11- Sick ♡

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"Millie, Millie wake up." Maddie shook Millie awake.

"What's up?" Millie asked, rubbing her eyes.

Millie looked at the side of her, Finn wasn't there. "Wait, where is Finn?" She asked.

"That's the problem, Millie we all woke up and he wasn't there anymore." Jack said.

"Did he not leave a note?" Millie asked, getting up.

"He can't write, so he couldn't of wrote a note." Caleb said.

"Caleb!!" Sadie said, smacking him on the arm.

"What?! It's true!" He said.

"Yeah but he's embarrassed about it and you know he doesn't like it when you tell people!" Sadie said.


"Guys I don't think we're gonna find him." Jack said.

It was 10pm and they were still looking for Finn, none of them could find him. They were all walking past the care home when Sadie heard faint but familiar shouting.

"Get the fuck off me! Let me go!"

"Guys! Guys! Listen it's Finn!" Sadie said. Everyone stopped and listened.

Just then Finn burst out of the door of the care home and started running as the care workers chased him. They all starting running and hid while the cars of the care workers drove off.

"Finn! What were you thinking! Where did you go!" Caleb shouted at him.

"This morning I got up and I felt ill, so I went for a walk. When I got to the alley, it was surrounded by social workers, I tried to get away without them seeing me but they seen me and got me. They took me back and wouldn't let me out!" Finn shouted back.

"Do you still feel ill? Are you okay?" Millie asked him.

"A little but I'm good." Finn smiled lightly.

"What's wrong?" Grace asked. "How do you feel ill?"

"It's not-" Finn got cut off by him falling to the floor, he passed out.

"Holy shit! Finn!" Sadie said, shaking him.

"Finn, buddy wake up!" Jack said as he shook him.

"Finn!" Millie said.


They took Finn back to Millie's house and laid him on the sofa, he was still passed out. After about 5 minutes he woke up.

"Huh? Where am I?" He asked, confused as he sat up, really fast.

"Finn, take it slowly don't move fast." Jack said.

"What happened?" Finn asked.

"You passed out." Noah said.

"I'm so hot." Finn said, fanning his face with his hand.

"Hold on." Millie said.

Millie walked into the kitchen and opened the first aid cabinet. She pulled out a boxed thermometer and walked back in the room with it.

"Open your mouth." Millie said, Finn did.

She put the thermometer in his mouth and waited a minute until she pulled it out. The temperature read 102.

"Shit! It's 102." Millie said.

"What does that mean?" Finn asked.

"It means your way above the normal temperature. You need to go to the hospital or something." Millie said.

Finns biggest fear was the hospital, past experiences there were what he hated the most. Every time he stepped foot in there it reminded him of all the negative times he spent in there.

"Finn, are you okay?" Noah asked.

"I can't go to the hospital." Finn said, only Sadie understood why.

"Why not? Finn your going to have to, your really sick." She said.

"No!" Finn said.

"Fine." Millie sighed, knowing she couldn't force him to go.

"Hey mills, is everything okay?" Her moms voice echoed through the phone.

"Yeah mum, everything's good. Maddie and I are having a great time." Millie said. "Oh, and Grace, Jack and Noah joined us today too."

"That's good sweetie. I have some news." Her mom said.

"What is it?" Millie asked.

"We are staying at your aunts house for a month or two. She is really sick and she needs the help from someone. Mrs Harrington will check in on you every day to make sure your okay. I sent 700 dollars through the mail a few days ago. It should be with you within a day." She said.

"Oh, okay. Well I'll miss ya!" Millie said.

"We will miss you too, sugar. See you in 2 months!" She said.

"Bye I love you!" Millie said.

"I love you too hunny, bye bye now." She said.

She ended the phone and Millie walked in the living room where everyone else was, Finn was sleeping and everyone else was watching a movie.

It was a chilled night, but it was fun.

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