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Evony Laurent, a twenty-seven year old woman who worked at Crystal Tree Foster Home.

Evony had started working there when she was twenty and desperate for money.

She used to work as a real estate agent until the company was put out of business.
Working in an foster home wouldn't have been her first choice of employment but she didn't really have a choice.

She had a strong hated towards children. She had chosen to be a real estate agent just to be away from the tiny humans.

Evony had only intended to work at Crystal Tree for a few weeks, until she found a new agency to work for, but she found herself liking Crystal Tree and the people there, including the children.

She initially assumed that the children in the foster home would be an absolute nightmare to work with, but they proved her wrong.
They were actually really nice kids, nothing like she envisioned.

Over the years she had learnt to appreciate children, especially the ones at Crystal Tree.

She had learnt about each and every child at the foster home, every child who had came and left, every child's story on how they ended up at Crystal Tree.

Out of all the workers at the foster home, Evony was by far everyone's favorite.
She was like a real mother to the children.

To Evony, the foster home was practically her second home. She poured her heart and soul into her job.

Then a horrible day came, a day she thought would would never thought would happen.

It all started on an ordinary Thursday morning.

Evony had just collected the mail from the front door.

"Bills, junk mail, wait, what's this" the woman looked at the mysterious letter.

She placed the other objects onto a nearby coffee table before opening the letter.

Dear Sir/Madam

As you may know, Crystal Tree Foster Home is an old establishment, it being set up in 19th century. The house gets annual checks to make sure everything in it is up to date.

In our last visit to Crystal Tree Foster Home, we found that many repairs were needed to be done to the building, These repairs will be costly. Unfortunately, we do not have such cash to fund for these repairs.

We sadly have no other choice but to close down Crystal Tree Foster Home.

The children in Crystal Tree Foster Home will be split up into multiple foster homes around the country.

More information on this will be given out soon.

We are sorry to disappoint you with such news.

André Bourgeois
Mayor of Paris

Evony read over the letter again, making sure she didn't misread it.

"No" she let the letter fall from her hands.

"No!" she repeated, running a hand through her auburn hair.

All the children would be split up into different foster homes, away from their friends.

It would be like they're loosing their family, again.

Evony didn't notice the purple butterfly flutter into her thick, black glasses.

"Matriarch, I am Halkmoth. The mayor may want to close down Crystal Tree Foster Home but I can give you the power to prevent that"
"With your new found power, I'd also like you to receive a few things for me"

A wicked grin grew on Evony's face.
"Yes Halkmoth"

Purple smoke covered her body and changed her outfit.

The smoke dissappeared to reveal Evony's akumatized form, Matriarch.

"What do you mean 'we need to defeat Halkmoth' " Adrien asked his girlfriend.

"He's putting everyone in danger"
"I'm fed up of having to drop everything to and go fight an enemy that was made by some lunatic" Marinette cried.
"I want to be able to live my life without having to worry about Halkmoth attacking Paris"

Adrien did agree with his partner's reasoning. But as annoying as the akumas were, a part of Adrien was happy when one attacked because he got to spend time with his lady.

But now he had his lady, Marinette with him. He didn't have to wait for them to be in their superhero get-up to be able to see his bugaboo.

"I agree" Adrien smiled at his lady.
"Let's get rid of Hawkmoth"


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