Belle of the Ball

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A/N: After coming across a picture of Undertaker a long while back, I had an idea for this sort of one-shot. I saw it again recently, as I had it saved on my phone, and finally decided to write it. I'm not sure how well it will turn out, but just bear with me. Let me know what you think, and enjoy! Love you all!

     "Adrien!" Mikki screamed. Adrien's blood ran cold and he ran to where he heard her, moving so fast that he was sure he wouldn't even have been seen to someone watching. He found her at the front of the parlor, eyes wide and looking down at a letter in her hands. She looked completely unharmed, but he wasn't sure what was in the letter. However, he saw the wax seal bearing the emblem of Her Majesty. She wasn't one to send threatening letters, so Mikki couldn't possibly be in any danger.

     He loved his wife, he truly did, but dammit, if she didn't stop making loud, sudden noises and scaring the life out of Adrien, he swore she would send him to a very early grave. It had been a little over a year since everything had happened, but he was still protective of her, and would be for the rest of eternity. She was a warlock, after all, and somewhere down the line, someone may target her again. He wouldn't be caught off guard.

     Adrien looked back to his wife and saw the excitement in her bright orange eyes. A letter from the Queen that had her looking so amazed. What on earth could it say?

     His eyes widened.

     No. Is it really that time of year again?


     Mikki had better not even think about attending. No way in hell-

     "The Queen has invited us to her seasonal spring ball! This is amazing! We have to go! Oh, Mei-Rin will have to help me pick out a dress! I've never been to a ball before, this-"

     "No," Adrien said flatly. His voice threw her off track and she looked at him with furrowed brows and confused eyes.


     "I said no. We're not going," he replied monotonously.

     "Excuse me? Why not?"

     "Because I said so," Adrien said, clenching his jaw to keep his temper in check. Mikki, however, let hers out.

     "Because you said so?" Adrien knew he screwed up with his word choice, but he stood his ground, even though his wife's eyes blazed hot with anger. "When in the fuck did you decide that you get to control what I do?"

     "I don't," he said with a frustrated sigh. "You're welcome to do whatever you want - just not go to the Queen's ball."

     "Look, I know you don't care for her, but what the fuck is wrong with going to a ball?"

     "Many things, dammit!" Adrien shouted, unable to stop himself. "Just for once, will you listen to me? I don't ask for much, but this one thing I refuse to allow you to do."

     "Adrien, you know that I have only ever wanted to attend a ball. Over three years here and I have yet to even hear of one. Now I get the chance, and invited by the Queen, no less, and you're saying we won't go? What the hell? You know what, fine. You don't have to go, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let you keep me from fulfilling a dream of mine. Screw you!" she shouted angrily, gripping the letter tightly in her hand and making for the door. Through his anger, panic began to rise inside of Adrien. The last time she had stormed out of the parlor, she was taken from him and he was on the brink of losing her for good.

     "Mikki, wait," he said hurriedly. Her hand was on the door knob when she stopped, but she did not turn around.

     "Say you'll go to the ball, and I will," she said quietly. Adrien knew he should, but he just couldn't. He couldn't go to the ball. So he remained silent. "I'll be at the Phantomhive Manor," she muttered, then left.

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