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Their trip to the massage parlour had been dead silent.

Ladybug understood that her partner was going through a lot right now.
It's not everyday you find out that your father is the super villain that's been terrorising your city.

They eventually reached the parlor and dropped their transformations before opening the wooden door to the establishment.

"Ladybug, I didn't expect to see you" Master Fu spoke from his place. He was seated on the large tatami mat that was placed in the centre of the room.

Marinette walked over to join master Fu on the mat, Adrien trailing behind her.

"Oh, and Chat Noir is with you too" Fu smiled at the blond, who shyly smiled back.
"You two have revealed your identities I see. Previous Ladybug and Chat Noirs normally wait a bit a bit longer before revealing themselves."

Tikki and Plagg, who were both seated on their holders shoulders, stared at each other with wide eyes, silenty agreeing to not enlighten Master Fu on what really happened.

"But anyway, what brings you here?"

"We found Hawkmoth's hideout so we ambushed him in his lair, succeeded in taking him down and got his miraculous" Marinette summerised.
"So now we're here to give it back to you" on que Adrien took the jewel out from his pocket.

That's wonderful" the shorter man said as he took the miraculous from Adrien's outstretched hand.

Master Fu stood and made his way towards the gramophone at the other end of the room.

He pressed the two eyes of the dragons' and tapped three buttons in the correct sequence.
The gramophone twisted before opening up to reveal the miraculous box.

"Did you happen to know who Hawkmoth was?" Master Fu asked as he placed the purple miraculous back into its place in the box.

"I-it was my father" Adrien spoke up meekly.
He still couldn't believe that his father was capable of doing such thing. And for a selfish reason too?! He really wish he wasn't related to his father right now.

"Oh" Fu visibly deflated.

I've had my suspensions about him ever since Marinette brought me the spellbook" said Master Fu, sitting back down on the
"For your sake, I was really hoping it wasn't him"

The spellbook? How Master Fu knew about the spelbook?
Wait, did he say Marinette?! Marinette knew about the book too?!

"But back to the book, the one you had at school and lost, the one you're father owned. Do you remember where he kept it?"

"Of course, I'd never forget"
Adrien nodded his head slightly. It was in the safe hidden behind the painting of mum, how could he forget that?!

"I also suspect that he has the peacock miraculous, a miraculous I lost a long time ago. Have you seen a peacock like brooch with feathers in your house"

"I've never seen that miraculous before" said Adrien.
"But I'll look around for it and bring it to you as soon as I find it"

Maybe it was hidden in father's lair. Or maybe it's in the safe along with the spellbook. But surely he or Plagg would have noticed it then.

"Thank you again for returning the butterfly miraculous" Master Fu said.
"It really means a lot to me"

"It was our job after all" Marinette smiled as she stood up.

"Yeah" Adrien agreed, joining her.

"It was great to see you two again" Master Fu smiled at the heroes.

"It was great to see you too, Master Fu" said Marinette.

"Well be sure to come back as soon as we get the book and miraculous" Adrien added.

"I look forward to seeing you then"

"Goodbye" Marinette said before walking out with Adrien.
 ‍ ‍ ‍
"Hey Adrien" Marinette spoke up as soon as they were outside.

Yeah" he turned to his girlfriend.

"I'm here for you"


"If you ever need someone, I'm here for you. If you ever need a place to stay, a place to call home, or just a friendly face, I'm here for you" Marinette elaborated.

Adrien stared at the girl with shock. What did he do to deserve such a wonderful parson in his life.

A smile broke out into his face.

He stopped walking and pulled her into his arms.

She gasped quietly when she felt Adrien pull her towards him.

"Thank you Marinette" he whispered into her hair while she dug her head in the crook of his neck and wrapped her arms around him.
"That... really means a lot to me"

A/N: I personally believe that at the end of Syren; when Master Fu meets Adrien, he doesn't tell him about his father owning the spellbook, thus why he doesn't know that Master Fu knows about the spellbook.

Also, I'm so sorry that it took over a month for this chapter to come out.
I can't make any promises but I'll try to make sure that it doesn't take a whole month for a chapter to come out.

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