5- fillie fluff ♡

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"So, here we are again." Millie smiled as they sat at the little lake.

"Yep." Finn sighed, looking at the gorgeous girl at the side of him.

"Jacob didn't mean to call your girlfriend a slut." Millie said, making Finn laugh a little.

"She's not my girlfriend." He said, still smiling.

"Wait really? We all thought it was." Millie said, really surprised but some what happy.

"No, she's just Sadie." Finn said, throwing a pebble into the lake, making little droplets of water splash out.

"You like her though don't you?" Millie asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"No Millie! She's like my family." Finn said.

"Sure, people don't just get in fights with people for people who they don't like." Millie said.

"I just hate your little boyfriend." He said.

"He's not all bad." Millie protested.

"From what I've seen he is. 'Well well well if it isn't the tramps of the year'" Finn repeated, Millie laughed a little.

"That was uncalled for, what he said about you guys, but I love him." She said.

"You love him? How old are you?" Finn asked, scrunching his eyebrows at her.

"14." Millie said.

"Dang. Your 14 and have fell in love? I couldn't even tie my shoe laces until last week!" Finn said, which made Millie laugh again.

"I'm sure you'll find someone you love one day." Millie laughed.

"You can't love someone when your 14, I fight against it." Finn said.

"You can, because I do." She said.

"Are you sure? Do you really love him? Or are you just saying that because you want yourself to love him?" Finn asked.

That got Millie thinking, does she really love Jacob like she says she does? Maybe Jacob has brainwashed her into thinking all this, she shook her head and glared at the curly haired boy.

"Don't try and tell me who I love and who I don't! How would you know? You don't know me!" Millie snapped.

"Chill out, I just know." Finn said, getting up and walking away.

Millie got curious to where his home was so she followed him secretly, she seen him walk down an alley where Sadie, Caleb and Gaten were and sit near Sadie who was the only one awake.

Sadie smiled at him and he rested his head on her lap and she played with his hair, Millie's heart melted at the sight, but with sympathy. She knew they didn't have a home now, and she couldn't help but feel bad, thinking of all the abuse they get from everyone around them.

She turned around and started to walk back home, the only thing on her mind was Finn Wolfhard, she couldn't get him out of her head. She got inside her house and seen her mom and dad sat on the sofa watching TV.

"Hello honey, have a nice time with the girls?" Her mom asked.

"Yeah mum it was good, I'm gonna go to bed now though." Millie smiled.

She walked inside her bedroom and put her pyjamas on, she looked out of the window at the big full moon.

"Goodnight, Finn." She whispered while looking at the moon, knowing that he wouldn't hear her, but she didn't care. 

She was worried about the 4 kids down the alley and what could happen to them while they are out alone at night and she couldn't sleep properly thinking about it. She tossed and turned the whole night, until she finally dosed off to sleep, nothing but worry surrounding her brain.

It was currently 4:37am and Sadie and Finn were still the only ones awake, they weren't saying anything though, it was a comfortable silence, until Sadie broke it.

"So, this Millie girl, do you like her?" She asked.

"I've known her 2 days, plus she has a boyfriend who she is apparently in love with." Finn said, laughing a little.

"Oh, well. I'm how is she attracted to him? I mean he's so rude and ugly. He looks like an alien." Sadie said.

"Ew I know." Finn laughed.

"Lets go to sleep now, we will be tired tomorrow if not." She said.

The two fell asleep, Finns head still resting on her lap as her head rested on Calebs shoulder, and Caleb was laid on Gaten. That's how they slept, every single night.

A little bit of a filler x

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