17. Inflammation

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Start: 28/02/18

"Ok ok calm down" Vince said. "Why didn't she tell us earlier?"

"What do you think?" Sonya asked. "She barely told me so why should she've told you who didn't even give her a chance in the first place"

Then the other two midjacks (kind of doctors) came in and gave Teresa the supplies.

"Can I get the wet paper" Teresa said.

"I think we need to carry her into the hut" A med jacker name Clint said.

"Is it really that bad?" Newt asked worried.

"It might be worse that it looks like" Teresa said. "It depends on how deep the wound is"

Then the midjacks carried her away and leaves the rest there.


"Why didn't she tell me" Newt asked upset later after the meeting.

"She didn't want to worry you" Sonya said.

"But she wanted to worry you?" He asked sarcastic.

"She knew that you would be over reacting" Sonya said.

"She doesn't trust me" He sighted.

"Yes she does. She just knew that you would stay there with her and don't care about anything else" Sonya said. "After all we were best friends but you were always the overprotective one"

Newt sighted when Teresa and a midjack walked by.

"So she's awake?" Clint asked.

"Yes" Teresa said. "I'm glad that she woke up after some hours and not after a whole day"

"Who's with her now?" Clint asked.

"She wanted to be alone" Teresa said. "And I respect that. Now I need to tell Vice about her awakens"

When they walked away Newt sneaked away from his job and into the medicine hut. There he found Alice sitting up deep in her thoughts. He walked slowly towards her. When she saw him she smiled before she changed her face expression.

"Newt! I'm so sorry that I didn't..." She got interrupted by Newt hugging her tight.

"Never scare me like that again" Newt whispered in her ear. "I was afraid of losing you"

Alice smiled and felt him hug her even tighter. He was careful with her right arm since it was that one that was infected and had bandage around it. Suddenly they heard a cough and both flew up from the bed.

"Am I interrupting something?" Sonya said and looked at them with a suspectful look and crossed arms. "And don't tell me that it was a friendly hug..."

They were both silent at looked at her.

"Well..." She asked impatiently.

Newt tried to figure out a clever answer.  He didn't want to lie to Sonya but he didn't want to betray Alice either. Then he felt Alice hand taking his. He locked at her and she gave him a smile, telling him that it was okay. At first Sonya didn't understand anything until she saw their hands. She gasped.

"Wait are you? I mean together? Are you together?" Alice and Newt laughed at her and nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" She asked happy.

"Shh we want to keep it secret" Alice said.

"Why?" Sonya asked confused.

"We don't want a lot of questions" Newt said.

"I don't want a lot of questions" Alice corrected. "I'm not ready to tell them yet. Can you please keep it secret?"

"Sure" Sonya said. "But only so you know, Alice many people think that you're cute with different people, not only Newt. We got Thomas, Dexter and someone came up with Minho too. But I will always be a Newt and Alice lover"

"What?!" Alice asked but Sonya were already gone.


Alice worked as usual. But she didn't cook because it was too risky. It was lucky that she worked with the berries or it would have been hard for her. Newt does the most of the job because of her plastered right arm but she tries to help as much as possible.

One evening everyone already went to get some food. Alice was about to finish when she saw a red apple that they've missed. It was big and pretty large. She tried to reach it but the branch were to high. Suddenly someone lowered the branch for her so that she could reach the apple.

"Thanks" She said and lay the apple in the basket. When she looked up she got shocked but hid it very well.

"Oh Hi Gally" Alice said.

"Alice we need to talk. Don't worry you haven't done anything. And that's exactly why I'm here" Gally took a deep breath. "Alice I want to apologize"

"What?!" Alice turned around and looked at Gally shocked. "But but you haven't..."

"Please listen Alice. I'm sorry for being a jerk to you when you first came here" Gally said. "It was stupid and I shouldn't have judged you. But even when I were a jerk to you you still took an arrow for me. And that's the other reason I'm here. I wanted to say thank you for pushing me out of the way"

"It's okay" Alice said.  "And I accept your apology"

"I know that we didn't get a good start but can we start over and get to know each other if it's not too much to ask" Gally asked. "And I promise that from now I will try to take by you side until it turns out that you're the guilty"

"I would like to start over and get know you Gally. And thank you" Alice said.

Then suddenly they heard a cough behind them.

"Am I interrupting something?" Newt asked.

"Oh we just talked" Alice said.

"I was about to go anyway" Gally said and waved at Alice before he walked away.

"What was that about?" Newt asked jealous.

"He just wanted to apologize" Alice said when she saw Newt's jealous face. "Don't worry. I'm all yours"

She kissed him on the cheek which made him relax a little.

"Meet me at the bench later?" Alice asked.

"Just give me five minutes" Newt said and looked at her. "I'll meet you there"


It's to late too apologize!!!It's too late!!!

Newt is J E A L O U S x 1000

What does you think?
Do Gally deserve another change?
Well let me know in the comments!!!

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