up to me and ask to pet Kiko, which I allowed and watch there faces glow with excitement when she rubbed up against them.

Kiko woke up and went onto the floor to stretch her lengthy body, I didn't notice someone walk in front of me when a shadow casted down in front of me.

"Anyone sitting here?" I got questioned, making me look up at who asked me.

My eyes widened when I noticed it was Cole, he laughed at my reaction as I sprung up and leaped into his arms and hugged him. 

"Hey babe," he said, nuzzling his face in my hair and breathing in my 'after the rain' cologne.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned him in shock and astonishment, pulling back to look up at him, my arms still wrapped around his torso.

"I did tell you I was coming to Australia to celebrate Christmas with you and your family, didn't I?" He said, making me remember back to our conversation that night.

"You did, but what about your family? Weren't they coming too?" I asked, making him shake his head and tell me that they were going to his mom's parents to celebrate instead.

I felt a creature climb up my back and onto the right side of my face and purr against me.

"Is that Kiko?" Cole questioned, as he pet her head and earning a hiss.

"Yes and you have to allow her to sniff you, she's part dog I tell you," I told him, shaking my head and removing her from my shoulder and randomly placing her on his jacket, where she clung to him and climbed up onto his shoulder like a gecko.

"She could also be part reptile," I added, looking at his reaction, which was questionable as if saying 'is this even a cat?'

"You think? I like her," Cole said, trying to look face to face with Kiko.

We boarded the plane and I slid into the aisle seat, where Cole took the window, which was a huge mistake, but he went in first. I looked at him he tried to stretch his lanky legs out and complain how small of a space he had.

"Well you should have thought of that before you went in first," I told him, which earned me a frown, where I laughed and stood up, offering him my original spot.

"See, small person for a small space, and a tall person for a large space," he pointed out, leaning back and looking at me.

"What?" I questioned him, as he chuckled at me, he leaned over and kissed my cheek, making me blush a light shrimp pink and shrink in my spot.

"I missed you," he answered, looking at me with his sky blue eyes that mesmerized me and get lost in thought. 

The plane took off as I looked out the window to see the city of Victoria get smaller and smaller as we went higher and higher, the city lights soon disappeared and got replaced with dark clouds surrounding us with nothing else. 

Not even ten minutes into our flight and Colton was asleep, his arms folded on his chest and his head tilted towards the aisle, as for me, I was chilling with Kiko on my lap, and you guessed it, asleep. Cole could be part cat I swear, when we would get back to our hotel in the afternoon, he would fall asleep immediately. 

Grabbing my phone and tuning in to some music, I managed to fall asleep to the soft music that lured me, since I didn't fall asleep the previous night. 

I woke up due to stiffness in my neck, along with my head pounding and the outside still dark, checking the time while cracking my neck, I only got an hour of sleep, where as the sleeping cats were still asleep. 

"Would you like something drink?" The flight attend asked me, as she walked by me.

"Could I just have water?" I questioned, where she nodded and handed me a bottle. Grabbing some tylenol for a headache I managed to get, I stopped my music and grabbed my laptop to watch some Netflix I downloaded. I felt cold and shivered every ten minutes, noticing Cole's free hand, I decided to take a risk and slip my hand into his, his hands were like a campfire that could roast your s'more to golden perfection. 

I didn't notice Cole moving when his handed tightened on mine, taking my one ear bud out, I side glanced to him to see his eye lids slowly drift open to lock on with mine. I sheepishly smiled and went back to my show, before getting my one ear bud taken away.

"Hey," I pouted.

"You're so cute," he commented and boop my nose, making my face heat up.

I leaned my head onto his shoulder as we continued to watch the show through this dreadful 19 hour flight, but this time I wasn't alone heading home. I was with the one who cared and put up with my life. 

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