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"How did you find out?" Adrien questioned Nathanael.

"Chloe told me" he said.
"But it was an accident. She didn't mean to tell me" he was quick to add.

"Please don't tell anyone our secret. If Halkmoth found out who we are then he could capture our friends and family and hold them captive" Marinette paused to breathe.
"We'll do anything! Just please don't tell anyone" Marinette was feeling a sense of deja vu, weird.

"Anything?" Nathanael knew he shouldn't take advantage of the situation but he couldn't help himself.

"Anything" Marinette smiled her angelic smile at the redhead.

"I would like you, Marinette, to go out with me" Nathanael smiled at the heroine.

"Except that" Marinette said.
"You can't do that"

"But you said anything" Nathanael argued. 

"But she's taken" Adrien stepped into the conversation.

"Do you want the whole of Paris to know the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir?" Nathanael asked the pair.

They both shook their head no.

"I'll give you until the end of the day to decide" he said before walking back to hid seat.

Yeah... thats not happening

April Fools?

Actual chapter:

How did you find out?" Adrien questioned Nathanael.

"Chloe told me" he said.
"But it was an accident. She didn't mean to tell me" he was quick to add.

Adrien made a mental note to ask Chloe about this later.

Knowing the identities of Chat Noir and Ladybug was a huge thing. If such information got into the wrong hands, who knows what could happen.

She can't go around telling people this, even if it was an accident. She needs to be more careful.

"No one else can know about this. You have to guard this secret with your life" Adrien was dead serious. Two people knowing about their alter egos was more than he would have liked.

"Of course" he smiled at the couple.
"Your secrets are safe with me"

Matriarch smiled at the children she had power over. She had spent most of the day creating her army. Almost all of the children in the foster home were under control.

Beatrice, a thirteen year old at the foster home, was walking back to the house after being out all day.

She walked up to the front door and was about to open it when it opened by itself.
"Weird" she thought to herself.

She looked inside and saw Matriarch with her army of children behind her.

"W-who are you" she asked as she backed away form the door.

"Oh I'm Matriarch" the older woman grinned.
"And I need your help" Matriarch made her way towards Beatrice while the child continued to walk backwards.

"Minions, get her!" other children she had taken over ran after the thirteen year old.

Beatrice turned around to run away from Matriarch's henchmen.

Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough. One of the grabbed her right arm.

"Let go of me!" she yelled as she tried to shake then of.

Another one of them grabbed her other hard.

"I said, let go of me!" she tried to kick them away, but to no avail.

"Thank you, children" Matriarch approached the trapped girl.

"What do you want from me" she asked the villain.

"I want your help" she placed her hand on the child's shoulder.

Electric bolts shot out of the akuma's hand and into the child.
Similar to what happened to all of the other children, Beatrice was lifted off of the ground and her appearance was changed to match all the other children who were under the woman's control.

"Aaah" a high piched scream was heard.

"Great" Matriarch thought to herself. Another child to add to her rapidly growing army.

She turned around to see Lily, a small four year old girl who was in the foster home.

She had seen everything that happened to Beatrice.

"Hush now," Matriarch said as she walked over to her.

"W-who are you?" The little girl trembled with fear.

Matriarch ignored her question as she came closer the the young child.

"Please don't hurt me" she little girl begged.

Matriarch crouch down to the girl's level.
"Oh, I won't hurt you" She stretched out her hand cupped her chin.

Sparks of electricity shot out of the villain's fingers and into the little girl's body.

She stood up to her normal hight and took a few steps back.

Lily was being lifted off the ground.
She had begun the alteration.


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