49- cannot believe♡

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I officially don't believe in Love any more, if David and Liza can't stay together, nobody can. My heart is literally broke.

Millie's POV; trigger warning

It's been a week since Finn got drugged, It's settled, Iris and Jacob will have no punishment, which sucked.

Finn was coming back to school today, which I was overly pleased about.

It was raining today, badly. I got out of bed, putting my clothes on, which consisted of some black ripped jeans and a white sweatshirt, I did my makeup and hair, I cuffed my jeans at the bottoms and put on my Gucci trainers.

I couldn't text Finn to ask if he was walking because a few days ago he threw his phone at the wall out of anger, it smashed, so it's getting repaired.

My phone buzzed, it was a text from Caleb.

Caleb❤️; hey, want a ride to school with Sadie Finn and I?

Mills🥑; sure x

Caleb❤️; I'll be round in 5 minutes, listen for a honk x


I got all my stuff ready in my backpack, then I heard a car horn, I walked outside in the rain to see Calebs car, I quickly got in to see Finn, Sadie and Caleb.

"Back to hell we go." Finn rolled his eyes.

"Jacob better hope he doesn't bump into me today." Caleb said as he turned the corner.

"I'll even throw a few punches." I said which made them all laugh.

We pulled into the front of the school, then we got out of the car. We walked into the hallway, when we seen Jacob. Caleb walked to him.

"Fuck." Finn whispered.

"You disgust me." Caleb said, pushing Jacob.

"Chill out man, I did nothing." Jacob rolled his eyes.

"So nothing to you is almost killing my best friend?" Caleb said.

Some 11th Graders walked up to them both, they took Jacobs side, the school surrounded.

One of them punched Jacob, clearly the only one who wasn't taking Jacobs side.

All the boys all started fighting, then all of the other boys joined in. I looked to the floor and seen Caleb getting beat up. Finn must've noticed too.

"Nobody messes with my fucking boy like that." Finn said, running into the crowd and knocking the 11th Grader from him.

Sadie looked at me with her mouth agape. Finn was repeatedly hitting the guy in the face.


I laid on my bed, after an awful day, I was ready to just dose off at any moment. That's until my phone beeped.

Finnie💞👫; hey

Mills💕👫; hi, what's up? xoxo

Finnie💞👫; I just want to thank you for everything you've done for me. I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart and I don't want you to be upset...

Mills💕👫; what are you talking about? Where is this coming from? Although I love you too, you don't want me to be upset about what?

Finnie💞👫; I'm sorry, beautiful. Goodbye.

Finnie💞👫; 💜

I quickly pulled up Joes contact and rang him. What the fuck is going on.

"Answer me damn it." I muttered, I attempted to call Joe again.

It took two calls until he picked up.

"Joe?! Where is Finn?" I asked.

"He just got in the bath about 3 minutes ago, why?" Joe asked.

"Fuck. I need you to bust that door down fast. Ill be right over, I don't have time to explain. Just do it." I said, with tears dripping down my face.

I ran across the road, opening the front door and running upstairs where I heard a load of banging.

The sound of the bath overflowing gave me anxiety, I helped Joe kick the door down, then we bust through the door to see Finn, laid in crimson red water.

"Holy shit!" Joe screamed.

Tears were falling out of my eyes, heavily. I couldn't control them, Mr&Mrs Keery were at work so we didn't even have an adults help either.

"Finn, buddy. Hold on, hold on a little longer, your okay, your strong." I heard joe rambling on to Finn, I called an ambulance.

They told me to apply pressure on the cuts to stop him loosing blood, so we got two towels and put them on each of his wrists, applying pressure.

"Why would he do this millie?" Joe asked with tears dripping down his face, a sight I never thought I'd see.

"I don't know." I said, also crying.

The sound of sirens filled my ears, and before I knew it Finn was taken away.

Leaving me broken, sat staring at the red water Finn was laid in minutes ago.

Why would he do this? Is the only thoughts that crossed my mind.

The love of my life, laid in a pool of blood, dying. Clearly fed up with this earth, I knew he wasn't the happiest of people but I didn't know he was suicidal. I just wish I could of done more to help him.

I should of done more.

I could of done more.

I would of done more.

If he'd of just told me he was hurting.

Now I'm hurting.

Maybe I should just join him.


The end

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