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"...And then Jean fell right into..."

Marinette was confused to put it short.

Chloe was rambling on about the first time she met Jaged Stone. It was weird. for the first time in what felt like forever, Marinette found herself enjoying Chloe's presence. She was so used to Chloe bullying her that this almost felt wrong.

But who was she to complain about not being bullied.

There was a sudden ring from the front door, it snapping Marinette out of her thought process.
Weird, her family wasn't expecting anyone.

Marinette stood up from her seat beside Adrien before making her way to he door and answering it.

"I'll get it" she announced to the group before going towards the front door.

"Hel-" Marinette stopped mid sentence when she saw Natalie along with Adrien's bodyguard.

Were here to he Adrien" Natalie said while staring over Marinette's shoulder and at the blond.

There goes the idea of lying.

Behind her, Adrien sat still, like a deer in headlights, unsure of what to do next.

Without warning, Natalie squeezed pass Marinette, nudging her in the process.

"Adrien, get the your things, your leaving"

"Wait, what?" Adrien stuttered out.

"You're needed at home" Natalie simply replied.

"But why can't I stay here, where its actually safe, where I'm not under the threat of being turned into an akuma by my own father!"

"Adrien, that's enough! You are to leave here this instant!"

Much to the group's dissapointment, Adrien didn't put up much more of a fight.

"Okay Natalie" he muttered out as he accepted defeat and began to gather his belongings.

"I'll see you tonight" Adrien made sure to whisper into Marinette's ear, adding a flirtatious wink after before leaving with his father's assistant.

"Bye" the three chorused together.
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It was later when Chloe and Alya had left that Marinette heard a chime from her phone.

You have 1 new message

you up?

Marinette smiled, it was Adrien.

yeah why?

I'm coming over

wait what?

No reply from Adrien.

Less than a minute later, there was a knock of her window.

"Guess who" she heard muffled through the glass.

Marinette decided to mess with him. "Uhh, Carapace?"

"Guess again"

"Rina Rouge"

"Try again my lady"

"Uhhh... oh, I got it, Queen Bee!"

Chat laughed a wholeheartedly at Marinette's little gimmick.

"You can come in kitty" Marinette opened the window for Chat.

Welcome back" she pecked his cheek once he was inside.
"So, how'd it go with you and Natalie?"

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