9-Come on Wolfhard, Keep up♡

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"Aww they're so cute" Gaten whispered.

"Guys shut up you'll wake them up!" Caleb whispered.

They were all staring at Millie and Finn who were laid on the couch, cuddling while sleeping, Millie sat up and realised the position she was in and went bright red.

"Awww your blushing!" Maddie teased.

"I'm not blushing!" Millie said.

Millie turned round and noticed Finn still sleeping next to her. He had his arm lazily around her waist and their legs were tangled together. Millie got out of his grasp which was easy, he wasn't holding on to her tight.

"Let's get water and throw it over him." Millie whispered.

They all tiptoed into the large kitchen and got a bucket. They filled it up with ice cold water and walked into the living room where Finn was still sleeping, they all tipped it over him.

"Fuck." He groaned as he sat up. "What the fuck?!"

They all burst out laughing. Finn was soaking wet.


Everyone got ready, Sadie was wearing Millie's clothes and the boys were wearing her brothers clothes, Millie let Finn cut the ends of the denim trousers off. He pulled the white socks up and put on his high tops. His curly hair draped at the top of his head.

Millie was wearing a baby pink t-shirt with some denim dungarees on with some white converse. She had her short hair in Dutch braids.

"Take a picture, Finn Wolfhard, it will last longer." Millie laughed.

Finn smiled lightly, he had a wave of confidence go through him.

"You look really pretty, Millie." Finn said.

Millie blushed and looked down at her converse. "Thank you, you look good too." She smiled.

Today they were all going to the beach. Jack had broken up with Iris for kissing Jacob, the video was sent to Jack after it was sent to Millie.

Jack, Noah and Grace were going to the beach with them too. They promised they'd be nice to Sadie, Finn, Caleb and Gaten. Millie knew Jack would be nice to them, but she was a little worried about Noah and Grace, but she was hopeful they'd be nice.

They arrived at the beach and met up with Jack, Noah and Grace. Jack smiled at them all, Noah and Grace smiled too, Millie was surprised, but happy.

"Hey I'm Jack." Jack said, shaking finns hand, then Sadies, then Calebs, then Gatens.

"Grace." Grace smiled.

"Noah." Noah said.

"Yeah umm, I'm Finn." Finn said, looking at the floor, then back up at them all.

"Sadie." Sadie said.




Surprisingly they all got along really well, Grace and Finn were running in the sea, Jack, Gaten and Caleb were playing with a soccer ball and Maddie, Millie and Sadie were sunbathing, even though Sadie most probably wouldn't get a tan.

"Come on wolfhard, keep up!" Grace shouted as she ran. 

Finn had flashbacks at that saying, 'come on Wolfhard, keep up.' It was one dear memory of his, one of the ones he could never forget.

Finn, his mom, dad and brother were all on a bike ride, down at the forest, Finn had only just learnt how to ride his bike without the training wheels.

His mom, dad and brother were all in front while Finn was behind, he tried biking faster to them all to catch up.

"Come on Wolfhard, keep up!" His dad said, while looking back at the young curly haired boy who was struggling.

"I'm trying daddy, I just can't do it." Finn said, he stopped and started crying.

"Aww come on Finn, don't worry about it. You can ride on the seat on my bike if you want to." His dad said.

"No I want to ride mine." Finn said. "I'm going to try!"

"Good boy." He smiled.

Finn got on the bike and started riding again but he stopped, his dad also stopped.

"It's not possible!" Finn sighed, putting his tiny hands on his face as he huffed.

"Anything is possible if you keep trying." He said, bopping his nose.

"Finn!" Grace snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Oh um, yeah sorry." He said.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yep I'm good." Finn smiled.

He really wasn't good though, his past was catching up on him, it was ruining what was supposed to be a good day.

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