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"Dark wings, rise" Nooroo was sucked into the the broch, transforming the miraculous holder into the well know villain, Hawkmoth.

As soon as Hawkmoth had sent out his butterfly, he knew that he only had five minutes before he would revert back into his civilian self so he needed to get out of there as soon as possible.

Now recharged, he was roaming the Parisian roads. To be honest, this was a new experience for him, walking along the streets as his alter ego. Sure, people screaming and running as they saw him wasn't very welcoming, but hey, who was he to complain, it's just one of many complications that come with being a supervillain.

How pathetic" a voice spoke from the top of a building.
"It's the final showdown and you're running away from us" they leaped off of the building and onto the empty road.

Of course, it was that pesky superhero cat.

"You really think your akumas can defeat us" Chat mocked.
"You really haven't learnt anything"

"I did have high hopes for this akuma, but she's really just like all the others" Hawkmoth admitted.
"No worries, if my akuma can't get your miraculouses…"

The villain brandished his swordish cane, the stick weapon shining in the beaming sunlight.

"…I'll just take them myself" Hawkmoth proclaimed before dashing towards Chat.

Hawkmoth swung his cane at the blonde, who blocked it with their weapon.

"You know, I don't intend on hurting people" Hawkmoth said as he swiped his cane at Chat's face, the pointy end piercing through his skin.

"Really, that's hard to believe" Chat swung his staff at Hawkmoth's face, which was blocked by the villain's sword like weapon.

Chat withdrew his staff from the battle before striking again.

Metal and metal clashed against each other multiple times as they carried on their pole fight.

"A villain who doesn't want to harm" the cat-boy mocked.
"What are your true intentions then?"

"Combining the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous grants the wielder a wish. With this wish, I would bring back... someone special to me"

Bring back someone special. His mother. If Hawkmoth was his father, could he really find her?

No, he still couldn't bring himself to believe it. Father, a super villain, thats a funny joke. He would never send out evil butterflies to take over people and receive two teenagers magical jewels.

But for mum? Would his father go to such extreme lengths just to get mum back?

Chat was deep thought when he felt a sharp pain in his side.

Hawkmoth had shoved his cane into his side brutality, the momentum of the swing knocking him over.

Chat held his side as warm, red liquid poured out of his newly opened wound and staining the boy's suit and gloves.

A sly grin grew on Halkmoth's face.
"Pathetic superheros" he thought to himself.

"You're time is up Chat Noir, give me your miraculous" Hawkmoth grinned as he stared at the superhero who lay still on the floor.

Chat knew he would never give his miraculous to a man like Hawkmoth. Who knows what he would do with such power.

"Not in a million years" Chat staggered to his feet while clenching his sides.

Once up, Chat reached for his baton, which he expected to be on the on the ground beside him, but had actually rolled across the streets.

"Crap" he muttered.

Hawkmoth took advantage of Chat's weakness. He swung his cane at Chat, which he ducked away from.

Hawkmoth continued to swipe his cane at the hero multiple times, which Chat dodged or deflected every time.

Undeterred, Hawkmoth attacked again. He shot his metal cane towards Chat, who somersaulted away the blow. Once on his feet, Chat sprinted towards Hawkmoth and slashed his claws at the villain, leaving four scratch marks on the left side of his face. Chat grinned at his masterpiece.

Now furious, Hawkmoth swung his weapon at Chat. The feline caught the cane horizontally before throwing it to the side.

Now the battle was fair.

Chat aimed a kick towards Hawkmoth's face, which was caught by his hand. The supervillain pushed Chat's leg away before raising his arm to punch the hero.

A sudden spotted yo-yo then wrapped around Halkmoth's arm.

"Did you miss me"

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