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Chat wanted to be mad but he couldn't. What did he expect, there were a bunch of signs telling him, heck, even his partner even suspected his father.

Instead he was just so naive, unwilling to accept the truth.

A soft thud was made by Ladybug when she landed beside her partner.
"Pound..." the words died at her tongue when she saw who was on the rooftop with them. Her expression instantly changing.

Master Fu was right when he said the owner of the spell book would have the butterfly miraculous.

"Gabriel Agreste" Ladybug heard Chat hiss out.

But this didn't add up. Mr. Agreste was akumatized, he was The Collector, how was it possible for him to be both Hawkmoth and The Collector?

A beeping sound came from her earrings, startling the girl out of her thoughts.
"Chat, I-I have to go recharge" Ladybug said, still in shock about this revelation.
"I'll be back as soon as I can"

She latched her yo-yo onto something in the distance before swinging away from the scene.

Once his lady was out of sight, Chat snapped his head back towards his father.

He needed answers and he needed them now.

"Why?" Chat asked.
"Why did you do this?"

"I did it for Adrien, my son. I wanted him to be happy" he answered.

"My wife, she left because of me. She left and never came back and it was all my fault."
"After her disappearance, Adrien and I drifted apart. It was as if she was glue that held our family together."
"But then I discovered the powers of the miraculous. If I got you and Ladybug's miraculouses, then I would have had the power to bring her back. We could be a family like we once were."

His father did all this, for him? For them?

Chat stared at his father with disgust. Putting Paris in peril was for him?
Endangering him and Ladybug was for him?

He honesty didn't think he could be any more enraged at his father. 

Millions of people have missing loved ones and they learn to cope with their loss. Just because his father couldn't handle his mother's disappearance, doesn't give him a right to turn to magical sources to find her.

"You should be ashamed of yourself" Chat hissed.

The man sighed "I know what I did was wrong" the fashion designer acknowledged.
"And I'm willing to face the consequences of my actions" he continued.
"But please, make sure my son is safe" he begged.

Chat stared at the older man with revulsion.
"Make sure your son is safe" Chat laughed bitterly.
"Make sure your son is safe" he repeated.
"Well isn't your job, the job of a parent, to look after their child? Isn't a parent meant to make sure they are safe from harms way?!"At this stage, Chat was blatantly yelling at the older man.

"Why should a pair of superheros, who are no older than your son, have to look after him just because you can't do your job of being a decent perent?!"

Chat stopped when he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. Thinking it was Ladybug, he glanced towards the spot.

Instead of finding his partner, Chat saw a civilian coming out of hiding.

More people followed suit while others stared, gobsmacked at the scene before them.


They had seen everything, some no doubly recording the ordeal on their phones.

They knew who Hawkmoth was.

Word would spread about who Paris's villain was. Soon enough, the whole of Paris would know.

"at... Chat" Ladybug's voice called out, snapping him out of his thoughts.

She must have arrived without him noticing.

"The butterfly miraculous, we should get it to the guardian" she placed her hand on his shoulder.

Chat looked down at his right hand to see said miraculous. He'd totally forgotten about the brooch.

Nodding in understatement, Chat grabbed his baton from where he had stored it on his back.

The cat boy glared at his father once more before extending his pole to follow Ladybug.

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