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I wake up to a shaking sensation and a soft, sweet voice saying my name. I open my eyes to see Mikki leaning over me with a smile making its way onto her lips. I swear her smile could light up a pitch black room.

"Morning, sunshine," she says. I smile and sit up, cupping a hand on her cheek before kissing her sweetly. When I get up, I fix her hair and help her get ready, placing her glasses on the bridge of her nose before kissing the tip of it.

"Oh! Adrien, you got this letter. I gotta go now, love ya!" Mikki says, kissing my cheek and running out of the parlor. I smile and chuckle. She's just so full of energy.I then look down at the letter Mikki had placed in my hands. 'Undertaker' is written on the crisp, white envelope in black ink and looping handwriting. I open it and take out the paper inside.


This letter you received is from William T. Spears. I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience of this letter and I do hope you receive and read it on time. Professor Sanson can only teach Reapestry for the first half of the day today, so I was hoping you could come in any time before lunch to get prepared to hopefully teach the post-lunch classes. I do hope you can attend. Thank you.

-William T. Spears

I sigh and put the letter in one of my inner robe pockets. I then freeze a bit. "Wait... Oooo! Hehehehe!" I chukled a little mischievously. I might have the chance to teach Mikki if she has Reapestry after lunch!


I soon get bored because the only thing on my mind is getting to see Mikki at school, so I finally leave the house an hour later. I open the human-reaper door and step through. Wow. I haven't been in this place since the whole angel deal!

I close the door upon entering and head to the Dispatch to find William. There are just a few gasps and whispers when I walk in, and I assume that's because many reapers haven't seen me in person, but I'm sure not many people are shocked because they don't recognize me. I don't exactly look like I used to, I suppose.

I look around as I walk and let out a low whistle. This place has really changed from when I worked here. I really have no idea where I'm going at this point, and I assume I'm in a part where they added on to the building, so it's rather unfamiliar. The only thing that didn't change that I know of is the Grim Reaper Library that I was in when I had to return those Cinematic Record books.

I don't know what floor I'm on, but I'm walking past a pair of large double doors, when someone suddenly comes out of them, and we end up crashing into each other. Papers fly, but my reflexes kick in and I manage to grab them all before any touch the floor. Hey, I've still got it.

The man I ran into, I find, is actually William. I give him his papers back and smile. Of course, his expression remains the same as he takes the papers from me. "Undertaker. If you would please follow me," he says. I nod and follow him downstairs and outside, where we begin walking to the academy. "Classes are in session as of now, but will soon be dismissed for lunch." 


After sitting in a room talking about all I'm going to have to do and where they are in the class, it finally comes to an end. I look at the time. "Lunch has now begun. You will start teaching once the meal is officially over. Oh, and if you could come in tomorrow rather than Friday, that would be excellent," William says.

"Yes, sir," I say with a mock salute.

"Excellent. The lunch period is almost over, and you are to report to the Reapestry room. You are free to go now. I appreciate your acceptance to work," William says, standing and giving my hand a firm shake. I chuckle and leave the room to head to the food court.


Once at the food court, I try to find Mikki. I finally spot her, and I'm instantly filled with joy. The sight of her always makes me happy. I am just about to go over to her, when I see who she's walking towards: That damn Reaper Ronald Knox.

A small growl forms in my throat and I realize I have been standing there watching them both laugh and talk with each other for a while. The lunch period is just about over and I see Mikki get up to throw her stuff away, so before she could see me, I rush to the Reapestry room.

I get there just as Professor Sanson is leaving. He gives me the classroom key and I go inside. I go to one of the large windows that line one of the walls. I see the very old, very large bell that takes two reapers to ring to signal the end and beginning of classes. That bell has been around far longer than I have been alive. And I have been around for a very long time. I'm sure it has been around since this place first came into existence.

I see two reapers go to the bell and ring it, signalling the end of the lunch period and for the reapers and recruits to report to their next class. I look down at the list of recruits in my next class. Mikki is at the top of the list. I smile, then think. I really do want to surprise her, so why not? I jump up to the ceiling and grip the metal rafters and go to the back of the room and wait.

Recruits and Reapers begin filing into the room, and I smile as I see Mikki walk in. However, I'm filled with anger when I understand that Ronald is actually the Reaper she's been assigned to. Once everyone is in, I silently jump down to the ground. Everyone has their back to me.

"Welcome, students, to Reapestry," I say. Everyone turns around quickly and looks at me. Some are a little confused, and some gasp because they must know who I am. I smile slightly as I look at all the faces. However, there is one person--one girl--who doesn't turn around. I keep my eyes on her as I walk down the aisle cleared of desks. I saw Mikki had stiffened when I spoke, and I place a hand on her shoulder and lean down. "I just love your hair color," I whisper, and see a faint blush on her cheeks. I can't help but smirk as I walk to the teacher desk and lean against it, facing the class. I glance at Mikki again and see she's trying to suppress a smile, and her eyes hold that one look of love and happiness she gets when she sees me after school and is running to me.

However, I feel the small smile on my face fade when I see that next to her is that damned Reaper Ronald Knox.

((A/N: Hey guys! Chapter Thirty! Eleven more chapters before I'm all caught up! Yay! And I put the song 'Jealous' by Chromeo in the media because it fits this chapter so well at points XD! I hope you enjoyed, and you can leave a vote if you think I deserved it! But please leave a comment! I love you all, and I'll see you next chapter!))

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