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Ronald and I walk back to our dorm room after class and it's rather silent most of the way, until Ronald breaks the silence at last.

"So, how did the interview go?" he asks. I give a shrug.

"It was fine, I guess," I reply.

"Just 'okay'?" he asks suspiciously. I look at him with a raised brow.

"Yes?" A sly smile makes its way across his face.

"Nothing else happened?"

"No. Why are you asking? Nothing else happened," I say as we walk to our dorm room door.

"Really? Because that hickey tells me otherwise," Ronald says with a smirk. I yelp and run into the room, then into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and there, on my neck, is a rather sizeable mark. Adrien clearly did it, and I'm positive I know why.

I cover the spot with my hand and exit the bathroom. Ronald is on his bed, and when he sees me, he laughs. I give him a glare and go to the window and look out just in time to see Adrien exiting the academy. I sigh and turn to Ronald. "I gotta go now," I say. Ronald, laughing again, nods and I leave the room.

I run out of the building to search for Adrien so I can catch up with him. I needed to talk to him as soon as possible. "He did this on purpose," I say to myself. "He wanted Ronald to see it."

Since I'm not actually a full Reaper yet, I run out of breath from running and have to stop to catch my breath, bending over and placing my hands on my knees and taking deep breaths.

"Out of breath, young lady?" I hear from behind me. I stand up straight and turn around quickly to face Adrien.

"I'll be asking the questions," I growl. He looks a little confused, and it actually angers me further. I brush the hair away from my neck. "What the hell is this all about?" I snap. "I don't know how many people saw it, and that's what worries me most, Adrien!" I then shake my head and look up at him with a hurt expression. "Do you really think I'd cheat on you, Adrien? Do you really think I'm that low of a person?" I'm truly hurt. Why would Adrien ever think such a thing? I've wanted him for so long, and now that I actually have him, I wouldn't just throw it all away! I'm not that bad of a person, honestly!

"I'm sorry..." Adrien says quietly, his head lowered a bit and his gaze to the ground. I can only sigh. The sky is getting dark and I realize it's late, so I wrap my arms around of one of Adrien's own and begin walking towards the place where the door is. I hear a sigh of what sounds like relief come from Adrien since I'm not scolding him anymore. He places his free hand on both of mine that are holding onto his arm and we walk in silence to the door to go back home.


"Mikki... I'm sorry. I really, really am. It was terrible of me to think you would cheat on me. You have every right to be angry at me, but at least say something. I can't stand not hearing from you. I'm so very sorry and I won't do it again. I guess I just got worried whenever I saw you with Ronald... I'm truly ashamed of myself, Mikki," Adrien says when we get back in the house. I sigh and turn around to face him. I then grab the collar of his robe and pull him down before smashing my lips to his, kissing him with all the passion I can muster at the moment. I pull away shortly after and look into Adrien's green eyes.

"Now I know how stupid I was for doubting your faithfulness in our relationship," Adrien says with a small smile. I roll my eyes.

"Shut up, you," I say, pulling away. Adrien frowns, but I roll my eyes. "I'm hungry, so let's make dinner," I say, pulling him by the hand to the kitchen, where we begin making supper together. We eventually made it, but we were both covered in food when we were teasingly throwing it at each other at times.

((A/N: YAY! 31! I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading, and leave a comment, and vote if you feel like it! I love you all, and I'll see you next chapter!!! Prepare yourself, too! Also, this was short, so I'll get the next one up today, too!!!!))

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