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Did you miss me"? Ladybug said cockily from the top of an apartment block.

Hawkmoth gritted his theeth. Now he had to deal with her as well?

"Ladybug, what a pleasure to see you again" his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh Hawkmoth, the pleasure all mine" Ladybug said blandly.

Hawkmoth pulled on string of the yo-yo around his wrist, sending Ladybug over his head and crashing into asphalt road.

"Oh Ladybug, I assure you..." Chat tried to hook punch the villain from behind, but Hawkmoth, who expected this to happen, caught Chat's wrist right before his fist connected with his jaw.

"...The pleasure is all mine" he grinned.

Chat yanked his arm out of Hawkmoth's hold before attempting to attack again.

Ladybug wound her yo-yo up before slowly getting up off the floor. No matter how badly Hawkmoth hurt her, she need to help Chat, they were in this together. They needed to take him down.

The heroine spotted Chat's baton right beside her. She picked it up.

"Chat!" she tossed the metal weapon towards him, which he caught.

"Thanks Bugaboo" Chat said as he hit a punch away with his staff.

The two continued their fight. Punches and kicks were aimed at Chat while he dodged or attacked with his baton.

Ladybug called for her superpower.
"Lucky charm!" Ladybug's yo-yo spun in the air and an aluminum foil pan into her hands

"A foil pan?" Ladybug questioned as she played with the object in her hands.

Ladybug looked around her, desperately trying to find a use for it.

She was clueless. What could she use it for?

Glancing around again, she still couldn't find anything.

"Ladybug!" Chat yelled.

He and Hawkmoth had somehow ended up on the roof of a house. Chat was dangerously close to falling off the edge when he had called her.

Knowing that she needed to help her partner, Ladybug wrapped her yo-yo around a lampost and swung up to the roof, landing right behind Hawkmoth.

Chat instantly noticed his lady over Hawkmoth's shoulder.

"Where's your little bug to save you now?" she heard Hawkmoth taunt, who was unaware of her presence.

Ladybug threw her spotted yo-yo and it wrapped itself around Hawkmoth's leg. She then pulled on it, tripping the villain before he could get any closer to her partner.

"There she is" Chat grinned.

Ladybug unravelled her weapon from Hawkmoth's ankle while Chat stepped around the man's body and stood bedside Ladybug.

"Any idea what you're going to use that charm of yours for?"Chat asked.

Hawkmoth attempted to get back on his feet, but was blocked by Chat's staff. 

I don't know, but I'll have to think of something" a spot dissappeared from Ladybug's earrings.
"And quickly"

Now aware of Ladybug's predicament, Chat decided to go straight for Hawkmoth's source of power; his brooch.

He reached out for Hawkmoth's miraculous.

His fingers were inches from the miraculous when Hawkmoth caught his hand and flipped the boy over to his side.

The two continued their brawl while Ladybug stared at her lucky charm.

"Emm" Ladybug scanned the area again, hoping to find a use for the object.

The spotted hero glanced up at the blazing sun when she finally got an idea.

Clutching the lucky charm with one hand, her yo-yo with the other, Ladybug used her yo-yo to get to the building next to her.

Once there, Ladybug held the foil pan up to the sky.

Now she just had to hope that her plan would work.
Hawkmoth and Chat were still engaged in their intense fight.
Chat attempted to get the brooch once again but was blocked by Hawkmoth's arm. The purple clad man withdrew his hand before he tried to punch the cat superhero, who ducked away just before Hawkmoth's fist could come in contact with him.

A sudden beam of light shone straight into Hawkmoth's eyes.

Natural instincts kicked in and Hawkmoth rose his arms up to shield his eyes from the bright light.

Bewildered, Chat glanced towards the source of the light to see at Ladybug and her lucky charm.

She had used the lucky charm to direct the bright rays of the sun straight towards Hawkmoth's eyes.

Looking back at the villain, Chat acted promptly. Before Hawkmoth could react, he reached his hand out and ripped the miraculous off of him.

With the villain without his miraculous, he was forced to detransform into his civilian self.

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