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Millie woke up to the sun shining through her bedroom window. She got up and walked downstairs, where she seen her mom and dad.

"Hey mum, hey dad." She smiled.

"Hey honey, we are going to see your aunt in Florida today, would you like to come?" Her dad asked.

"Do I have to?" She asked.

"Well I mean there would be nobody to look after you." Her mom said.

"I have money to get food and things, I'll have Maddie over so I won't be alone, pretty please?" Millie begged.

"Okay fine, but don't make us loose trust in you Millie." Her mom said.

"Yay! Thank you guys! When are you going?" She asked.

"Well, we are leaving to the airport now..." they said.

"Oh okay, goodbye, ily!" She smiled, hugging them both.

"Bye sugar we love you too, make sure you get Maddie to stay over." They said.

"I will!" She smiled.

"We will be gone for about a week." They said. "We will ask the neighbours to keep an eye on you."

"Okay, have fun!" She said.

They finally left so she ran upstairs and got a shower, then brushed her short brown hair and dried it. She put on her black Gucci t-shirt and some blue denim shorts, she put on her Gucci sliders and walked downstairs.

She put Dreamer some food and water in his bowls and walked outside and sat on the sun chair with some lemonade, until she realised something. While her parents have gone, she can have Finn and his friends round her house!

She quickly got up and ran out of the house onto her bike and biked all the way to the alley she hoped they would be, she was correct. She seen Sadie chasing Finn round and Gaten and Caleb play fighting.

Finn looked up and seen Millie, he smiled and walked up to her.

"Hey Millie!" He smiled.

"Hi, I was wondering if you and your friends would like to come hang out with me at my house. It's a really hot day and I seen you guys sleeping down here last night and I really don't want one of you guys to catch a sun stroke." She said.

Finns face dropped when she said she seen him sleeping there, he looked up at her and she was still smiling. "Please" she said.

"Okay, fine. Guys do you wanna hang out with Millie at her house?" Finn asked them all.

"Will her idiot friends be there?" Caleb asked.

"No." Millie laughed a little.

"Fine." They all said.

"Yay!" Millie cheered.

They all walked back to Millie's house and went in the back yard. Dreamer was barking at them all because he didn't know them, Millie laughed and stroked him. Caleb found a soccer ball and kicked it at Finn. They all started playing football and Millie and Sadie were just sat there, Sadie felt really awkward and Millie could tell, so she cut the awkwardness and spoke to her.

"So your name is Sadie." Millie smiled.

"That's me." She said.

"Yeah, I'm Millie." Millie still remained with the bright smile on her face.

"Yeah I know that, Finn was telling me." Sadie let out a little smile.

"Since the boys are occupied, and it's really warm, you should be really hot in that I bet, so... makeover?" Millie said, pulling Sadie in the house and into her bedroom.

"I have a lot of summer clothes, so pick something summer like." Millie said.

"Anything?" Sadie asked, surprised.

"Anything." She smiled.

"Oh gosh!" Sadie said, getting really excited.

Sadie picked out some light pink denim shorts which were high waisted and a white coloured crop top.

"Okay, your going to look amazing in this. Now go shower and I'll get you some of my brand new underwear and stuff so you can use that, your going to look as good as new!" Millie squealed.

Sadie hopped in the shower so Millie ran downstairs where she seen the boys still playing football. She giggled at them and ran down to the basement, where her bags of new clothes were. She picked up some of her new pink and yellow panties and a cute pink bra and some socks just in case Sadie didn't want to wear sandals.


So Sadie and Millie are becoming friends🙈🌸

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