14- Fuck you, Iris♡

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Millie woke up and got in the shower, she didn't wash her hair as she already did that the other morning, she let her hair out of the plaits so it was curly.

She put on a white polo shirt with a skirt and black tights with a black cardigan and some all black old skool vans. That was the schools preferred dress style.

She went in the fridge and made herself a sandwich with a bag of chips and a bottle of water for her lunch, she put it in her backpack, then made breakfast, ate it and walked to school.

Finn was the person that was on her mind the most. She couldn't get him off it. Every time she shut her eyes, he'd appear there. With his curly black locks and his beautiful smile and those ever so dark eyes. She missed him like crazy, and it had only been a day.

She walked past Jacks house which was on the way to school, Jack walked out of the house, just as Millie passed.

"Mills!" He shouted, Millie turned round and smiled at him. He ran to her whilst swinging his backpack round his back.

"Have you heard from Finn and the others yet?" He asked.

"No." Millie sighed.

"They won't be gone forever mills, they will come back soon." Jack tried to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, hopefully." She said.

They walked through the school gates and to first period. Millie sat in her regular seat, next to Maddie. About 30 minutes into the lesson the principal walked in.

"Hello, can I take Millie Brown please?" He asked.

Millie stood up and walked with him to his office, 2 people were sat there, the principal motioned for her to sit down so she did.

"Hello. My name is Andy, and this is Charlotte. We work in Nichols Foster Home." Andy said.

Millie had a bad feeling about this.

"We heard about your recent connection with fellow homeless children. Do you know what I'm taking about?" Charlotte asked.

"No, not at all." Millie lied.

"Does the name Finn Wolfhard, ring a bell at all?" Andy asked.

"No. I don't know who Finn Wolfhard is. I don't know what your talking about." Millie lied.

"What about Sadie Sink, Caleb McLaughlin and Gaten Matarazzo?" Charlotte asked.

"No. I don't know any homeless people." Millie lied.

"We aren't here to harm them in any  way, Millie. Understand that please. We are here to take them into the foster home and let them get adopted to get families that care for them. If you cared for them, you'd tell me the truth, and tell me where they are." Andy said.

"Fine, I know them. But I don't know where they are." Millie admitted.

"Are you sure?" Charlotte asked.

"I'm 100% sure." Millie said.


Millie was walking down the hall when she seen Iris coming up to her, Millie walked away and went in the cafeteria and sat with her friends, until Iris walked up to her, again.

"Millie, I'm sorry." Iris said.

"No Iris, you kissed my boyfriend! You can't just expect me to forgive you!" Millie said.

"We kissed because he was jealous because he knew you liked the homeless kid!" Iris shouted, which caused everyone to look.

"No! I didn't like him! I don't like him! He kissed you which means he cheated on me!!" Millie shouted back.

"Your nothing but a stupid slut Millie Brown! I hope you know that!!" Iris shouted.

"Fuck you, Iris!" Millie yelled, slapping Iris straight round the face and walked out of the cafeteria.


Ooooh Millie

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