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The two made their way back to the massage parlour and handed the miraculous and the spellbook back to the wise man.

He thanked them profoundly, repeatedly exclaiming how grateful he was for the two's assistance.

"It's really no problem" the pair would reasure him multiple times.

Eventually they bid their farewells to the old man and were back to swinging through Paris, on route to Adrien's house again.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir" a citizen called out to them while they were airborne.

Alarmed that they may be in danger, the two stopped and turned towards the streets, a move that they instantly regretted.

The two landed on the tarmacked road, just be blinded by the flash of cameras. They were surrounded with cameras, all of which were pointed towards them. News reporters were pushing each other, fighting for a spot within earshot of them, simultaneously shouting out questions waving their microphones in the air.

"When will you confirm that you two are together?"

"Will you two no longer be protecting Paris?"

"Now that Hawkmoth is gone, will you be revealing your identities"

"How will you be dealing with Gabriel Agreste?"

"Woah, woah, woah!" Ladybug yelled over all the reporters, silencing all incoming questions.

"Chat Noir and I will always be there for the people of Paris. Hawkmoth's defeat will not change that fact. Paris is our home and we will always be here to protect it" Ladybug started.

"But Chat and I's life outside of being superheroes is none of the media's business" Ladybug continued. "Including our relationship status and civilian identities" it was clear that some of the reporters stilled believed that they were a couple. Sure, they were a couple now, but at the time of the interview they had on Nadja Chamack's show they weren't and they rather keep up with that alibi for the press, much to Adrien's dismay when they had talked bout it a while ago.

"We can assure you all that we have his miraculous safety hidden and that it won't end up in the wrong hands again" Ladybug said.

"As for Mr. Agreste, rather let the authorities deal with it"

The edge of Chat's lip dipped slightly, only those paying attention would have even noticed.

Hawkmoth, his father was likely going to be sent to prison, where he would be locked up in some high protected jail on some randon island that he's never heard of before. The only time Adrien would ever get to see his father would be through a thick piece of bulletproof glass.

But it wasn't like he saw his father that much anyway.

Honestly, now that he actually thought about it, he wasn't that upset.

Yet, he felt like he should be.

"And what are your opinions on the matter Chat Noir?" A journalist called out for his opinion, snapping him out of his thoughts in the processes.

He darted his neck and eyes around in confusion, just like a cat would "Eh, sorry, could you repeat your question"

"Do you think that Adrien Agreste, Mr. Agreste's son, was involved?" they gladly repeated.

"I-umm... it would be very unlikely" he stuttered out, taken aback by the question, not really knowing what to say.

"A kid his age would be busy with school and hanging out with friends, plus he has a modelling career. he wouldn't have time to be assisting his father" he spoke quickly, wanting to move on from the topic swiftly.

After answering, the press continued shouting out their questions, but Chat couldn't care less. His mind was focused on what he had just been asked.

As much as he hated to admit it, that question really got to him.

Did people really think that he was involved?

Of course they weren't aware that he was Chat Noir, part of the duo protecting Paris from his father but it still annoyed him.

But does he really have a right to be upset? From an outsider's point of view, it would be an obvious assumption, the whole secrety of their family, his father not even going out into public for years, him only starting public school recently. Of course it would look like they were planning something.

But he really did have no idea. Sure finding the spell book should have been an obvious sign but he just didn't think of it. He was just too naive to think that his father could do something like this.

And when did his father have time to plan all this. Wasn't he always busy with the company? Or was he just to naive to believe otherwise?

All those times he had fencing tournaments, piano recitals or just wanted to have a simple meal with his father he'd always get turned away with "I don't have time" or something along those lines.

Those were all just lies? To cover up the truth? To hide that he was actually just planning another villain to terrorise Paris? That he rather spend his time chasing after some magical jewellery rather than with his family?

All this time he thought that his father was at least doing something worthwhile but instead he was harming innocent citezens for his own gain.

And then he even dared to say that it was for him. And that he could bring his mother back. What bullshit.

"Chat" a voice whispered; his lady.
"We should probably get going"

"Huh?" he looked around to find everyone surrounding them starting.
"Oh yeah, Ladybug and I better get going"
He repeated, getting weird looks from the reporters in the process.

He unhooked his baton from his lower back, Ladybug doing the same with her yo-yo on the side of her hip.

"It was great talking to you all" he said before extending his staff into the ground, sending him into the air, Ladybug following behind him.

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